Coin Minted facts
While investigating facts about Coin Minted Meaning and Coin Minted In Florence, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The price of a bottle of Coca-Cola stayed at a nickel for over 70 years. As a result, vending machines only took nickels, and before raising prices to a dime the president of the company asked President Eisenhower to mint 7.5 cent coins to keep the increase reasonable.
how to tell where a coin was minted?
There are no U.S. quarters with 1975 as the mint year because commemorative 1976 bicentennial quarters were being minted early in anticipation of collectors snatching the coins from circulation
What is a minted coin?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the first coin minted in the united states. Here are 50 of the best facts about Coin Minted In Winnipeg and Coin Minted In India I managed to collect.
what does minted coin mean?
In 1953, Coca Cola attempted to persuade the US Treasury to mint a 7.5 cent coin; a can of Coke had been a nickel since 1886 and needed to be raised due to inflation, but they felt a dime was too much.
Canada once minted a $1 million dollar coin, which was promptly stolen and never found.
No coin minted by the United States has a numerical amount written on it, which makes it hard for people unfamiliar with the coins to know their value
A bottle of Coca-Cola cost one nickel (5 cents) between 1886 and 1959. The price remained fixed with very little fluctuation. In 1953, Coca-Cola approached the US Treasury to request minting a 7.5 cent coin.
The Australian Mint produced a "Han Solo in carbonite" 1 oz. silver coin.
If the US used a dollar coin instead of a bill it would save $5.5 billion over 30 years. It mints dollar coins, but unlike other developed countries, won't remove the bill from circulation, possibly due to lack of support by Federal Reserve.
One proposed solution to the US debt ceiling crisis of 2012 was the minting of a 1 trillion dollar coin that would be used to pay off the country's debt.
In 2013 a California couple discovered a trove of gold coins in their backyard while walking their dog. Tucked away in eight buried cans were 1,427 rare mint-condition coins dating from 1847 to 1894. A rare coin expert who represents the finders, appraised the U.S. coins at $11 million.
A man bet his brother he could gather 1 million pennies. It took 30 years, but the man won the bet! However, neither the U.S. Mint, the U.S. Comptroller of Currency, coin collectors nor the local bank will cash in his $10k stash without a charge.
The Royal Canadian Mint created a coin with the face value of $1 Million. The coin itself is made of 99.99% gold and weighs over 220 lbs.
Coin Minted data charts
For your convenience take a look at Coin Minted figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about coin minted?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
It costs approximately 1.6 cents to make 1 penny, as a result the mint loses around $55 million just on the production of these coins
The Royal Canadian Mint created a giant, million-dollar coin from nearly pure gold. It was stolen from a museum in Berlin in March, when the market price of the gold was nearly 4 times the coin's face value. - source
For a 20 year period in the mid-1800's, the US Mint issued a three cent coin, or "trime" - source
In the '80s Susan B. Anthony dollars were so unpopular the US Mint had to keep $500 million worth of the coins in storage because there was no demand to circulate them.
In 1950 Louis Eliasberg completed the first and only complete U.S. coin collection - one of every date, metal, denomination, and mint mark ever struck as of that year - source
When billy flips a coin it appears to be different?
After Brutus helped kill Caesar, he minted coins celebrating the murder.
How can you tell where a coin was minted?
In '53, Coca Cola attempted to boost vending machine profits by asking the US Treasury to mint a 7.5 cent coin; that failing, they then briefly implemented "official blanks" where 1 in every 9 vended bottles would be empty
Disney and Star Wars coins have been minted by Niue and are legal tender in the country.
The reason you find so many 1964 nickels is that people thought that was the last year they contained silver so people hoarded them. The mints struck more coins to make up for the shortage. In reality, they were just made of nickel.
King Farouk of Egypt received the only 1933 Double Eagle (20 USD) gold coin released to the public from the Philadelphia Mint. Following his death, it was stored in the World Trade Center and several months before 9/11, it was moved to Fort Knox.