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Blood Veins facts

While investigating facts about Blood Veins, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After a decompression accident killed four people in 1983, doctors discovered that decompression does not kill from pressure, but that fat in the bloodstream suddenly condenses in veins and immediately stops all blood flow.

Lady Dai, death in 163 BC, considered the best preserved mummy in the world. Upon discovery she still had moist, soft skin, movable limbs, intact organs and veins with still small amounts of type A blood in them, distinct finger prints and more!

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 40 of the best facts about Blood Veins I managed to collect.

  1. There is an "official" unicode anger symbol. It's which represents veins on your forehead when your blood pressure rises.

  2. If all arteries, veins, and capillaries of the a person's circulatory system were laid end to end, not only would that person be dead, but their blood vessels could stretch around the Earth nearly two and a half times (60,000 miles/100,000 km).

  3. Nietzsche criticised antisemitism and German nationalism, believing in his final years he was "a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German". He claimed he and Germany were great thanks to "Polish blood in their veins" and wanted "all antisemites shot"

  4. The red , blue and white rotating sign outside US Barber shops actually symbolizes Blood, Veins and Bandages dating back to when barbers used to do surgical tasks as well.

  5. A man's scrotum and testicles have a liquid cooling system. Since arterial blood comes out of the body too hot and would kill sperm, we have a series of veins that run parallel to the arteries that act as a thermal exchange system.

  6. Tuna has unique network of small arteries and veins near the muscles called "rete mirabile" which facilitates warming of the blood. Warmed blood is essential for fast and strong swimming.

  7. Physicians all over Europe were soon measuring patients" blood pressure by sticking point-ended glass tubes directly into their veins.

  8. Barber Poles are are a legacy of the barber-surgeons' practice of bloodletting. The red represented the blood, the white the bandages, and the blue the protruding veins. This double job was legal until 1745.

  9. A doctor successfully foiled being convicted of rape by surgically inserting a "fake vein" filled with another man's blood into his own arm to foil DNA testing.

  10. The idiom "blue blood", used to describe those of noble birth, derives from their superficial veins appearing blue on untanned skin. Tanned skin was associated with the working class and peasantry who spent most of their time outdoors.

blood veins facts
What are the best facts about Blood Veins?

What is true about blood veins?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1667 a doctor successfully performed a Xenotransfusion (a blood transfusion between blood from one species into the veins of another) The transfusion occurred between a lamb and a 15-year-old boy.

Che Guevera was of Irish descent. His father once declared "the first thing to note is that in my son's veins flowed the blood of the Irish rebels". - source

Venous hum" is a benign phenomenon where the flow of blood can cause the vein walls to vibrate creating a humming noise which can be heard by the subject. - source

Veins have valves to stop blood from flowing backwards.

Birds' feet never freeze thanks to what's called rete mirabile, a fine, netlike pattern of arteries and veins that makes so what little blood goes down to their feet is already cold and the birds don't lose too much heat. - source

Birds have what are called "blood feathers" or "pin feathers", which themselves have an artery and a vein, and if one of those feathers is damaged while still growing then a bird can bleed to death.

Birds survive extremely cold weather, in part, by an artery and vein arrangement that returns warmed blood in the veins to the body before it reaches the feet. Cold feet lose very little heat to the cold ground.

There are lots of blood vessels attached to your heart. Blood vessels that carry blood to your heart are called veins; vessels that carry blood away from your heart are called arteries. There are a couple of really big veins and arteries in your body - the vena cava (superior and inferior, or above and below) is the vein that collects blood from all other veins and brings it to the heart; the aorta is the big artery that carries the blood from your heart to all the other arteries in your body.

Swallowed fish bones can puncture through the digestive system, requiring surgery to remove. In rare cases, they can also puncture surrounding organs and blood vessels, including the carotid artery and jugular vein.

FBI used Vein matching (a technique of identification through blood vessels visible from the surface of the skin) to bolster their case against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Daniel Pearl's murder case. His vein pattern matched that of the perpetrator's who is seen in the beheading video.

Blood deprived oxygen is not blue. Veins look blue because light has to penetrate the skin to illuminate them, blue and red light (being of different wavelengths) penetrate with different degrees of success

Interesting facts about blood veins

There is only one vein in the entire body that carries oxygen-rich blood; it is called the pulmonary vein, and it brings blood from the lungs to the left side of your heart. There is also only one artery in your body that carries oxygen-poor blood; it is called the pulmonary artery, and it carries blood from the right side of your heart to your lungs.

During WWII British and Japanese soldiers were given coconut water during blood transfusions to replace saline when it was unavailable. In later experiments, 157 people had coconut water injected directly into their veins and only 11 people had reactions to it.

The notion that aristocrats have "blue blood" has racist undertones. (Dark skinned people don't have clearly visible veins.)

Deoxygenated blood is not blue, but rather a darker red than oxygenated blood. Blood appears red in veins because the light has to penetrate through layers of tissue, making it appear blue.

Ducks feet stay warm by an intricate heat exchange system regulated by the veins and arteries in their legs, keeping the warm blood in the body and the colder blood in their feet!

The barber's pole originated from the Middle Ages, signifying where 'barber-surgeons' could be found. Red represents blood; white represents the tourniquet; the pole represents the stick held by the patient to dilate the veins.

The son of Jerry Yellin, who flew the last US combat mission of WWII, married the daughter of a Kamikaze pilot, who approved his daughter marriage to a gaijin ONLY because the blood of a man brave enough to pilot a P-51 over Japan flowed in his veins. Their grandchildren now live in Japan.

In world's quietest room you can hear your bones scraping against each other, your skin moving, and the blood rushing through your veins

What If All The Blood Veins Were Inside The Bones

A Constitutional Convention delegate that had a doctor open a vein in his arm so he could sign the 1935 Constitution of the Philippines using his own blood as ink

Lundy Island 11 miles north of the North Devon Coast was once the home of pirates. The first tyrannical Lundy owners of which anything is known were the de Marisco family, who, in the 12th century became (as was the habit of knights with Norman blood in their veins) ambitious and powerful.

On a minimum of food, mongol warriors would ride on and on for days and weeks. Under such circumstances, they frequently resorted to drinking the blood of their horses. What they did was to slice open a neck vein, suck the blood, and then carefully sew the vein together again.

Lupus anticoagulant is called anticoagulant due to prolonged clotting times in vitro, while in adults it causes decreased clotting times and deep vein thromboses (aka blood clots).

Carolina Panthers' linebacker Luke Keuchly, in attempt to reduce the likely hood of concussion, is wearing an experimental neckpiece that pressurizes the jugular vein leading to increased blood volume in the skull.

If the blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries) of an adult were lined up end to end (which would measure close to 100,000 miles), they would circle the equator (close to 25,000 miles) four times!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Blood Veins. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Blood Veins so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor