Cities Towns facts
While investigating facts about Cities Towns In Massachusetts and Cities/towns In California, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The city of Whynot, North Carolina has it's name because as residents were arguing over a name for the city, some bloke stood up and said "Why not name the town Why Not and let's go home?" And so they did.
how many towns and cities in the uk?
In 1915, scam artist Charles Hatfield convinced the town of San Diego that he could create rainfall using a secret mix of chemicals. The city offered to pay him $10,000 if he could end their drought, and the 'result,' a few days later, was the town's worst flood of the 20th century.
What happened to the towns and cities in the new reservoir zone?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the need to have a local government in cities and towns. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cities Towns In Pennsylvania and Cities Towns In South Carolina I managed to collect.
what led to the growth of towns and cities in the middle ages?
The town of Boring, Oregon's sister city is Dull, Scotland. "Dull has helped put Boring on our map," says OR state representative, Bill Kennemer. "People are starting to hear about Boring and they come and stop." The town is now developing a relationship with the Australian town of Bland.
When the Phrygians were without a king, an oracle at Telmessos decreed that the next man to enter the city driving an oxcart should become their king. An unsuspecting peasant farmer named Gordias drove into town on an oxcart and was immediately declared king.
The town of Greensburg, Kansas was almost completely destroyed by an F5 tornado in 2007. The city used the opportunity to rebuild as one of the greenest cities in the world.
The Japanese pilot who attacked a town in Oregon during WW2 returned years later to present his family’s 400-year-old samurai sword to the city as a symbol of regret.
Homer Simpson's idea to fill a mine with other cities' garbage dissuaded a small Canadian town with the exact same idea.
About the Dunbar's number. It is a theoretical upper limit of the people one can maintain stable relationships with. Suggested between 100 and 250. So if a town's population is below the Dunbar's number, it is more likely to have harmony and peace that a larger town or city.
Nobuo Fujita, the Japanese pilot who attacked a town in Oregon during World War II returned years later to present his family's 400-year-old samurai sword to the city as a symbol of regret
German internet users have a meme since 1999 where they pretend the town of Bielefeld (population of about 323,000, 18th largest city) does not exist.
That, legally speaking, there is only a single town in Pennsylvania; Bloomsburg. Every other municipality is either a city, township, or borough.
Gotham", as a nickname for New York City, was coined by Washington Irving in 1807 and literally means "Goat's Town".
Cities Towns data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cities Towns figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

2 reasons why towns and cities grow?
You can easily fact check why small towns are better than cities by examining the linked well-known sources.
South Africa has no legally defined capital city. Rather, the country's three branches of government are split over different cities: (Cape Town, Pretoria, and Bloemfontein).
The town of Why, Arizona was originally to be named "Y" because two major highways, State Routes 85 and 86, originally intersected in a Y-intersection but the state requires at least 3 letters in its city names. - source
In four boroughs of New York City, excluding Staten Island, there has been a 25 to 35 percent reduction in alcohol-related car accidents since Uber came to town in 2011. - source
South Africa has no legally defined capital city. Power is shared between Cape Town (Parliament), Bloemfontein (Administrative), Pretoria (President & Cabinet) and Johannesburg (Constitutional Court).
Manaus, a Brazilian city of 2 million people deep in the Amazon Rainforest. It was once a notoriously extravagant rubber boom town in the 1800s. An opera house was built with European marble & crystal. One visiting opera troupe had half of its performers die from yellow fever in one season. - source
When do towns become cities?
9 of the 10 most densely populated cities and towns in the US are located within the New York City metropolitan area
How many cities and towns in massachusetts?
Missouri has extremely loose alcohol laws. Not only is public intoxication legal under state law, but it's illegal for local governments to illegalize it; furthermore, one can drive from St. Louis to Kansas City with an open container, closing it only when passing through five towns.
You cannot be arrested for public intoxication in Las Vegas. Nevada state law expressly prohibits any county, city, or town from making public drunkenness an offense or crime.
Kleindeutschland - literally a German town in the middle of New York City. It had the third largest German speaking population in the world until 1000 women and children were killed in a tragic fire. The population never recovered.
Japanese children know it is time to go home when a specific tune is played over loud speaker. This tune is played throughout all the towns and cities of Japan at dusk and the tune is called Iriai No Kane.
There is a difference between a road and a street. A road connects two different places or towns, whereas a street is a small public road that is well within a city or town.
Cities towns infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Cities Towns numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Minimum wage & Affordability Ratio for U.S. Cities & Towns