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Caught Camera facts

While investigating facts about Caught Camera Murders and Caught Camera Angels, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The unconfirmed record for fastest moving manmade object is a manhole cover propelled by a nuclear detonation. A high-speed camera trained on the lid caught only one frame of it moving upward before it vanished—which means it was moving about 125,000 miles per hour

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Chris Hansen, who was host of “NBC’s Dateline: To Catch a Predator” (a show that featured him conducting a sting operation on online sex predators by catching them on hidden cameras), was fired from NBC after he was caught cheating on his wife by a hidden-camera sting operation.

What the camera caught?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the biggest wave caught on camera. Here are 50 of the best facts about Caught Camera Funny and Caught Camera Meaning I managed to collect.

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  1. Chris Hansen was caught having an affair with a colleague 20 years his junior by a hidden camera and fired from NBC for it.

  2. The likely record for fastest manmade object is a manhole cover launched by a nuclear bomb. A high-speed camera recording the lid only caught one frame of it moving meaning it was traveling over 125,000 miles per hour

  3. A man was cleared of murder charges after he realized he was caught on camera during the filming of an episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" at the exact moment of the crime

  4. In 2003 a BBC news team was bombed by US fighter jets in a "friendly fire" incident, the entire ordeal was caught on camera (warning: some disturbing images)

  5. NASA had an accident while testing spacesuits for the Apollo moon missions, and caught it on camera. The test subject was accidentally depressurized while in a vacuum chamber, and lost consciousness and experienced his own spit boiling. The team took nearly a minute to save him from the chamber.

  6. The Texas Supreme Court reinstated a family law judge after he was caught on camera beating his disabled daughter.

  7. A man stole a Salvador Dali painting in full view of security cameras in broad daylight, mailed it back to the museum a week later, and was only caught because he had shoplifted a juice bottle a year prior, allowing police to match his fingerprints on the package to those on the bottle.

  8. During their run on America's Best Dance Crew, the Jabbawockeez began each new dance with the ending of the previous dance, meaning that if caught from the right camera angle, their entire run on the show could be tied into one long dance

  9. In 2013 two planes full of skydivers collided at over 12,000 feet, an impact that tore one plane's wing clean off and sucked several skydivers right out. Both the pilots and the nine jumpers bailed out safely, surviving the incident, and caught the whole thing on camera.

  10. A former treasurer of the state of Pennsylvania committed suicide in a conference that he called and was all caught on camera and was televised back in 1987.

caught camera facts
What is the biggest shark caught on camera?

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Americans are caught on camera an average of 75+ times each day. A Londoner is 300+ times each day. (2018)

Brian Shaffer, the OSU medical student who in 2006 was caught on camera going into a bar through the only entry/exit door in the whole place, but was never seen or heard from after that. - source

The old woman wearing the red hat who’s sifting through the ashes of her fire ravaged home in Prince Avalanche is a real person the film crew came across while filming in ruined homes. Everything she tells Paul Rudd about her home and what she’s looking for is a real moment caught on camera. - source

Despite 6 cameras filming the approach of the Hindenburg none caught the initial explosion and fire on film

A Mexican diplomat was caught on camera stealing mobile phones belonging to staffers at the White House - source

When caught by a speed camera?

Before earthquakes there are often reports of blue-tinged lights seen in the sky prior to the event. This also happens when a volcano erupts. The phenomena was first caught on camera in the 1960s, yet to this day no one understands why it happens.

How to know if a speed camera caught you?

In 2010, a woman was caught on a security camera stroking a cat, then dumping it in a wheelie bin. Fined £250, she was vilified the world over, but said "I thought it would be funny" and "it's just a cat"

Record for fastest moving manmade object is a manhole cover propelled by a nuclear detonation. A high-speed camera trained on the lid caught only one frame of it moving upward before it vanished—which means it was moving about 150,000 miles per hour

On July 24, 1954, a huge section of Prospect Point observation area at Niagara Falls. The section of rock that collapsed was in a pie shape, sending an estimated 185,000 tons of rock thundering into the Niagara River Gorge. It was caught on camera too!

Elizabeth Outram, commited suicide in for being shamed by reality show.She was in shopping for a party but couldn’t afford a leather jacket so she switched price tags.She was arrested.This was recorded by "caught on camera".She begged for it not to be aired but to no avail.

A Russian moon probe flew over Apollo 11 while it was on the moon, and it was caught on camera

Interesting facts about caught camera

John Gilpin, an amateur photographer, was testing his new camera lens at the airport and caught a 14 year old boy falling from the wheel well of Japan Air Lines DC-8

The police raided a house which was suspected to have drugs in it. The raid was successful. The detectives then proceeded to play Wii Sports on the suspect's Wii, and were caught by security cameras inside the home.

The Station nightclub fire, which killed 100 people, was only caught on camera because WPRI-TV in Rhode Island decided to do a follow-up report on nightclub safety in the aftermath of the E2 nightclub stampede in Chicago -- which occurred three days prior. That stampede left 21 dead.

English ex-bank worker Mary Bale dropped a cat in a rubbish bin that wasn't found until the next day. She was caught on camera and fined £250.

The longest running lab experiment, the pitch drop, measures the flow of pitch(a highly viscous liquid) through a funnel for over many years. Nine drops have fell in the past 98 years, and only one has been caught on camera; it has not been witnessed live yet.

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When Juan Catalan was accused of murder, his alibi placed him at a Dodgers game the night of the killing. That same night Curb Your Enthusiasm was filming at Dodger Stadium. Catalan was caught walking past Larry David by the camera crew and was acquitted partially due to that evidence.

There's a lone survivor of an un-contacted indigenous group in Brazil that has lived alone in the rainforest for the last 22 years after his tribe was exterminated. He was just recently caught on camera for the first time.

An 18-year-old who hopped trains for 5 years and caught it all on camera.

The Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Foudre, located in France, caught lightning with ball lightning -- in France -- on camera, watch from 01:15 (1 minute and 15 seconds) to 1:23 (1 minute and 23 seconds).

Divorce Lawyer Trying to Hypnotise and HAVE SEX With Client But Caught on Tape with HIDEN CAMERA and Got Arrested

In 2006 Putin was caught on camera kissing a boy on his belly after lifting his t-shirt.

James Gunn was caught on camera joking about incest with his daughter

Most Extreme and Scariest Natural Disasters caught on camera...I was shocked when I saw this video and its shocking

Jesse Jackson was caught on camera saying that he wanted "to cut [Obama's] nuts off."

Biologists used a remote controlled camera to catch dolphins getting high by sucking on puffer fish. They were even caught passing the puffer fish around.

Bigfoot exists and was caught on camera in over 11 different incidences-100 percent proof- unlike nuclear bomb theorists.

10 Videos Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera 2015

When Muhammad Ali hounded Sonny Liston for a title fight. Sonny Liston pulled a gun on Ali and fired several shots in a crowded casino. The whole incident caught on camera.

Giant Anaconda attacks on humans caught on camera.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Caught Camera. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Caught Camera so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor