Chrome Extensions facts
While investigating facts about Chrome Extensions Store and Chrome Extensions Download, I found out little known, but curios details like:
AdBlock is the most popular Google Chrome extension, with over forty million users, and the most popular Safari extension as well. It averages about twenty-one million users per day through Firefox.
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How to get any chrome extensions in Opera Full Guide
What chrome extensions are installed?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering how to see what chrome extensions are installed. Here are 14 of the best facts about Chrome Extensions Vpn and Chrome Extensions Adblock I managed to collect.
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Google Chrome Extension to find articles
There is a chrome extension called buster that automatically solves google reCAPTCHAs by using googles OWN speech analysation software.
There is a Google Chrome extension that blocks comments from fake Reddit trolls on Youtube
Because Chrome and Opera web browsers are based on some of the same components, you can install Chrome extensions in Opera. Opera even provides you with an Android-like list of permissions the extension requires so you can see what personal info you're giving up.
There is a chrome extension that donates money every time you open a new tab.
About citadel, a chrome extension that lets you change websites and save the changes - perfect for April fools day!
There's a chrome extension that gives you a one in a hundred chance of seeing John Cena with every new page load.
There's a chrome extension that changes all instances of "Trump" to "Drumpf"
Chrome Extensions data charts
For your convenience take a look at Chrome Extensions figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do my chrome extensions keep disappearing?
You can easily fact check why can't i download extensions on google chrome by examining the linked well-known sources.
Using the Chrome extension 'Hover Zoom+' will make your Reddit experience 100x better. Move the mouse cursor over urls,pictures,links etc. to view them without loading a new page. Save loads of time!
There's a Chrome extension that makes every Wikipedia article about Nicolas Cage - source