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Clock Tower facts

While investigating facts about Clock Tower Osrs and Clock Tower Makkah, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In Back to the Future, the theatre in the background behind the clock tower shows "Orgy American Style" being shown. This is an actual porno from 1973. The male star from that porno played Red the Bum in the film, calling Marty a crazy drunk driver when returns to the present.

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Pennies are used to adjust the time in London's Big Ben clock tower. A single penny can change the pendulum's centre of mass and alter the time by 0.4s per day.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering the clock tower at whistler. Here are 42 of the best facts about Clock Tower Cars and Clock Tower Mecca I managed to collect.

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  1. Big Ben Clock Towers time is kept accurate by adding or removing pennies on its pendulum changing the clock's speed by +/- 0.4 seconds per day

  2. The "Tower of the Winds" (in Athens) is considered to be the first ever meteorological station. It features eight sundials, a water clock and a wind vane

  3. Surveyors have found that the clock tower at the Palace of Westminster( BIG BEN ) has developed a tilt. Experts says even though the tilt is visible to the naked eye, at its current speed, it would take some 4,000 years to reach the angle of the Leaning Tower of PISA.

  4. Charles Whitman, who killed 16 and wounded 32 in the famous 1966 Austin clock tower shootings, had a burial with full military honors and his casket was draped in the American flag

  5. A clock in a tower at Hiroshima University stopped at 8:15 (the time of the Atomic Bombing) 3 days before the bombing.

  6. "Big Ben" isn't the clock towers real name. It's "Elizabeth Tower" since 2012. Before that it was just "The Clock Tower".

  7. The clock face on the north side of the Bergen auf Rügen church tower shows 61 minutes

  8. There is a prayer room accessible by the world's tallest chairlift in the crescent located at the tip of the 601m Mecca Clock Tower

  9. London is home to Big Ben, the bell in the famous clock tower. The Tower is actually called the Elizabeth Tower.

  10. Big Ben is really only the bell, although many people refer to the clock, the tower, and the bell as Big Ben.

clock tower facts
What's clock tower?

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You can easily fact check why does my app have a clock next to it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The largest clock in the world (43 metres in diameter) is located in Mecca on the biggest clock tower in the world, Abraj Al Bait, which is 6 times taller than Big Ben.

On August 1, 1966, Charles Whitman climbed the clock tower at the University of Austin Texas and gunned down 49 people, killing 16. In an autopsy requested by the perpetrator in his suicide note, a small brain tumor was discovered which may have contributed to his actions. - source

The Guiness World Record for largest timepiece goes to a "clock" with a diameter of 1.75 miles consisting of a 48-feet tower acting as a sundial during the day and three lasers during the night. - source

The Balmoral Hotel clock tower in Edinburgh runs 3 minutes fast to encourage people to be on time to the nearby train station. It returns to proper time on Hogmanay. - source

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Big Ben is not the name of the clock tower, but the bell inside

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Adding/removing a single penny to the 300kg pendulum in Big Ben's clock tower adjusts the clock's speed (and therefore time) by 0.4 seconds per day

In Roodhouse, Illinois, there is a clock tower that chimes the marine hymn.

Between 2004-12 Saudi Binladin Group built "Towers of the House", the world's second tallest building at 601m. Right next to the Sacred Mosque in Mecca, its four-sided clock can be read from 25km away, each face contains 2,000,000 LEDs and says above it: God is the Greatest.

The time on Independence Hall’s bell tower clock on the $100 bill reads 4:10, despite the 2:22 plot device used in the film "National Treasure". The time on the newer bill was changed to 10:30, which seems to be a time of no historical significance

Interesting facts about clock tower

About an experiment done in 1962 by 2 scientists using a water tower and 2 clocks to observe a phenomenon Einstein called time dilation.

There was a blazing fire at the Universal Studios vault and backlot. The fire destroyed 2 blocks of sets including the clock tower featured in "Back to the Future". Many original film reels were destroyed as well.

The original "Back to the Future" ending was to have Marty McFly driving back to 1985 through a nuclear test site explosion instead of the clock tower's lightning strike. The scene was scrapped for being too expensive, as filming went overbudget and it had to be shot in the desert outside L.A.

In Back to the Future, going back to 1985 was originally driving towards the nuclear explosion from a nuclear test site instead of a lighting from the Clock Tower

L in London, Big Ben, Elizabeth Tower, St. Stephen's Tower, the Clock Tower, and the East Tower are all common names for the same place.

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In Back to the Future, the original ending was supposed to have Marty driving 88 mph into the nuclear explosion in a nuclear test site instead of the bolt of lightning from the Clock Tower.

The replay of the clock tower fall in Project A is actually a different take!

Most interesting iconic, and visually stunning clock towers - Turning back the hands of time is a bit trickier when the minute hand measures over 14 feet long and is suspended nearly 300 feet in the air !

Edinburgh's Balmoral Hotel, close to Waverley Train Station, has its tower clock permanently set ahead 3 minutes, so that people will be tricked to come earlier and board their trains on time

Private citizens with their own rifles aided the police by firing on Charles Whitman in the University of Texas Clock Tower shooting. Pinning Whitman down and eliminating his continued attack on his victims.

Big Ben is not the name of the clock tower in Westminster, but the name of the bell inside of it. The name of the clock tower is Schweizer Tower.

The Westminster Quarters (the four note chime that plays on some doorbells and a lot of clock towers) actually has words to it.

Allen Crumb, an armed private citizen, was one of the heroes that helped stop Charles Whitman at the Austin Clock Tower Shooting of 1966

Tim Cook broke into the Auburn clock tower with his friends and tried to change the song the bells chimed every hour

The original "Back to the Future" ending was to have Marty McFly driving back to 1985 through a nuclear test site explosion instead of the clock tower's lightning strike. It was scrapped for being too expensive, as filming went overbudget and that it had to be shot in the desert outside L.A.

Big Ben is the name of the bell inside the tower (St. Stephen's Tower, renamed Elizabeth Tower in 2012), and not the building or the clock (simply known as the Great Clock) itself.

The famous clock tower ‘Big Ben’ is actually named ‘Elizabeth Tower’.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Clock Tower. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Clock Tower so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor