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Cheated Wife facts

While investigating facts about Cheating Wife Texts and Cheating Wife Movie List Imdb, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Chris Hansen, who was host of “NBC’s Dateline: To Catch a Predator” (a show that featured him conducting a sting operation on online sex predators by catching them on hidden cameras), was fired from NBC after he was caught cheating on his wife by a hidden-camera sting operation.

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Dr Richard Batista, who sued his wife to get back the kidney he donated to her, after she cheated on him.

My wife cheated on me now what?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering wife cheated now what. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cheating Wife Movies List Letterboxd and Cheating Wife Movies On Netflix I managed to collect.

wife cheated on me what should i do?

  1. The “pink hat man” is a 72 year old man who who owns Cub’s tickets and sits behind home plate but wears a pink hat so his wife knows that he is at the game and not cheating.

  2. Dr. Seuss' first wife committed suicide after finding out he was cheating on her while she had cancer

  3. Dr. Seuss cheated on his wife while she had cancer. After his wife killed herself, after finding out about the affair, Dr. Seuss married his mistress.

  4. Steve Harvey believes women should not date non religious men, for they dont have morals (despite him cheating on all previous wifes) and that men only cheat because their wife allows them to.

  5. In 1994 a US Soldier in Germany decapitated his friend and brought the head to his cheating wife in the hospital who was pregnant with the other man's baby.

  6. Bill W., the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, was so notorious for cheating on his wife with attractive women who attended sobriety meetings that his colleagues later started calling this type of lechery the thirteenth step.

  7. 48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated on their spouse. While only 12% of cheating men said their mistress was more physically attractive than their wife.

  8. A jealous wife in China chopped off her cheating husband’s penis as he slept, then snuck into his hospital room after he had it sewn back on — and hacked it off again and tossed it out the window.

  9. A study of married couples in 2014 showed that "The Larger Your Penis, The More Likely Your Wife Will Cheat"

  10. Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, was caught cheating by his wife. He attempted to escape by jumping out the window, but hit his head on the curb when he landed, giving him a permanent scar above his eye.

cheated wife facts
My wife cheated on me what should i do?

Why my wife cheated on me?

You can easily fact check why did my wife cheated on me by examining the linked well-known sources.

Until 1975 a French husband had the legal right to kill a cheating wife. Honor killings for adultery were legal until 1991 in Brazil and until 2005 in Haiti.

Buzz Aldrin's mom, Marion Moon, killed herself before Gemini 12 because she thought she couldn't handle his growing fame. After the moon landing, Aldrin fell into alcoholism, depression, cheated on his wife, and was later arrested for smashing in the door of his girlfriend's apartment. - source

The first political sex scandal in the United States was when Alexander Hamilton cheated on his wife with a married woman and bribed the husband with hush money - source

Dr Seuss cheated on his first wife, who was sick with cancer. She subsequently killed herself.

Louis Dethy, a retired Belgian engineer who was being evicted from his home due to cheating on his wife. He rigged his house with 20 shotgun traps, keeping riddles and clues to their whereabouts. The 20th trap was either never found or never built. - source

What should i do when my wife cheated on me?

Bryan Cranston once guest starred on a pseudo-reality "Jerry Springer"-like show as a bisexual man cheating on his wife

How to ask wife if she cheated?

Dr Seuss' first wife committed suicide after being ill (including cancer) for 13 years and being cheated on by her husband. 8 months later, Dr Seuss would remarry, wirh the woman whom he cheated with.

Marvel had a comic distributed that told the canonical origins of Aunt May in which Aunt May cheated on Uncle Ben with Peter's dad and decided to give the child/Peter away to Peter's Dad's wife.

In 1993 Ted Danson Cheated On His (Hot) Wife With Whoopie Goldberg Costing Him 30 Million Dollars In The Divorce

Dr. Seuss cheated on his first wife who committed suicide because of the affair

Alan Markovitz Divorced his wife after cheating. He then bought the house, next to where she moved in with the man she cheated with, and then put up a giant middle finger statue right in front of the bedroom window to remind her what she had done.

What to do when my wife cheated on me?

Dr. Seuss' wife, Helen Palmer Geisel, committed suicide over suspicions her husband was cheating on her.

Gary Gygax's wife thought he was cheating on her so she followed him to a dimly lit basement and burst into the room only to find him and his friends hunched over hand drawn maps. Gary went on to invent the role playing game "Dungeons and Dragons"

When a man tried to give his 14 year old daughter's virginity as recompense for cheating on another man's wife, Freud labeled the girl as a hysteric for not accepting the advances of the older, married man

A man won a million pounds on the TV show Who Wants to be A Millionaire by cheating with his wife as an accomplice.

How to treat my wife after i cheated on her?

The first wife of Hitler's father was a wealthy but sickly 50 year woman who he cheated on with a 19 year old servant girl. His third wife was also a young servant.

Mike Tyson once caught his wife cheating on him with Brad Pitt.

A man called Lou Pai, by impregnating a stripper and cheating on his wife, accidently managed to escape a bankrupt situation and rode off into the sunset with $280,000,000

A man bought a house next to his ex-wife(who used to cheat) and put up a middle finger statue in his backyard pointed towards his former love and her new boyfriend.

About Charles Ingram, a former British Army major, that was accused of cheating his way to the jackpot on the ITV show by conspiring with his wife, Diana, and another contestant.

Dr. Seuss's wife committed suicide after being ill for years during which he cheated on her. He then married his mistress. His niece later described her death as "her greatest gift to him".

Nicholas Ray discovered that his wife, actress Gloria Grahame, cheated on him with his 13-year-old son, Anthony Ray, on the bed.

Dr. Seuss cheated on his wife while she was sick with cancer for 13 years. She committed suicide because of his infidelity, and he later married his mistress.

Chris Rock (who made jokes about getting into Rihanna's panties while hosting the Oscars) admitted cheating on his wife 3 years ago after being accused of rape

A contestant on WWTBAM cleverly tried to cheat his way to a million by having his wife "cough" when mentioning the right answer

The story of Bill Morgan. Cheated death and went on to marry his wife and win a car in a scratch-off. He then won 250k in another scratch-off while trying to reenact the first win on live television.

In 2009 Prince Alex von Furstenberg suspected his wife of cheating with NBA player Reggie Miller and hired a small plane to fly over the LA beaches with a sign that read, "Reggie Miller Stop Pursuing Married Women."

The guy who made the "Drone used to catch cheating wife" video 2 years ago actually faked it and admitted it was a hoax in a video today...

A British major went on the British version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" and cheated his way to a million pounds sterling through the use of coughing from his wife and his friend (Both former contestants on the show) as a cheating method.

Steve Harvey believes women should not date non religious men, for they dont have morals (despite him cheating on all previous wifes) and that men only cheat because their wife allows them to.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cheated Wife. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cheated Wife so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor