Incredible and fun facts to explore

Close Proximity facts

While investigating facts about Close Proximity Meaning and Close Proximity Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:

7% of men suffer from paruresis, an anxiety disorder that means you can't pee if other people are in close proximity.

how far is close proximity?

323 reindeer were killed in a single lightning storm in Norway. Reindeer huddle together in bad weather, and their close proximity explains why so many were killed at once.

What does close proximity mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is close proximity. Here are 22 of the best facts about Close Proximity Crossword Clue and Close Proximity Synonym I managed to collect.

what close proximity means?

  1. During the early stages of filming Happy Days, Fonzie was not allowed to wear his iconic leather jacket unless he was in close proximity to his bike. This was because the censors said it made him look like a 'hoodlum'. It was replaced by a white windbreaker.

  2. Your left boob is usually bigger than the right because of it's close proximity to the heart.

  3. Australian child murderer, psychopath & pedophile Nicole Louise Pearce (born Paul Luckman) underwent gender-reassignment at state expense while incarcerated, was paroled in 1999 against the advice of majority professional opinion and repeatedly relocated to within close proximity of children

  4. Walnut tree has strong and deep taproot. It produces chemicals (called juglones) which prevent growth of other plants in the close proximity to the tree.

  5. The Giant Void, a region of space 1.3 billion light years across, with only 17 galaxy clusters in relatively close proximity to each other

  6. Alabama experiences some of the hottest summer in the United States, especially in the southern parts of the state which are in close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. The southern tip of Alabama is Gulf of Mexico shoreline.

  7. The Westermarck Effect which explains why incest is unnatural for most humans. It posits that people who live in close domestic proximity during the first few years of their lives become desensitized to sexual attraction. In part from studying children raised communally in Kibbutzim.

  8. As the Iroquois were in close proximity to the St. Lawrence River they fished for food as well. Several types of fish were available in the river including bass, trout, and salmon.

  9. Since 2011, 100+ residents of a remote Kazakhstan village have experienced a mysterious illness which causes suffers to sleep for days at a time. The village, which has since been evacuated, is close in proximity to an abandoned Soviet-Era uranium mine.

  10. An 84-year-old engineer named Don Bateman has saved more lives than any individual in the history of modern commercial aviation by developing the Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System, which tells pilots when they’re too close to a mountain.

close proximity facts
What is considered close proximity?

Why is it beneficial to have the heart and lungs in close proximity?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

During the Cold War, the FBI and Air Force created "Operation Washtub." Due to Alaska's close proximity to the Soviet Union, US intelligence experts were concerned that it was vulnerable to attack. The plan was to recruit Alaskan citizens and train them as a guerilla force of spies.

The Roman Army administered an eye test using the middle tail star of the Big Dipper, Mizar, and a star in close proximity, Alcor. If you could distinguish between the two stars you were deemed to have good eye sight and would become an archer. If not, you were placed in infantry. - source

The leading FBI suspect on the post 9/11 Anthrax attacks was obsessed with Kappa Kappa Gamma, and many of his mailing drop off were within close proximity of KKG sorority houses. - source

Andorra is one of the smallest countries in Europe. It is located among the high mountains of the Pyrenees region within close proximity to Spain and France.

Some scientists believe women don't actually "synchronise" when in close proximity but it is more likely to just be random chance. - source

When you are not in close proximity to a friend?

The height of buildings in downtown San Diego is limited to 500 feet by the FAA. This is due to the close proximity of San Diego International Airport, which has planes fly directly over the city when landing, and buildings any higher could cause collisions.

How to close proximity sensor?

Kennon Hernandez, an electrician in Belize, died after trying to fly a kite with copper wire in close proximity to power lines.

There's a town in West Virginia where Wi-Fi, cell phones, and radios are banned because of its close proximity to the world's largest radio telescope

The Menstrual synchrony, also called the McClintock effect, is an alleged process whereby women who begin living together in close proximity experience their menstrual cycle onsets (the onset of menstruation or menses) becoming more synchronized together in time than when previously living apart

About a musical genre that remixes popular songs using MIDI files to produce large numbers of notes (i.e. millions or billions). Since there are so many notes in such close proximity with one another, the traditional music score appears black. Black MIDI artists are called 'Blackers'.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Close Proximity. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Close Proximity so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor