Coffee Beans facts
While investigating facts about Coffee Beans Online and Coffee Beans Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Coffee Flour. Made from Coffee cherries, the discarded fruit surrounding the coffee bean. Gluten free, high in fibre and protein, and produced from a source which is currently being discarded at a rate around 75% of production.
how coffee beans are made?
Ethiopians cannot enjoy the highest quality coffee produced in their own country, which is the birthplace of coffee. The government only allows lower-quality beans to be sold on the domestic market, in order to promote exports and obtain a harder foreign currency.
What coffee beans to buy?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what coffee beans for espresso. Here are 50 of the best facts about Coffee Beans Types and Coffee Beans Aldi I managed to collect.
what coffee beans does starbucks use?
Starbucks spends more money on health insurance for its employees than on coffee beans.
Scientists in Portugal found a way to ferment coffee beans into 80 proof booze, destroying the caffeine in the process
Coffee was originally a food, not a drink. Early East African tribes mixed the coffee berries (the unhulled bean) with animal fat, forming the first 'power bars'.
Coffee was discovered in Ethiopia, when the goat herder Kaldi noticed his goats dancing after eating the beans.
Black Ivory Coffee, the most expensive coffee in the world, is made by feeding coffee beans to elephants then picking the beans out of their droppings. The fermentation process inside the elephant is said to help remove the coffee's bitterness.
Dark roast coffee has less caffeine than light roast coffee. The coffee beans lose more caffeine the more they are roasted.
At the start of the Civil War the Union issued "essence of coffee," a mix of boiled coffee, milk, and sugar that was reconstituted with water, as a time saving measure. The soldiers refused to drink it, and whole roasted coffee beans were again issued
According to legend, coffee was invented by an Ethiopian goatherd named Kaldi, who noticed goats became more energetic after eating certain berries. When a local cleric tried to burn the berries, Kaldi pulled the beans from the embers and ground them in hot water, making the first cup of coffee.
Kopi Luwak is a type of coffee made of coffee beans that passed through digestive system of Asian palm civet (extracted from its feces). With a price of 100 dollars per pound, Kopi Luwak is one of the most expensive types of coffee in the world.
The Starbucks company provides health care to any employee that works more than 20 hours a week, which equals roughly $300 million a year in health care costs. This is more money than the company spends on coffee beans each year.
Coffee Beans data charts
For your convenience take a look at Coffee Beans figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why coffee beans oily?
You can easily fact check why coffee beans are roasted by examining the linked well-known sources.
Beethoven would count out, one-by-one, precisely 60 beans to make his morning cup of coffee
There are over 25 million small scale coffee bean growers relying on their farms to make a living around the world.
Harold Schultz changed the company from selling coffee beans to also selling brewed coffee when he bought it. Prior to 1987 it had been selling only roasted coffee beans and equipment.
The valve on most roasted coffee bags is a one way valve to let out C02 released by the beans as well as keep out oxygen and humidity that would degrade the shelf life.
Located in the jungles of Thailand are elephants that are fed coffee beans. 15-30 hours later they excrete the beans in their dung and it is harvested to make the most expensive coffee in the world - called Black Ivory Coffee.
When coffee beans are oily?
As a result of the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the world stopped the majority of imports of coffee from Brazil, so in 1932 they used coffee beans as fuel for locomotives
How coffee beans grow?
The world's 8th largest coffee producer is Peru. Peru is also the 5th largest Arabica bean producer.
Agriculture is important to the economy of the Ivory Coast. Major exports include palm oil, coffee, and cocoa beans. Fishing and forestry are also important to the country's economy.
The word "coffee" is derived from the Arabic language and means "wine of the bean".
Black Ivory Coffee is a brand of coffee produced in Northern Thailand from Arabica coffee beans consumed by elephants and collected from their feces. It is among the world's most expensive coffees, at US$1,100 per kilo
Francisco Palheta was sent to French Guiana on a diplomatic mission to obtain the first coffee beans for plantation in Brazil. He succeeded by seducing the governor's wife, who gave him a bouquet with seeds. By the 1920s, Brazil accounted for 90% of global coffee production.