Cape Town facts
While investigating facts about Cape Town Weather and Cape Town Dam Levels, I found out little known, but curios details like:
More people have died climbing Table Mountain in Cape Town, than have been killed by Everest. Poor planning, dehydration and even losing concentration while taking selfies are to blame.
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South Africa has no legally defined capital city. Rather, the country's three branches of government are split over different cities: (Cape Town, Pretoria, and Bloemfontein).
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where is hertz at cape town airport. Here are 37 of the best facts about Cape Town City and Cape Town News I managed to collect.
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South Africa has no legally defined capital city. Power is shared between Cape Town (Parliament), Bloemfontein (Administrative), Pretoria (President & Cabinet) and Johannesburg (Constitutional Court).
A baboon gang roamed around Cape Town, led by Fred the baboon, and were pursued for 3 years by police after they became notorious for raiding cars, assaulting and interfering with tourists.
A girl was kidnapped from cape town hospital in 1997 but her parents never gave up searching for her. She was discovered by chance when she became friends with her younger biological sister when attending the same school.
In Cape Town, a cannon has been fired everyday since 1806 to signal noon. It was traditionally used so that ships could set their chronometers.
Table Mountain is one of the most popular visitor destinations in Cape Town and approximately 800,000 people visit it each year.
About the The Noon Gun which has been a historic time signal in Cape Town, South Africa since 1806. The guns fire at noon everyday except holidays and on Sunday. The guns original purpose was for ships in harbor to calibrate their marine chronometers.
The film "District 9" is based on the happenings during apartheid in District Six in Cape Town, South Africa.
In 1859 the first submarine communication cable was laid across Bass Strait, beginning at Cape Otway, continuing via King Island, Three Hummock Island, Stanley Head, and then George Town. It failed completely in 1861.
Table Mountain is featured on Cape Town's flag.
Cape Town data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cape Town figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why travel to cape town by examining the linked well-known sources.
Males in Cape Town think it's cool to extract their upper front teeth. To eat, they have dentures made.
In 1980 the University of Cape Town asked him to create a sports science course.
South Africa has 3 capitals: Pretoria (administrative and executive), Cape Town (legislative) and Bloemfontein (judicial) - source
England's "First Fleet" transporting convicts to Australia travelled over 20,000 kilometres sailing southwest to Rio de Janeiro, then east to Cape Town and finally to Botany Bay, taking 250 days in cramped unhygienic conditions.
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About the company Sanlam that created “Two Minute Showers”. They worked with Cape Towns musicians to shorten their top tracks to two minutes in order to save water during their drought.
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The city of Cape Town got electricity before London did, in 1895.
Cape Town declared a water crisis last year, restricted use, and thought day zero was a certainty.
Port Authority Railway in Cape Town officially employed a baboon as a signalman, and paid him with beer and a small salary
More than 100 years after the first (failed) attempt to drive a vehicle from Cape Town to Cairo, a complete, paved road between the two cities remains unfinished.
Cape town infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Cape Town numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Accumulated daily rainfall at Cape Town Airport