Chance Precipitation facts
While investigating facts about Chance Precipitation, I found out little known, but curios details like:
If a weather forecast gives a 50% chance of precipitation that could mean there is a 100% chance of rain in 50% of the forecast area. The 'probability of precipitation' number frequently used in weather forecasts is widely misunderstood by the public.
If a weather forecaster gives a 50% chance of precipitation that could mean there is a 100% chance of rain in 50% of the area. The 'probability of precipitation' number frequently used in weather forecasts is mostly unknown by the public and is misinterpreted.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 8 of the best facts about Chance Precipitation I managed to collect.
When a meteorologist gives a 'chance of precipitation' it's based on a calculation. I.E. if they are 50% confident that 80% of an area will receive rain, the chance of rain is 40%.
The costliest mistake in human history. Franz Ferdinand's chauffeur took a wrong turn, deviating from the pre-prepared evacuation route. Realising his error, he stopped; right in front of Gavrilo Princip. This gave Princip the chance to shoot and kill the Archduke, precipitating WWI.
A weatherman can not use 50% when describing the Chance of Precipitation (CoP)
A 50% chance of rain can occur in a forecast as it's raining. Probability of Precipitation is an average over a forecasted area. In one part of a forecasted area there can be a 100% chance of rain, and in another part of the same area there can be 0% - we are then told "50% chance of rain".
Percentage chance of rain means "chance of precipitation occurring at any point you select in an area" Not as percentage of the area or percentage of the day.
If a weatherman forecasts that there will be a 40% chance of rain it doesn’t mean that there’s a 40% chance of it happening. Instead, it represents the probability that 40% of precipitation will occur at any particular location within the forecast area.