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Car Salesman facts

While investigating facts about Car Salesman Salary and Car Salesman Jobs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

One of Hitler's personal aides, Fritz Darges was fired and sent to the eastern front for refusing to swat a fly for Hitler, instead suggesting as it was airborne it was the Luftwaffe's job. He later became a car salesman.

how car salesman make money?

OJ Simpson hosted a pay-per-view prank show called Juice. In one of the skits, he works as a used car salesman selling a White Bronco with bullet holes in which he promotes the car's "escapability".

What's car salesman?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what not to say to a car salesman. Here are 22 of the best facts about Car Salesman Meme and Car Salesman Jobs Near Me I managed to collect.

what car salesman won't tell you?

  1. After retiring from NASA, Buzz Aldrin, second man on the moon, fell into a deep depression and ended up working as a used car salesman.

  2. Cobra Commander was a used car salesman in the GI JOE comics. His brother was killed in a drunk driving accident, he became embittered and started a pyramid scheme called COBRA.

  3. Current *extremely popular* youtubers use linguistic tricks called "intellectual used-car-salesman voice" to get subscriptions and gain popularity.

  4. Shortly after returning from the moon and leaving NASA, Buzz Aldrin had a failed career as an Air Force test pilot, started drinking, had an affair, suffered depression, got divorced, got re-married, got divorced again, and became a Cadillac salesman where he failed to sell a car for 6 months.

  5. The producers of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest asked local car salesman Mel Lambert to help them find grotesque-looking locals to play extras. Lambert placed an ad asking ''Do You Have a Face That Scares Timberwolves?'' Despite subsequent editorials protesting the insult, the ad was a success.

  6. The World's Greatest Salesman sold an average of 16.7 cars a week for 15 years. For reference, a top notch salesman sells 30 in a month.

  7. In 2006, OJ Simpson starred in a prank show called "Juiced," which featured the famous murderer interacting with random people in normal in various situations without revealing his identity, such as pretending to be a used car salesman.

  8. An Indian king was one humiliated by a Rolls Royce salesman so he bought 7 cars and then used them to collect garbage.

  9. A 21 year old car salesman was kidnapped and tied up on a test drive with a customer, but managed to GPS-enable his phone, escape from the trunk with the latch, and wrestle the gun away and fire the one bullet in it.

  10. Joe Girard, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's greatest salesman had begged for a job as a salesman, sold a car on his first day, and was so good at his job by the second month that made other salesmen complained and got him fired.

car salesman facts
What should you not say to a car salesman?

Why car salesman are bad?

You can easily fact check why you should never date a car salesman by examining the linked well-known sources.

Johnny Cash’s hit single “One Piece at a Time” was used as a publicity stunt for a car salesman. Later, another man used it to put the little town of Welch, OK on the map- Man in Black style.

The Maharaja of Alwar, India had once, in 1920, ordered municipal department to use Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting the city's waste, in retaliation against the humiliation he had received from one of their salesman, when on a tour of London. - source

Henry Ford III, Great-Great-Great Grandson of Ford Motor Co. founder Henry Ford, was a car salesman at Galpin Ford in suburban Los Angeles - source

A Start-up in Japan, run by a previous used cars salesman, is trying to save trees by making paper out of limestone. He is currently going up against stiff competition due to the currently well established paper industry.

After retiring from NASA, Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon, fell into a deep depression and ended up working as a used car salesman. - source

What to do when car salesman won't negotiate?

OJ Simpson had his own pay-per-view hidden camera prank show called "Juiced", which featured a prank in which he played a used car salesman trying to sell a white Ford Bronco.

How car salesmen get paid?

The world's greatest car salesman lost his title when the previous record holder sued Guinness, claiming "loss of reputation".

A Detroit car salesman by the name of Peter Drakos has won an estimated 250,000 stuffed animals from playing carnival games. He has donated all of his winnings to over 50 different charities.

A former car salesman who claims he owns the moon has made $11 MILLION by selling pieces of lunar landscape - and buyers include Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks and George Lucas.

George H.W. Bush, George Lucas, and Tom Cruise bought plots of land on the moon from a car salesman

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Car Salesman. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Car Salesman so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor