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Chewing Gum facts

While investigating facts about Chewing Gum Cast and Chewing Gum Season 3, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Alcohol breath is not from the stomach, rather it's from the ethanol diffusing out of the blood in the lungs. Eating food, chewing gum, or vomiting won't help mask how much alcohol is in your system if you're breathalyzed

how chewing gum is made?

Denise Nickerson, the girl who played Violet, chewed so much gum on the set of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory that she ended up with 13 cavities after filming.

What chewing gum is good for acid reflux?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what chewing gum is vegan. Here are 50 of the best facts about Chewing Gum Benefits and Chewing Gum Brands I managed to collect.

what's chewing gum made of?

  1. The Pentagon is developing a "combat chewing gum" to help soldiers maintain dental hygiene in the field. It is expected to save the Army $100million per year in dental services.

  2. Queen Victoria was addicted to cocaine infused chewing gum

  3. Queen Victoria was addicted to cocaine infused chewing gum. She was even believed to have shared some with a young Winston Churchill.

  4. Most chewing gum made since WWII is based with synthetic petroleum polymers, making it non-biodegradable. Gum is the 2nd most littered object, and is expensive and time consuming to clean up.

  5. While chewing gum, you can make it disappear by eating some chocolate. It is a chemical reaction of oils in chocolate with the gum

  6. There's strong evidence that chewing gum improves working memory, episodic memory and speed of perception. Why this is the case is not understood.

  7. Chewing gum for 10 minutes removes almost as much bacteria as flossing.

  8. There is a strictly enforced ban on Chewing Gum in Singapore that has been in effect for decades. Bringing chewing gum into the country even for personal use is illegal.

  9. During the Berlin Blockade of 1948, US Air Force Pilot Gail Halvorsen dropped Candy & Chewing Gum with hand made parachutes for the Children of West Berlin. The Children would know it was Halvorsen, as when flying over Berlin, he would wiggle his wings side by side

  10. Chewing gum is an effective booster of mental performance, & often a better test aid than caffeine

chewing gum facts
What's chewing gum made out of?

Why chewing gum is banned in singapore?

You can easily fact check why chewing gum is good by examining the linked well-known sources.

Thrills, a Canadian brand of chewing gum, has a floral rosewater flavour. There were so many comparisons of its flavour to soap that the packaging states "IT STILL TASTES LIKE SOAP!"

The iconic Duke Nukem catchphrase, "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all outta gum" originally came from the 1988 sci-fi flick "They Live", directed by John Carpenter and starring wrestling star Rowdy Roddy Piper. - source

Chewing gum is made from synthetic plastics like polyvinyl acetate (PVAc, also known as wood glue) & polyethylene (PE, the main ingredient in plastic bags), & gum chewers will create 1 million tons of unregulated plastic waste over the next 5 years. - source

Chewing gum is a synthetic rubber - polyisobutylene - and can be recycled into things like shoes, coffee mugs, pencils and rulers.

To get around anti-gambling laws, early slot machines masqueraded as vending machines. They gave out things like chewing gum as prizes which could be redeemed for money. This origin is why we see fruit symbols on slot machines to this day. - source

When chewing gum is swallowed?

Castoreum, an anal secretion from beavers, is sometimes used to add vanilla flavour in some alcoholic beverages, puddings, ice cream, candy and chewing gum, and is labeled as "natural flavour" in the ingredients list.

How chewing gum was invented?

Chewing gum boosts mental performance and is considered to be a better test aid than caffeine.

Oprah Winfrey has a phobia of chewing gum that stems from her childhood, when her grandmother would stick her used gum on her own furniture. She has banned chewing gum from the building where she works, and says that after a guest in her home left some gum on a plate, she threw the plate away.

You feel that cooling sensation in your mouth when you drink water after chewing gum because the menthol in the gum is a cooling agent and is triggered by coming in to contact with liquid.

Santa Anna, the former president of Mexico and leader of Mexican soldiers that attacked the Alamo , later moved to New Jersey and is partly responsible for bringing chewing gum to the United States

Chewing gum enhances alertness and attention while driving

When chewing gum was invented?

Popular American chewing gum brand Bubble Yum once had to mount a PR campaign to combat the rumor that it derived its soft texture from the addition of spider eggs.

Some African tribes have been known to take bubble gum as payment for a wife, instead of oxen or sheep.

Seed of anise are popular and widely used in the confectionery industry for the manufacture of candies, chewing gums and different desserts. They are also used in the industry of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. In India, seed of anise are consumed to refresh the breath after meal.

The myth that states that swallowed gum stays in the stomach for seven years is false. It passes through but is not digested because of the indigestible fiber it contains.

How chewing gum is bad for you?

Topps, the leading baseball card company, started as a chewing gum manufacturer (including Bazooka gum) that included free baseball cards inside packs of gum. Eventually the cards became the selling point and a hobby was born.

Leaves of red ironbark are source of high-quality eucalyptus oil. This oil is used in treatment of respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis and cough and for the manufacture of mouthwashes (in the chemical industry), chewing gums and various candies (in the food industry).

Chewing gum has largely been banned in Singapore since 1992. As of 2004, citizens can only purchase chewing gum with a prescription from a doctor.

The ingredient xylitol, which is used in some sugar-free gum, has been found to reduce cavities and plaque in those that chew it regularly.

The energy that Americans expend to chew gum every day is estimated to be enough to provide light to a city with 10,000,000 people.

It is estimated the roughly half a billion dollars are spent on chewing gum by children in North America each year.

The largest bubble ever blown from chewing gum was 23 inches in diameter, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

The majority of chewing gum is purchased between Halloween and Christmas.

Mint is widely used in the confectionery industry for the production of cookies, chocolates, candies and chewing gums.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, President and General of the Mexican Army that won the battle of the Alamo, introduced the United States to chewing gum when he returned years later as a businessman.

The country with the largest number of chewing gum companies is Turkey. The U.S. is the country with the second most chewing gum companies.

In 1974, the Topps Chewing Gum Company presented Willie Mays with a piece of gum that was the same size and weight of 10,000 normal size pieces of gum.

Chewing gum has been found to boost alertness and reaction times. However, contrary to popular belief, it doesn't seem to help with short-term anxiety or stress.

Chewing gum can irritate IBS either through artificial sweeteners, or the air swallowed by the act of chewing gum

The only species on earth that chews gum is the human species.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Chewing Gum. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Chewing Gum so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor