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Brush Teeth facts

While investigating facts about Brush Teeth Song and Brush Teeth With Baking Soda, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Drinking OJ after brushing your teeth tastes bad because of a foaming ingredient in toothpaste which blocks your ability to taste sweetness, and you're left with the pure acidity and bitterness of the fruit.

how brush teeth properly?

In traditional societies that have no access to processed sugars and white flour, many indigenous people have no cavities, and flash smiles with perfect pearly white teeth, even though tooth brushing is rare. The next generation of natives who eat processed food began to develop crooked teeth

What to brush dogs teeth with?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what can i brush my dog's teeth with. Here are 50 of the best facts about Brush Teeth Clipart and Brush Teeth With Coconut Oil I managed to collect.

what happens when you don't brush your teeth?

  1. Brushing your teeth can significantly reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

  2. You don't really need to brush twice a day AFTER meals. Brushing is really just about cleaning the plaque which houses microbes on your teeth. It's better to clear the plaque before meals so that your meals don't feed the plaque which feeds the teeth-damaging microbes.

  3. Vermin Supreme. A man who has unsuccessfully ran for president four times. He wears a giant boot on his head and campaigns every term on the promise to make Americans brush their teeth and that he will give every citizen a pony if he is elected.

  4. You shouldn't brush your teeth within 60 minutes of eating a meal as your acidic oral pH makes your tooth enamel too easy to brush away

  5. Mao never brushed his teeth and that by the time of his death, his teeth were covered in a green film.

  6. Mao Zedong had horrible personal hygiene. His genitals were never cleaned. Instead, Mao said "I wash myself inside the bodies of my women." He never brushed his teeth either.

  7. You're not supposed to rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

  8. The act of attributing causal relationship between unrelated actions and events is called "Magical thinking", for example "If I don't brush my teeth today my dog will die", and is considered a form of OCD.

  9. Two weeks of brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand builds self control (willpower), which subsequently can help you control aggression or keep on track with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise)

  10. Not rinsing the mouth after brushing teeth, make the teeth healthier, cleaner and less prone tocavities

brush teeth facts
What to use to brush dogs teeth?

Why brush teeth before breakfast?

You can easily fact check why brush teeth twice a day by examining the linked well-known sources.

There is a man named "Vermin Love Supreme" who is currently a Democratic Party candidate for President. He is "known for his boot hat," and - if elected president - promises a free pony to every American, and to make brushing teeth mandatory.

You're not supposed to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth since it washes away the fluoride - source

It is recommended that you do not brush or floss your teeth, or eat crunchy foods after performing oral sex. This could cause small cuts inside the mouth and make infection easier to spread. - source

You shouldn't brush your teeth right after swimming in a pool

If it's not possible to brush after eating or drinking, rinsing the mouth is another alternative as this helps swish the leftovers in the mouth off the teeth.

When brush teeth after wisdom teeth?

In order to keep teeth clean people must floss and brush regularly and visit their dentist for proper cleaning. Once teeth are damaged, dentists can repair and replace them but it is very expensive.

How brush teeth with braces?

Not brushing teeth daily increases the risk of dementia by 65% for women vs 22% for men

Coffee, tea, red wine, brightly-colored sweets, soft drinks, and even berries can stain teeth. If it's a healthy food like berries and you want to eat them be sure to brush afterwards.

The average individual spends about 35 days of their life brushing their teeth.

While filming for "Nightcrawler", the scene where Lou screams and breaks the bathroom mirror was entirely improvised by Jake Gyllenhaal, who was supposed to be just brushing his teeth and combing his hair for experimental takes.

When brush teeth baby?

There is such a thing as "brushing your teeth too much" which can cause your gums to recede

There are people out there that orgasm when brushing their teeth.

You're not supposed to rinse after you brush your teeth.

Rinsing after brushing your teeth is bad. If you "spit don't rinse" you maintain the flouride from the toothpaste on your teeth, which is the most important part.

Sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl ether sulfate make everything taste bad after you brush your teeth, NOT the overwhelmingly minty flavor

How brush teeth with electric toothbrush?

While you're less likely to contract HIV from oral sex, it is still possible and that in order to lessen the risk, you should either spit or swallow right away and not do it right after brushing your teeth.

Egyptians are believed to have started using a paste to clean their teeth around 5000BC, before toothbrushes were invented. Toothbrushing tools date back to 3500-3000 BC when the Babylonians and the Egyptians made a brush by fraying the end of a twig.

There is a link between not brushing your teeth and erectile dysfunction

Brushing your teeth can help prevent tumors, protect your lungs, and helps you to snack less

When an ad says, "4 out of 5 professionals recommend our brand," they don't mean over any other brand. They just mean that using a certain toothpaste is better than not ever brushing your teeth

A woman was brushing her teeth during a storm. Lightning struck and because she was wearing rubber soled shoes, instead of exiting her feet, the lightning exited through her anus.

Brushing your teeth right after drinking soda actually causes the most damage to your teeth, as the normally hard enamel is softened by the acid and can be easily damaged

We should not rinse after brushing and/or using mouthwash as it can wash away fluoride that comes with the tooth paste/mouthwash (supposed to stay on our teeth). Instead, we should just only spit. Very contrary from what I learned in kindergarten.

Swedes don’t rinse after brushing their teeth. It’s a rather fascinating reason and appears to be the best way to keep your teeth protected from cavities. Basically not rinsing allows fluoride to form a cavity barrier for your teeth.

Brushing your teeht after an orange juice (or other natural acids) actually hurt your teeth.

The average Japanese salary man and woman do not take baths in the morning, limiting morning hygenic rituals to the basics such as washing their face and brushing their teeth. They enjoy a proper bath in the evening after all work for the day is done.

What happens when you don't brush your teeth EVER

About the Radium Girls - female workers who got radiation poisoning from painting watches with luminous paint. They ingested deadly amounts of radium after being told to "point" their brushes with their lips; some also painted their fingernails, face and teeth with the glowing substance.

What bacteria colonising my teeth between brushes looks like. Within 6 hours the majority of available surface has been colonised.

How does toothpaste work? We all know that brushing your teeth is important. But is it also dangerous? What kind of toothpaste is best for you? Did you know that you need to change your toothbrush every month? Don't forget to brush your teeth!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Brush Teeth. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Brush Teeth so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor