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Clause Contract facts

While investigating facts about Clause Contract Meaning and Clause Contract Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There is a specific clause in The Simpsons' contract that the network can't give notes, make cuts or exert creative control over episodes, meaning the producers have free rein to poke fun of FOX itself.

how to reference a contract clause?

Actress Kate Mara is the great-granddaughter of both Tim Mara (founder of the NY Giants) and Art Rooney (founder of the Pittsburgh Steelers). Her acting contracts have a clause stating that if any of these teams make it to the Super Bowl, she will attend the game before work.

What is a clause in a contract?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a force majeure clause in a contract. Here are 50 of the best facts about Clause Contract Example and Clause Contract Define I managed to collect.

a safety clause in a listing contract means what?

  1. The Beatles had a specific clause in their contract that stated that they would not ever have to play for a segregated audience.

  2. William Shatner directed 'Star Trek V: The Final Frontier' because of a clause in his contract dating back to the original series ensuring that whatever Leonard Nimoy got—he did too. So after Nimoy directed 'Star Trek IV', Shatner insisted that he get a turn at directing a movie.

  3. The Wu-Tang Clan left a clause in the sale contract of "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin" that allowed any of the members -and/or actor Bill Murray - to reclaim ownership rights to the album by stealing it, without fear of legal repercussions.

  4. Adidas has a clause in its contract that says they could terminate the deal if the player ‘belonged to any organisation or association which represents the principles of L. Ron Hubbard (i.e Scientology)

  5. Lobster was so plentiful in the 1800s that Massachusetts servants demanded a clause in their contracts to prevent being fed it more than 3 times a week

  6. When Micheal Jordan signed his first professional contract it came with a unique clause allowing participation in competitive off-season pickup games. Specifically, this clause allowed for Jordan's "Love of the game" (a desire to play anywhere, anytime), regardless of potential liability.

  7. Michael Jordan had a "love of the game" clause in his contract, allowing him to play basketball against anyone, anytime and anywhere.

  8. Samuel Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that allows him to play golf during film shoots whenever he wants.

  9. Kate Mara has a clause in her film contracts that allows her to attend the Super Bowl if either the Steelers or the Giants make it on account of her mother's family owning the Steelers and her father's owning the Giants.

  10. Van Halen's "no brown M&Ms" clause was to check that venues had adhered to the safety standards in the contract. If there were brown M&Ms, it was a tell tale sign they had not.

clause contract facts
What is a sunset clause in a contract?

What is true about clause contract?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, added a clause to his contract with Paramount specifying that if anyone actually made a functioning tricorder, they’d have automatically earned the right call it a tricorder if they wanted to.

The reason Van Halen had the "No brown M&Ms" clause was to ensure the promoter had read every single word in the contract, for the band and crew's safety. - source

The two biggest private prison organizations in the US have clauses in their contracts that require the prisons to stay at least 90% full at all times. - source

Sarah Jessica Parker had a no nudity contract clause while working on "Sex and the City." She was the only one of the four leading actresses not to do nude scenes.

Michael Jordan had a contract clause called "For the Love of the Game" allowing him to play pick up games whenever he wanted to. - source

When the contract is approved is an example of a(n) clause?

Michael Jordan Had a "Love of the Game" clause in his Bulls contract that allowed him to play anywhere, anytime - an allowance that would be almost unheard of today

How to write a breach of contract clause?

Van Halen contracts contained a clause calling for "no brown m&m's", which allowed them to cancel a show if one was found, and only existed to guarantee that the contract was read and followed

William Frawley, who played Fred Mertz in I Love Lucy, was such an avid Yankees fan that his DesiLu contract contained a clause allowing him to skip work if the Yanks were playing in the World Series.

Werner Klemperer, who played the bumbling Col. Klink on Hogan's Heroes, had a clause in his contract stipulating that Klink would always be portrayed as a fool, and never be victorious over Hogan, or he would quit the show.

Kate Mara has a clause in her contract, stating if either Giants or Steelers are in the Superbowl she gets that day off

When the time is of the essence clause is in the contract?

Robin Williams actually had clauses written into his contracts for movies that a certain portion of the crew on set had to be composed of homeless people

A family got out of a binding arbitration clause by submitting a contract addendum with a renewal check. Depositing the check constituted agreement to the new contract terms.

Tony Sirico, the actor with a criminal background that portrayed Paulie in The Sopranos, had a clause in his contract that the character would not be a "rat"

Hulk Hogan's final WCW contract had clauses paying him $20,000 US per month to wear New World Order T-Shirts and allowed him to license his image for "Pasta, pasta restaurants, sandwiches, sun tan oil, health drink mixers and vitamins."

In '70s TV contracts, an actress becoming pregnant was a fireable offense ... as part of the "deformity clause"!

How to write a clause in a contract?

CBS developed a scheme to create episodes of ‘Black Bart’ and never air them to meet the harsh legal clause Mel Brooks had in his contract to retain the rights of airing Blazing Saddles. ‘Black Bart' was never aired on TV after creating 4 seasons of content.

The first clause of the contract to be on America's Got Talent makes you sign away your rights as a performer which applies throughout the entire universe.

Van Halen had a clause for venues that required a bowl of M&Ms, but absolutely no brown ones. This wasn’t to be prima-donnas but rather to served a practical purpose: a simple way of ensuring the technical specifications of the contract had been thoroughly read, primarily for safety reasons.

A clause in Jackie Robinson's contract stated he could not complain even if a person spat on his face.

Van Halen's "no brown M&M's" clause in their performing contract was actually included to make sure that all the safety requirements of their show were followed, not because they were being excessively picky.

There was a clause in Samuel L. Jackon's contract for Snakes on a Plane that prevented any snakes from coming within 25 ft of him. Consequently, he never came into contact with any live snakes during filming.

Mark Cuban threatened not to return to Shark Tank until an equity clause was removed from contestants' contracts.

Elite 100m sprinters have 'protection clauses' in their contracts allowing them to choose who competes against them in races if they are worried they might not win

In the Truman Show Universe, Hannah Gill, portraying Truman's wife, had a contract clause that she earns a significant bonus every time she has sex with Truman Burbank.

Canadian Pacific Railway pays no tax for most of its operations because of a clause made in a contract in the year 1880 that states "Canadian Pacific Railway Company shall be forever free from taxation by the Dominion." The contract has held up in court every time.

Van Halen had a clause in their contracts that said if any brown M&M’s were found backstage, the band could cancel the entire concert at the full expense of the promoter. It may seem like rock 'n' roll excess, but it was actually for safety reasons.

Van Halen included a clause in its live performance contracts which forbade serving the band brown M&Ms. If the candy bowl in the dressing room had brown M&Ms, the venue didn't read the contract.

Lobsters were a 'Poor Man's Protein' and servant contracts had clauses limiting consumption

In 1999, when footballer Stefan Schwarz joined Sunderland FC, the contact he signed included a "Space Clause", stating that if he travelled into space, then his contract would be void.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Clause Contract. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Clause Contract so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor