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Christian Sects facts

While investigating facts about Christian Sects In Usa and Christian Sects In America, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Cathars, a medieval Christian sect notable for its belief that the God of the Old Testament, the Creator, is evil, and perhaps Satan. Instead, they worship the New Testament God, who they believe created the spiritual world, and is truly omnibenevolent.

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The Cathars - a medieval christian sect that condemned war and capital punishment; believed in reincarnation, two gods of good and evil and largely endorsed gender equality. They were annihilated by the Catholic Church.

What made quakers different from other christian sects?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the main christian sects. Here are 23 of the best facts about Christian Sects Chart and Christian Sects In The Us I managed to collect.

what is the difference between christian sects?

  1. A wooden ladder has been leaning in the same place since at least the 1750s, and cannot be moved due to disagreements between six different sects of Christianity

  2. There is an anarchic Christian sect in Canada which embarked on a campaign of arson and bombings throughout the twentieth century, most of which were committed in the nude.

  3. There once existed a tiny Christian sect called the Muggletonians. They believed that God has a physical human body and that human reason is the Devil. The last one died in 1979.

  4. About Parochialism, meaning a focus on a tiny part of an issue rather than the issue as a whole. The word originates with Christian Parishes (Parochia in Latin) & refers to how Christian sects often focus on segments of belief rather than the faith as a whole.

  5. Calvinists, who believe in predestination, show their faith through self-confidence and worldly achievement, which indicate that God is on their side. Other Christian sects preach humility and charity; this may be why Calvinists are more entrepreneurial.

  6. The existence of the Druze, a utilitarian secretive sect living mostly in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, and Israel that combines Islam, Christianity, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Hinduism

  7. The second deadliest war in history (after WWII) was the Taiping Rebellion in China - a civil war between the Qing government and a Christian sect led by a man claiming to be the brother of Jesus. 20-100 million people died.

  8. Borborites - an early Christian sect - smeared hands with menstrual blood and semen, consuming it as the body of christ. They extracted fetuses from pregnant women who became pregnant during sexual rituals, and ate them. Everything that is known about the Borborites comes from opponents.

  9. There is a sect, offshoot of Christianity, that believes Jesus is currently living in China as a Chinese woman

christian sects facts
What are the best facts about Christian Sects?

What is true about christian sects?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is a wooden ladder in Jerusalem that wasn't moved for 360 years because the 6 different Christian sects don't find an answer to who has the right to move it.

The Skoptsy, a Russian Christian sect where every member underwent a castration or mastectomy - source

A sect from 19th Century Russia that believed castration would make them better Christians. - source

There have been 31 pacts named the "Treaty of Paris", the first having taken place in 1229 which ended Pope Innocent III's crusade to wipe out a rival Christian sect in southern France, and the latest in 1952 which ended military occupation of West Germany.

Women are more religious than men (in the US, really among sects of Christianity) - source

When christian religion started?

There's a Christian sect that bases their worship around gun ownership

How many christian sects are there in the united states?

Some smaller sects of Christianity still observe Jewish holidays, including Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement)

The Immovable Ladder of Jerusalem, a local landmark, left on accident by a mason in the 18th century. It's "immovable" not for physical reasons but for legal ones: six major Christian sects must agree before moving anything in or on the building.

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem has been fought over so much by the different Christian sects, that in 1178, the Muslim ruler, Saladin, entrusted the key that unlocked the doors to two Muslim families and the tradition is still carried on today.

The keys to one of Christianity's holiest sites are held by a Muslim family because the Christian sects don't trust each other to hold them

About The Ranters, a sect of Puritan which believed sin did not exist and it was their duty as Christians to party.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Christian Sects. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Christian Sects so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor