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Comparable Size facts

While investigating facts about Comparable Size Of New Zealand and Comparable Size Of Greenland, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The largest pyramid north of Mesoamerica is located in Illinois. Covering 13 acres, its footprint is comparible in size to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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Milton Berle, considered America's first TV star, had a massive penis. In his autobiography, Berle tells of a man who accosted him in a steam bath and challenged him to compare sizes, leading a bystander to remark, "go ahead, Milton, just take out enough to win"

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what state is comparable in size to england. Here are 50 of the best facts about Comparable Size Of England and Comparable Size Of Ireland I managed to collect.

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  1. The harpy eagle can grow up to 42 inches long, with a wingspan that can reach 7-and-a-half feet, and 3-4 inch long talons that are comparable to the size of a grizzly bear’s claws.

  2. Pokémon Red and Blue cost approximately 76 million dollars to develop in 1996. The Witcher 3 cost 82 million and has a file size of 50GB compared to Pokémon's 500KB.

  3. Navajo Nation is the largest Native American territory in the United States. They have their own Constitution, with a Judiciary, Legislative, and Executive Branch. If compared to the size of other states, it would be the 42 largest state:

  4. The British Empire at its height was larger than Africa and was even comparable in size to the Moon

  5. Despite its size Australia has a small population (approximately 21,015,576 people) when compared to countries of such large area.

  6. Bats are more efficient in flying than birds due to their multi-jointed wings. Also, bats have larger brain (compared to the rest of the body size) than birds.

  7. Kodkods and domestic cats are of the same size. Besides specific color of the fur, kodkod can be recognized by smaller head, larger feet and much thicker tail (compared to domestic cat).

  8. North America uses different sized paper compared to the rest of the world.

  9. Frigatebird has a wingspan of 7.5 feet. This is the largest wingspan of all birds compared to the body size. Frigatebird can spend entire week in the air (and even take a nap in the air) thanks to its huge wings and ability to use thermals to fly effortlessly.

  10. Snow monkeys vary in size depending on the region they inhabit: animals in the southern parts are smaller compared to the animals living in the colder, northern regions of Japan. On average, snow monkeys weigh between 25 and 40 pounds and reach 20 to 23 inches in length.

comparable size facts
What us state is comparable in size to italy?

Comparable Size data charts

For your convenience take a look at Comparable Size figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

comparable size fact data chart about Area of land burnt in Australia compared to the size of Irel
Area of land burnt in Australia compared to the size of Ireland.

comparable size fact data chart about Comparing average house size in US to Europe, 1950-2015
Comparing average house size in US to Europe, 1950-2015

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Blesbok has medium-sized body and short tail which ends with black tuft. Both males and females have S-shaped, spiral horns that can reach 14 to 20 inches in length. Females have more slender horns (compared to males).

Kepler also discovered a formula that compared the size of each planet's sphere to the size of its orbital period: moving from the inner planets to the outer planets, the ratio of increase in the orbital period is twice the difference in the orb's radius.

Both ovaries of female kiwis are functional (other birds have only left ovary) and they lay huge eggs. One egg is sized as 20% of the female's body. When comparing egg to body ratio, kiwi produces bigger eggs than ostriches. In some species, male sits on the egg until it hatches.

Liberian mongoose can be distinguished from other species of mongoose by larger body size, pointed head and longer ears. Liberian mongoose also has more teeth (40 instead 36), but they are smaller in size compared to other species of mongoose.

Hummingbirds are very intelligent animals. They have larger brain size (compared to the rest of the body) than other birds. Their brain weights 4.2% of the hummingbird total body weight.

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Liger has broad head with huge mouth, size of a human shoulder. Its body is lion-like, while tail is like that of a tiger. Most male ligers have manes which are slightly smaller compared with the manes of lions.

It is believed that because of its large size and body composition the Brontosaurus likely moved fairly slowly when compared to many other dinosaur species.

That, although ostrich eggs are the largest eggs in the world, they are actually the smallest compared to the size of the bird laying them.

Cloud leopard has the largest canines (when compared to the body size) in the feline world. They can be 2 inches long.

Eyes of tarsiers have 0.63 inches in diameter. Each eye is heavier than the brain. They have the largest eyes (compared to the body size) of all mammals.

Marsh frog can reach 4.7 to 7 inches in length and 0.4 to 0.5 ounces of weight. Marsh frog is the largest species of frog in Europe (compared with other native species of frog). Males are much smaller than females (2/3 of their size).

Comparable size infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Comparable Size numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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Comparing the sizes of Netflix-related Subreddits

comparable size fact infographic about Analysis of over 750,000 boxing matches shows southpaw fight

Analysis of over 750,000 boxing matches shows southpaw fighters win about 4% more bouts. They're also much more average in size compared to fighters with orthodox stances

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Despite its large size, bushmaster has the smallest swallowing capacity (compared to other snakes) in the world. Its diet is based mostly on small mammals (such as rodents) and birds.

The world's first dog lived 31,700 years ago. In shape, this Paleolithic dog most resembled the Siberian husky but in size was somewhat larger, comparable to large shepherd dogs.

While only being roughly the size of North Carolina, the island of Java sustains a population of 141 million. Comparatively the population of Japan is 145.9 million and three times the size in area.

Squirrel monkeys are one of the cleverest monkeys. They have very large brains compared to their body size.

The Kinsey institute estimates the average penis length is between 5 and 6.5 inches; circumference between 4 to 5 inches. Interestingly, during interviews with over 4,000 men, there was an *underestimation* of their penis size compared with actual measurements. Most thought they were smaller.

If the distance between the Sun and Neptune was shrunk down to the size of an American quarter, the Milky Way would be the size of the United States, compared to that quarter.

The Lusitania is often compared to the Titanic. The two ships were both four funnel steamers and close to the same size and design and they both tragically sunk, killing most people on board.

Females give birth to 4 to 12 live babies usually from January to April. Larger females give birth to more babies compared to small-sized females.

There are three types of Golden Retriever that differ in size and color of the fur. British Golden Retriever has broader skull and lighter fur compared with other two types. American Golden Retriever is less muscular than the British and Canadian, while Canadian Golden Retriever is the tallest.

Kiwifruit contains two times more vitamin C than oranges. It is also rich source of vitamin E and K. Compared to other fruits kiwi offers the greatest amount of vitamins and fibers per gram of fruit. Medium-sized kiwifruit contains only 46 calories.

Reduction in the size of ears (compared with other species of hares) represents adaptation to the life in very cold climate (short ears radiate less heat to the environment than large ears).

China actually exports very little compared to the size of their population, having a per capita export lower than over 70 other nations. The US exports more than twice per person what the Chinese do, and Germany exports more than 10 times per person what the Chinese do.

Michelangelo's Statue of David and in fact most of his other statues have disproportionate size of head and hands compared to the rest of the body because they were built to be placed at the top of the cathedrals, hence they were meant to be viewed from below.

Mouflons have large, spiral horns that can reach 25 inches in length. Females of certain subspecies also have horns, but they are much smaller compared to the size of horns in males.

Lettered bra cup sizes are measures of how proportionally large a woman's bust is compared to her frame, not how large the bust is on its own

Parents in the early 1900s had their kids' enlarged thymus glands irradiated (causing cancer years later). Doctors said the enlarged gland caused sudden infant death syndrome. But the normal-sized glands only *seemed* large compared to those of poor cadavers, shrunken by the stress of poverty.

The size limitations of human vaginas is the reason newborns are so helpless compared to other newborn animals.

The Greenland shark, which is comparable in size to great whites, swims "at the speed of a crawling baby". This has led to a theory that in order to prey on seals, the sharks have to ambush them whilst the seals are asleep

Primates, including humans, burn half as many calories as other mammals of comparable size

The Anna hummingbird, when adjusted for body size, is the world's fastest bird. It travels an average of 385 times its size per second, compared to the peregrine falcon's 200. It can also pull up to 10g's during maneuvers.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Comparable Size. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Comparable Size so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor