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Comic Sans facts

While investigating facts about Comic Sans Font and Comic Sans Meme, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2014 original "Top Model" winner Adrianne Curry fended off an attacker with a bull whip while dressed as Catwoman at San Diego Comic Con

how to write in comic sans?

While Comic Sans is hated by many people, it is very helpful for those with dyslexia. The irregular shape of letters in Comic Sans allows those with dyslexia to be able to read the letters properly.

What's wrong with comic sans?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what the sans refers to in comic sans. Here are 50 of the best facts about Comic Sans Generator and Comic Sans Font Download I managed to collect.

what's comic sans?

  1. A study showed reading text in a font slightly more difficult to read (ex: Comic Sans) found students remembered more than reading in easier fonts (ex: Arial)

  2. In 2005 canadians campaigned to ban comic sans

  3. The Netherlands celebrate Comic Sans day every first Friday of July. Some Dutch companies even change their website font to Comic Sans for the day.

  4. People are less inclined to believe a statement is true when it is written in Comic Sans compared to five other fonts.

  5. Watchmen, considered one of the greatest graphic novels of all-time, also inspired the infamous typeface, comic sans.

  6. Comic Sans is based on the lettering in Watchmen

  7. Even the typographer who designed Comic Sans only used it once, and that was to send a letter to Sky for his broadband problem.

  8. The much maligned 'Comic Sans' font was inspired by the font in the graphic novel 'Watchmen.'

comic sans facts
What the sans refers to in comic sans crossword?

Why comic sans is the best font?

You can easily fact check why comic sans is a bad font by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is a typewriter that types only in Comic Sans, called the "Sincerity Machine"

Comic Sans was created for Microsoft Bob. A designer who had worked on child-oriented fonts felt Times New Roman was too formal for the younger users, so he based his work on comic books, specifically, The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen. While too late to be used in Bob, 3D Movie Maker used it - source

The term "Comic Con" is a registered trademark owned by San Diego Comic Con and they have forced other comic cons such as Salt Lake Comic Con to change their names. - source

When was comic sans created?

Earlier versions of Comic Sans had an eye in the Euro sign. This was later removed because 'The EU was going to sue us over that'

How to use comic sans in html?

Adam Savage’s replica Indiana Jones Sankara Stones were stolen at a San Diego Comic-Con party in 2015 and have never been recovered.

When trying to learn/retain information, Comic Sans font performs better than "normal" fonts.

Comic Sans was inspired by the lettering style used in Watchmen

In 2011, researchers from Princeton showed that using Comic Sans and Bodoni fonts in teaching materials improved retention of facts by students. This is an example of cognitive disfluency, a pedagogical concept that claims making material harder to learn improves recall and retention.

There is a war memorial in Geffen, Netherlands that used the font Comic Sans. After many complaints about the chosen typeface being inappropriate, it was eventuality changed.

When to use comic sans?

Comic book artist Dave Gibbons, whose work inspired the design of Comic Sans, abhors the font - saying that he "think(s) it's a blight, an absolute blight on modern culture."

When the CERN team announced the Higgs boson findings, they presented their slides in Comic Sans.

Microsoft bob operating system, a complete failure and the reason comic sans exists

A 2004 special-edition Canadian twenty-five-cent coin was put in circulation by the Canadian Mint in 2004, which featured a goofy-looking caribou and used the COMIC SANS font.

Despite a universal dislike for it, the font Comic Sans has become highly regarded by those who work with dyslexic children - one of the better uses for which it was never intended.

Hey kid how's it going i'm sans the comic lyrics?

Veteran comic book artist/writer Jim Steranko (Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.) once "bitch-slapped" Batman co-creator Bob Kane in the middle of San Diego Comic-Con.

Comic sans was inspired by comic book lettering from The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen

The Euro (€) sign was designed in Comic Sans to have to include a 'watching eye' only to later to be removed out of fear of legal action from the EU

NASA has officially approved Comic Sans as a font for children's teaching materials

Comic Sans was commissioned by Melinda Gates

One of Microsoft's biggest software failures of all time was MS Bob -- an application designed to make the OS more user friendly for those who were computer illiterate. Parts of it still remain today in the form of XP's Rover the Search Dog and a font that so many love to hate... Comic Sans.

Comic Sans was created for Microsoft Bob but not used in Bob

The Euro symbol in Comic Sans was going to have a cute cartoon eye, but it was removed because "The EU was going to sue us over that".

Comic sans font was designed to be easier to read for people with dyslexia.

Canada has an official coin that uses the Comic Sans font.

Greece's Application for Schengen Visa is entirely in Comic Sans.

A study made by Princeton University in 2010 did show that 'hard to read' or ugly fonts like Comic Sans increase readers’ retention of information,

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Comic Sans. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Comic Sans so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor