Birth Control facts
While investigating facts about Birth Control Pills and Birth Control Side Effects, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Helen Keller was a radical socialist, birth control supporter, and helped found the ALCU in 1920.
how birth control works?
Oral birth control extends the half life of caffeine, meaning that women on bc may have caffeine in their systems for 4 hours longer than typical. This may lead to anxiety, headaches, and increased heart rate.
What birth control is best for acne?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what birth control doesn't cause weight gain. Here are 50 of the best facts about Birth Control Implant and Birth Control Patch I managed to collect.
what birth control is best?
An MIT-educated biologist, Katharine McCormick, inherited a substantial family fortune and funded the development of the first birth control pill in the 1950s
Cancer researchers discovered a potential male birth control drug. It caused mice to "forget" how to make sperm, and the mice became completely fertile, producing normal offspring, after they stopped receiving the drug.
When the Comstock Laws banned birth control, the makers of the Trojan condoms floated the restriction by selling Trojans as a protection against disease
The founder of Domino's Pizza created a Catholic town in Florida that he governs and controls, which includes banning all forms of birth control in the "town"
In 2009, Colorado initiated its Family Planning Initiative to provide low-to-no cost birth control to 68 family clinics around the state. Between 2009 and 2013, the state's teen birth rate dropped by 40%.
Indonesian scientists have developed a *male* birth control pill that has been proven 99.96% effective in clinical testing
As a form of birth control, the Egyptians applied onion juice to the tip of the penis before coitus.
Research suggests teenagers who watch "16 and Pregnant" are less likely to become pregnant and more likely to do research online about birth control and abortion.
Bill Baird, who was convicted as a felon in 1967 for giving a speech to 1,500 college students about birth control and then handing out one package of condoms and one of contraceptive foam. His actions would not be legal until 1972.
A scientist named Carl Djerassi not only developed the birth control pill, but also wrote over 1200 papers on different subjects, and wrote one of the first artificial intelligence 1965. A program called DENDRAL, which could automatically discover unknown forms of medications.
Birth Control data charts
For your convenience take a look at Birth Control figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why birth control is bad for you?
You can easily fact check why birth control is bad for your body by examining the linked well-known sources.
Male birth control is currently being tested on Baboons with a 100% success rate and will be available to the public within 1 - 2 years. - source
The German word for 'birth control pill' is 'antibabypille' - source
Women prefer the scent of a man that has a different genetic code for their immune system in their DNA: Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Women who take birth control pills prefer the opposite.
In 1968, a group of students at McGill University publicly violated the law to publish a text providing critical information about sexual health. The resulting book, called The Birth Control Handbook, sold millions of copies. - source
When birth control effective?
In the US, birth control was illegal outside of marriage until 1972.
How birth control pills work?
Bearing a child is the 6th leading cause of death amongst women 20-34 in the United States. It is actually safer to be on birth control for a prolonged period of time than to be pregnant.
In the late 19th century the feminist movements in both Europe and America were decidedly anti-condom. Feminists wanted birth control to be exclusively in the hands of women, and disapproved of male-controlled methods such as the condom.
Before 1972 it was a felony for unmarried people to possess contraception such as birth control or condoms in the United States.
The common heart shape is quite possibly based on a seed that was used for birth control in ancient times.
The charity project prevention pays addicts $300 to go on long term birth control