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Blockbuster Video facts

While investigating facts about Blockbuster Video Song and Blockbuster Video Locations, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Adam Jones, the guitarist of the rock band TOOL, also worked on makeup and set design for Hollywood blockbuster films such as Jurassic Park, Terminator 2 and Ghostbusters II, and used his background in film to create TOOL's "unique" stop-motion music videos.

how many blockbuster video stores remain open worldwide?

At its height in the early 00s, Blockbuster Video earned nearly $800 million through late fees alone, making up 16% of its revenue.

Blockbuster video wow what a difference?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to blockbuster video. Here are 33 of the best facts about Blockbuster Video Store and Blockbuster Video Bend Oregon I managed to collect.

where is the last blockbuster video at?

  1. In 2000, Blockbuster Video turned down a chance to purchase a one-year-old company called Netflix for $50 million.

  2. The last film ever rented by an official branch of the Blockbuster chain of video stores was "This is the End."

  3. Unlike much of its competition, Family Video owns the real estate housing their stores, helping them to avoid unsuccessful lease negotiations that led to the demise of Blockbuster and Movie Gallery, which includes Hollywood Video. Family Video is now the largest rental chain in the U.S.

  4. In 1987, Blockbuster won a court case against Nintendo, paving the way for the rental of video games.

  5. In 1995, Blockbuster sued rival company Hollywood Video for $10 million after hiring five former Blockbuster employees. Hollywood Video had only 117 stores nationwide, in comparison to Blockbuster's 2,800.

  6. There are still 12 Blockbuster video stores, and 7 of them are in Alaska

  7. One guy is responsible for creating Waste Management Inc, Blockbuster Video, and AutoNation

  8. Blockbuster Video still has one store remaining in Bend, Oregon. There used to be two other stores in Alaska, but they both closed down about a month ago. The major key to this last Blockbuster's success is simply nostalgia.

  9. There are 12 Blockbuster video rental stores still in operation. They're all in Alaska and 9 of them are owned by the same man.

blockbuster video facts
What killed blockbuster video?

Why did blockbuster video fail?

You can easily fact check why did blockbuster video go out of business by examining the linked well-known sources.

The last Blockbuster Video in America is located in Bend, Oregon

Discovery Zone merged with Blockbuster Video and was guaranteed to be a great investment. Discovery Zone filed bankruptcy shortly after. And that's what happened to Discovery Zone. - source

Enron and Blockbuster were going to team up to make a video streaming service but it was cancelled. - source

Enron once partnered with Blockbuster to deliver video on demand. The venture failed because the technology didn't work

There are 11 Blockbuster Video stores still open - source

When did blockbuster video close?

In 2000, Blockbuster Video turned down a chance to buy Netflix for $50 million

How many blockbuster videos are left?

Enron tried to launch a video streaming service with Blockbuster and failed, ultimately contributing to the downfall of both companies.

Blockbuster video still has retail stores open in Alaska...

Nintendo felt video game rentals would hurt their sales profits so they fought Blockbuster and the Game Rental Industry in North America through aggressive copyright litigation.

There is one Blockbuster video left on Earth.

There are just 10 Blockbuster video stores still open in the US. One has its own very entertaining Twitter feed (@LoneBlockbuster).

When did blockbuster video go out of business?

There are, at the moment, six Blockbuster Video stores remaining. Most exist in Alaska, due to slow internet speeds there

Wayne Huizenga was the only entrepreneur to create three different Fortune 500 companies during his career - Blockbuster video, Waste Management and AutoNation.

Blockbuster Video, which once operated 9,000 stores nationwide, still exists in Alaska with several locations. Due to the high cost of internet access in Alaska, many customers still opt to rent, rather than stream.

There is one Blockbuster Video store still open - It is in Bend, Oregon.

This Is the End was the last video rented from Blockbuster before they stopped renting out movies in 2013

How many blockbuster video stores are left?

Financially struggling Blockbuster video made a bid to buy bankrupt Circuit City for 1.9 billion in 2008. It was the same year Blockbuster passed on buying Netflix for $50mil

Congress made it illegal to release video rental information after a Supreme Court nominee's Blockbuster history was published.

There is only one Blockbuster Video left on the planet. The distinction goes to Bend, Oregon.

There is a plan to fully revitalize the U.S. Economy using all the closed Blockbuster Video store locations and Millions of Roaches and Bats.

Viacom, the owners of BlockBuster Video in 1994, wanted to make a billion dollar BlockBuster theme park that would include brand new stadiums for the Florida Marlins and the Florida Panthers.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Blockbuster Video. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Blockbuster Video so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor