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Claimed Responsibility facts

While investigating facts about Claimed Responsibility Synonym and Claimed Responsibility Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A group of around 200 women brutally murdered a serial rapist in front of an courthouse while he was under police protection in India. Later every woman claimed responsibility for the murder.

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Kanye West sampled a song by Aphex Twin, tried to avoid paying for it and claim he had written it, and when Aphex offered to redo the sample for him, the response was, "It's not yours, it's ours, and we're not even asking you anymore."

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Claimed Responsibility For The Attack and Claimed Responsibility Definition I managed to collect.

what group claimed responsibility for the assassination of the future king?

  1. In 2004, after not getting justice in court, 200 victims lynched their alleged rapist in the courthouse by stabbing him over 70 times, throwing rocks and chilli powder at his face and hacking off his penis. All of the women claimed responsibility for the lynching.

  2. The Bell Rock, a reef in the North Sea, had been responsible for thousands of shipwrecks over the centuries, that is until 1807 when an engineer began the "impossible" construction of a lighthouse on the reef itself. Ever since its completion, the Bell Rock hadn't claimed a single human life.

  3. In India, 200 women came to a court in Nagpur armed with knives and chilli powder and murdered on the court floor a serial rapist – Akku Yadav. Then every woman claimed responsibility for the murder.

  4. 200 Indian women stormed into the court and lynched a serial rapist. 5 women were arrested but released when every women in the local slum claimed responsibility for the murder

  5. Houston airport received many complaints about baggage wait times. In response, they moved baggage claim further away so the walk was longer than the wait. The number of complaints dropped.

  6. Houston airport received an inordinate number of complaints about baggage wait times. In response, officials moved baggage claim farther away so the walk was longer than the wait. The number of complaints plummeted to "near zero."

  7. A Greek merchant vessel call the "Captayannis" capsized in the middle of the River Clyde in Scotland in 1974, and has remained there ever since as nobody claims responsibility for it. It now homes marine life and birds.

  8. On Slipknot's Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) album Corey Taylor avoided using profanity in response to claims he relied on it

  9. In the 50's and 60's, a single Florida town known as "nub city" was responsible for 2/3rds of America's dismemberment insurance claims. No one was ever convicted of insurance fraud, because juries had a hard time believing even Floridians would be insane enough to cut off their own hands.

  10. Muammar Gaddafi claimed much of the Gulf of Sirte in 1973 by drawing a line through the water between Benghazi and the gulf of Misrata. He called it the line of Death and threatened military response if it were crossed.

claimed responsibility facts
What are the best facts about Claimed Responsibility?

What is true about claimed responsibility?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In January 2002, a fifteen year old named Charlie J. Bishop died after he stole a small private plane and flew it into a 42 story skyscraper. He was inspired to do so by 9/11. His mother later tried to sue the company that made his acne medicine, claiming their product was responsible.

About the case of Xu Shoulan v. Peng Yu. Xu fell and broke her femur, then proceeded to sue the man who helped her to the hospital claiming he was responsible for her accident. And the courts ruled in Xu's favor. Now much of the populace fears getting sued for helping people in emergencies. - source

United Nations Peacekeepers from Nepal started a Cholera epidemic that has killed nearly 8000 people because their camp did not have proper sanitation. The UN has refused to take responsibility or compensate any victims claiming "Global Immunity." Lawsuits against the UN are pending. - source

In 2013, an Australian High Roller bet upwards of $1 Billion AUD, losing $20 Million AUD in the process. His response was to sue to the casino to recoup his losses, claiming the establishment "lured him in with gifts". The case was thrown out of court.

In World War One, many countries newspapers and people actually celebrated peace ending and war beginning many claiming to be " bored with peace ". Willingly to War. Public Response to the Outbreak of War | International Encyclopedia of the First World War (WW1) - source

When can military wear civilian clothes?

The 2013 criminal case involving sovereign citizen Kenneth Leaming and the judge's response to frivolous defense claims: "The Court therefore feels some measure of responsibility to inform Defendant that all the fancy legal-sounding things he has read on the internet are make-believe"

Leopold II of Belgium and his private army laid claim to the "Congo Free State" where he forced the natives into slave labor while no law could hold him. He is responsible for 10 million deaths during his reign.

In 2010, a NZ woman named Natasha Harris died from, what the coroner described as, "the consumption of very large quantities of Coca-Cola." On average, Ms Harris drank 10 liters (2.5 gal) per day. Coke, in response, claimed her death had more to do with a combination of lifestyle choices.

In response to a copyright lawsuit between JK Rowling and an independent publisher, Orson Scott Card criticized her claim that she had her "words stolen" by pointing out the similarity between Harry Potter and Ender's Game

In 1975, a bomb exploded at La Guardia Airport, killing 11 and wounding 79 others. No arrest, or credible claim of responsibility, was ever made. The case remains unsolved.

Johnny Depp was once arrested for trashing a New York hotel room. Depp claimed that an armadillo was responsible, saying that he had found the animal hidden in a closet and it had gone crazy, wrecking the hotel room before leaping out the window

Do you salute when in civilian clothes?

The philosopher Michel Foucault claimed that Descartes had built his philosophy on silencing madness. In response, the philosopher Jacques Derrida pointed out that Descartes had made a place for madness in his philosophy. Over this, the two debated and wound up not speaking for ten years.

In March, 2013, approximately 16,000 diseased pig carcasses were discovered floating in the Huangpu river, a source of tapwater. In response, Shanghai's municipal water department claimed the water met "national standards." (Guardian)

Gene Roddenberry was claimed to have created the Star Trek character Chekov in response to the Russian magazine Pravda's criticism of the show for not having any Russian characters. The other origin story is the Chekov was created to attract the teenage girl demographic.

Dennis Rader - The BTK killer, gave himself the name, In 1978, he sent a letter to television station KAKE in Wichita, claiming responsibility for the murders of 3 victims, suggested many possible names for himself, including the one that stuck: BTK. He also demanded media attention.

Green Boots" was a name given to a dead body on Mt Everest used as a macabre landmark for hikers; however, in 2014, the body disappeared after lying frozen for 20 years and nobody has claimed responsibility or knows what happened to it

The Vela Incident is possible nuclear explosion detected in 1979 by an U.S satellite and Arecibo, so far no one has yet claimed responsibility

John Leonard Orr, a former arson investigator turned arsonist is believed to have been responsible for starting over 2,000 fires between 1984 and 1991. After Orr's arrest, Investigators claim the number of brush fires in the nearby foothill areas of L.A decreased by over ninety percent.

In response to U.S. President Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points Speech in early 1918, French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau is said to have sarcastically claimed that "The good Lord only had ten!"

The Finno-Ugrian suicide hypothesis proposes to link genetic ties originating among Finno-Ugric cultures and ethnicities to high rate of suicide, claiming an allele common among them is responsible.

The Energizer Bunny was first introduced as a response to the Duracell Bunny. The Duracell Bunny no longer appears in North America due to Energizer filing a trademark claim for the marketing use of a "Battery Bunny" in the United States and Canada. It is still used in Europe and Australia.

In 2004, the duo Yes Men sent a fake Dow Chemical representative to a BBC interview, claiming Dow would finally take responsibility for the Bhopal India chemical disaster that affected 500k people, with medical care for victims. This caused Dow's share price to fall by $2 billion in 23 minutes.

Beer namesake Samuel Adams was a paranoid recluse who published sensationalist pamphlets claiming the British were planning to literally enslave the entire population of the American Colonies, which may have been responsible for the riot that ended in the Boston Massacre

There is a group of French wine guerillas that "has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks including dynamiting grocery stores, a winery, the agriculture ministry offices in two cities, burning a car at another, hijacking a tanker, and destroying large quantities of non-French wine."

In 1999 Dr. Martin Luther Kings family won a cival suit claiming the government was responsible for his assassination. They only sought $100.00 in damages because they weren't after the money.

The creator of modern PCR, Kary Mullis, is an avid surfer, AIDS denialist, believer in astrology, claims to have seen an extraterrestrial glowing green racoon, and believes his LSD use is responsible for helping him invent PCR.

Jackie Stallone is a rumpologist, and greatly responsible for the “revival” of rumpology, aka butt reading, and claims it was practiced in ancient times by the Babylonians, the Indians, and the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

Actor Woody Harrelson's father was a hit-man and serial killer responsible for killing a federal Judge. He also claimed to be behind the assassination of president John F. Kennedy.

In 1979 a nuclear blast was detected in the Indian Ocean that no nation has claimed responsibility for

There's a French group of radical winemakers who have claimed responsibility for dynamiting multiple ministry buildings, hijackings, and destroying large quantities of non-French wine

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Claimed Responsibility. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Claimed Responsibility so important!

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