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Clouded Leopard facts

While investigating facts about Clouded Leopard Cub and Clouded Leopard National Park, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Clouded leopards spend majority of their life on trees. They are agile climbers, able to jump from one branch to another in a split of a second (especially when they hunt the prey). Long tail is used for balancing while climbing.

how to draw a clouded leopard?

Wildlife that can be found living in Khao Yai National Park include wild elephants, Asiatic elephants, Sambar deer, black water monitors, Malayan porcupines, black giant squirrels, moustached barbets, green-eared barbets, Indian muntjacs, great hornbills, chestnut-headed bee-eaters, northern pig-tailed macaques, red-headed trogons, green-legged partridges, Siamese firebacks, Asian fairy bluebirds, guars, otters, bears, leopard cats, marbled cats, clouded leopards, golden cats, and Vogel's pit vipers. A tiger has not been seen in the park in over 10 years.

What do clouded leopards eat?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a clouded leopard. Here are 25 of the best facts about Clouded Leopard Teeth and Clouded Leopard Iucn I managed to collect.

what clouded leopards eat?

  1. The Clouded Leopard has the largest canine teeth-to-body ratio of any cat, and is referred to as "the modern sabre tooth"

  2. Just like in other cats, clouded leopards have retractable claws (that can be pulled inside the paw). By exposing the claws only when they are needed, clouded leopards keep their claws sharp.

  3. Main predators of red panda are: leopard, clouded leopard and wild dogs.

  4. Clouded leopards have short legs and strong paws with flexible joints, designed for climbing on the trees.

  5. Young clouded leopards drink mother's milk during 9 months, but they will include solid food (meat) in diet as soon as they reach age of 10 weeks. Sexual maturity will be reached between second and third year of life.

  6. Clouded leopard marks its territory with urine and via scratch marks on the trees.

  7. Color of the fur provides camouflage and clouded leopard easily blends in its surroundings.

  8. Clouded leopard is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet depends on the habitat and availability of the prey. Rodents, monkeys, wild boars, squirrels, porcupines, birds, deer and cattle are normal part of its diet.

  9. Cloud leopard has the largest canines (when compared to the body size) in the feline world. They can be 2 inches long.

  10. Clouded leopards are territorial animals. Size of territory can range from 50 to 120 square miles.

clouded leopard facts
What does a clouded leopard look like?

Why clouded leopard is important?

You can easily fact check why are clouded leopards going extinct by examining the linked well-known sources.

Clouded leopard is named after beautifully colored fur. Yellow, brown or grey fur is covered with cloud-shaped dark brown spots that are outlined with black color.

Southeast Asia's clouded leopard is considered the evolutionary link between the four big cats (lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars) and domesticated house cats - source

Animals found in Khao Sok include the Asian elephant, Malayan tapirs, marbled cats, wild boars, clouded leopards, Asiatic wild dogs, gibbons, mouse-deer, porcupines, macaques, serows, sun bears, sambar deer, bantengs, guars, and the Asian black bear. Tigers are occasionally seen in the park but none have been spotted for a long time.

Among the 8 species of big cats aka 'roaring cats', such as lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards, only the clouded and snow leopard purrs.

Clouded leopard is a medium sized cat. It can reach 36 inches in length and 28 pounds of weight. Tail can be 30 inches long.

When did the formosan clouded leopard become extinct?

Clouded leopard is nocturnal (active at night) animal that hunts its prey both on the trees and on the ground. After the meal, cloud leopard rests high in the trees.

How many clouded leopards are left?

Clouded leopard can survive up to 17 years in captivity. Lifespan in the wild is unknown.

Pregnancy lasts between 83 and 95 days and ends with 1 to 5 cubs. Babies are blind at birth and have 5 to 6 ounces.

Clouded leopard does not have mating season in the wild. In captivity, clouded leopards mate from December to March.

The male Clouded Leopard is extremely aggressive when mating, sometimes biting the female on the neck hard enough to sever her vertebrate.

The Formosan clouded leopard from Taiwan, was thought to be extinct until this photo was taken 2 days ago. The last time one was seen was in 1983

When was the clouded leopard discovered?

A rare Taiwanese leopard has been seen for the first time after 30 years. However, many scientists believe that not all species are going extinct. This belief has been recently confirmed, when a rare Taiwanese clouded leopard was seen after it has been claimed extinct.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Clouded Leopard. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Clouded Leopard so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor