Catholics Protestants facts
While investigating facts about Northern Ireland Catholics-protestants Conflict and , I found out little known, but curios details like:
Charles Vance Millar, a rich Canadian financier, made his will one giant practical joke. In it, he left three men who hated one another a join lifetime tenancy in a villa, some protestant ministers $700,000 in Catholic beer stock, and anti-horse racing advocates $25,000 in a Jockey club.
how many sacraments do roman catholics/protestants have?
The Czech language was saved from extinction by puppet shows. In the 17th century, the Catholic Ferdinand II forced the Protestant Czech people to speak in German and banned the Czech language. Puppets were the only remaining entities that had the right to speak Czech in public places.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what three vows do catholic priests take. Here are 50 of the best facts about Catholics Protestants I managed to collect.
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Hocus pocus" may have been coined by Protestants to mock the Catholic transubstantiation incantation used to turn bread and wine into flesh and blood, "hoc est corpus."
When group of catholics protested in New Jersey against the movie "Dogma", the director Kevin Smith joined them incognito with a sign "f*** Dogma, and actually gave a brief interview for local news station against the movie.
Virtually all Middle Ages scholars believed that the Earth is spherical. The myth that people in the Middle Ages thought the earth is flat appears to date from the 17th century as part of the campaign by Protestants against Catholic teaching.
Atheism was banned within the Nazi SS. All SS men were required to list themselves as Protestant, Catholic or "believer in God".
Catholic and Protestant areas in Northern Ireland are still separated by walls up to 25 feet tall called "peace lines"
Instead of allowing women to sing in their choir like the Protestants, the Catholic church decided to begin the tradition of castrating young boys so their choral music was 'on-par' with Protestant choral music.
Pronunciation of the letter "H" as either "haytch" or "aytch" was a sign of what religion you belonged to in Ireland (Catholic vs Protestant respectively)
The director/writter of the movie "Dogma" Kevin Smith went to a catholic protest at a movie theater against his own movie and even got interviewed by a local news reporter
John F. Kennedy was the first and only Catholic President of The US. Almost all of the other presidents were either Protestant, Nontrinitarian, or Unspecified.
The reason Sinead O'Connor ripped up a picture of the pope on SNL was in protest of child physical and sexual abuse by the Catholic church
Catholics Protestants data charts
For your convenience take a look at Catholics Protestants figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why catholic priests can't marry by examining the linked well-known sources.
Religion was a controversial topic in the 1960 election, with JFK as the first Catholic candidate (still the only Catholic US President to date) against Protestant Nixon, due to the anti-Catholic sentiment at the time.
In the largest mass execution in US history, fifty Irish deserters were hanged after switching sides in the Mexican War, many were survivors of the Great Famine, and sympathized more with the oppressed Mexican Catholics than they did with the largely southern American protestants - source
The Irish 'Tri-colour' flag symbolizes the struggle that was once in Ireland. Green represents the Catholics, orange represents the Protestants and white represents the hope for peace between both sides. - source
Henry was generally magnanimous toward his father's former enemies, but violently suppressed the Lollard movement. The Lollards were a pre-Protestant religious movement that questioned many of the tenets of the Catholic Church.
Although the belligerents were primarily divided along religious lines, there were notable exceptions. Overwhelmingly Catholic France declared war on the Holy Roman Empire in 1635 and Protestant Denmark aligned itself with the Holy Roman Empire in 1643 after being opposed to it in the first part of the war.
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There are 48 walls in Northern Ireland that divide Protestant and Catholic neighborhoods. Passage is forbidden at night.
The rife between Lilliputians in Gulliver's Travels over the right way to break a boiled egg is a reference to religious feuds between the Protestants and Catholics in England during the 16th and 17th century.
Graves of a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband were placed on the opposite sides of a wall. The Graves are holding hands.
Haber attended primary school at the Johanneum School which was open to Catholic, Protestant and Jewish students.
The Old Testament of the Christian Bible is not the same as the Jewish Scripture canon and until the 1800's the Protestant Bible used to contain the seven Apocryphal books that are in the Catholic Bible.
The Irish flag symbolises peace between Catholics and Protestants