Blade Runner facts
While investigating facts about Blade Runner 2049 and Blade Runner 2049 Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Blade Runner and The Thing both came out on the same day, received mixed critical reception, and were considered box office flops, and are both now considered masterclasses in their genres.
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E.T., Blade Runner, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, Poltergeist, and The Thing were all released on the same month and competed with each other at the box office.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's blade runner 2049 about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Blade Runner Cast and Blade Runner Final Cut I managed to collect.
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One man created all the original movie posters for Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Coming to America, Blade Runner, Rambo, Harry Potter, E.T., The Thing and more.
In 2003, instead of regular interviews, a magazine gave every San Francisco mayoral candidate the replicant test from Blade Runner
A man's AI watched and recreated blade runner. The recreation was taken down. Essentially: Warner DMCA'd an artificial reconstruction of a film about artificial intelligence being indistinguishable from humans, because it couldn't distinguish between the simulation and the real thing.
The movies Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, A Scanner Darkly, The Adjustment Bureau, Screamers and Paycheck (among others) are all based on short stories by author Philip K. Dick (1928 – 1982)
Blade Runner's tears in rain monologue was rewritten by Rutger Hauer the night before filming with the line "all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain" being added. When Hauer performed the scene, the film crew applauded and some even cried.
In Blade Runner(1982) The CEO of the Tyrell Corporation was mentor to Peter Weyland, the CEO of the Weyland Corporation from the Alien franchise.
Lewis Bradbury asked a $5/week draftsman with no architectural training to design his $500,000 building in 1892. Wyman agreed after consulting his dead brother via Oija board. The Bradbury Building in LA is a National Historic Landmark and appeared in movies such as Blade Runner.
After seeing Blade Runner(1982), William Gibson, having written a third of his debut novel Neuromancer, figured he was sunk, since everyone would assume he’d copied his visual texture from the film. Neuromancer went on to be the first novel to win the Nebula, the Hugo, and Philip K. Dick awards.
Rutger Hauer (Roy Batty) changed the "tears in rain" monologue from Blade Runner the night before because he felt the original lines were nonsensical and had no bearing on the rest of the film
Rutger Hauer improvised the famous "Tears in the Rain" monologue during the filming of Blade Runner
Blade Runner data charts
For your convenience take a look at Blade Runner figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are they called blade runners by examining the linked well-known sources.
The now-classic 1982 films "The Thing" and "Blade Runner", both opened on the same weekend to horrible reviews and poor box office numbers.
Syd Mead designed the Light Cycles in Tron, the vehicles in Blade Runner, the "Johnny 5" robot from Short Circuit, and several mobile suit mecha for the anime Turn A Gundam. - source
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars Ep. IV: A New Hope, and Blade Runner were all playing in theaters on September 3, 1982. - source
The movie Blade Runner (1982) by Ridley Scott has seven different versions
Movies that Harrison Ford is most famous for appearing in include Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Blade Runner, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, Air Force One, What Lies Beneath, The Fugitive, Six Days, Seven Nights, and many more.
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Vangelis, the composer who composed the theme for Chariots of Fire, The Blade Runner, and much more, have no knowledge on how to read musical notes.
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Anthony Bourdain is planning to open a giant Blade Runner-themed food market in New York City
Legendary Sci-fi author Phillip K Dick (Blade Runner, etc.) believed he led two parallel lives, one as himself, and one as "Thomas", a Christian persecuted by Romans in the first century AD. He also thought he was taken over by the spirit of the prophet Elijah and wrote a massive religious book
Soldier(1998) and Blade Runner(1982) take place in the same universe.
The song “More Human Than Human” from White Zombie’s Astro-Creep: 2000 album is an allusion to a novel later adapted into the original Blade Runner movie.
Philip K. Dick, one of the most adapted novelist/short story writers in Hollywood such as Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall had long passed away when the royalties for his works started coming in. He lived most of his life in relative poverty and squalor.