California Drought facts
While investigating facts about California Drought Map and California Drought Monitor, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Nestle's enormous California (water) bottling plant is on an Indian reservation so they don't have to adhere to government water restrictions during droughts or report on how much water they're actually using.
how long has california been in a drought?
Nestle's enormous California (water) bottling plant is on an Indian reservation so they don't have to adhere to government water restrictions during droughts or report on how much water they're actually using.
What is the california drought?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is california doing to help with their drought problem. Here are 33 of the best facts about California Drought 2019 and California Drought 2020 I managed to collect.
what caused the california drought?
It takes 1 gallon of water to produce 1 single almond, and drought-ridden California produces 80% of the world's almonds.
During droughts, California prohibits companies from bottling too much water. Nestlé went around this by buying a massive water plant inside an Indian reservation (officially considered a sovereign nation) that doesn't have to comply with state water regulations.
California's drought might actually be a return to normal climate, with the past 100 years being abnormally wet.
A lot of California groundwater is exported as bottled water despite the drought because they don't regulate groundwater
It takes 7323 Litres (1611 Gallons) to produce 1 litre of Almond Milk, and 80% of the world's almonds are produced in California which has been in severe drought for most of the past decade.
During the 2013 California drought, Nestle extracted 27,000,000 gallons of California drinking water for only $524, and resold it for millions. This received almost no news coverage.
About the "Ridiculously Resilient Ridge", an anticyclone high pressure wall which was blocking the North Pacific storm track from getting rain to California over the last roughly 8 years, causing the state's recent record breaking drought. It has finally dissipated and now we get rain again.
California was building a desalination plant (makes ocean water drinkable) during a 7 year drought but stopped when it started raining again.
55% of drought stricken California's water goes to 3 things: Almonds (10%), Alfalfa (15%) and Growing Animals for Food (30%).
Nestle's enormous California (water) bottling plant is on an Indian reservation so they don't have to adhere to government water restrictions during droughts or report on how much water they're actually using.
California Drought data charts
For your convenience take a look at California Drought figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is california suffering from a major drought?
You can easily fact check why does california have droughts by examining the linked well-known sources.
Nestlé pays $524 yearly on an expired permit to pump and bottle about 30 million gallons of water from California, even during droughts. To explain this, a supervisor claimed that the Forest Service didn't have the money for a proper review of the permit; he later became a consultant for Nestlé.
Although the the state of Arizona has been under a drought just as long as California has, Arizona will not run out of water anytime soon due to early intervention - source
Judge Samuel King was so angry because jurors were late to his trail that he said, "I hereby order that it cease raining by Tuesday morning." A 5 year drought proceeded in 1986 in CA. Then he said, "It is ordered that rain shall fall in California beginning February 27, 1991." And so it did. - source
The immediate cause of the California drought is something called the "Ridiculously Resilient Ridge." - source
When california drought end?
California's wet 20th century is actually out of the norm, and history shows the majority of the time it is meant to be in a drought. The most recent major drought lasting 140 years.
How long was california in a drought?
Since the 1920s, parts of California sank up to 28 feet because of drought and poor groundwater management
There is someone in Bel-Air that is using 1300 gallons of water an hour during the drought in California.
The 1970's California drought helped to cause modern skateboarding
The second deepest lake in the US, Lake Tahoe, has enough water (150 cubic km) to end California's drought 3 times over. 42 cubic km are needed according to NASA.
The drought in California is so bad that they have to tap into groundwater from 20,000 years ago