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Billion Euros facts

While investigating facts about Billion Euros To Dollars and Billion Euros Abbreviation, I found out little known, but curios details like:

IKEA, as it is owned by the not-for-profit INGKA foundation, pays no tax on its profits. In 2009, that was 2.538 billion euros.

how much is 1 billion euros?

Koreans donated billions of euros' worth of gold jewelry, personal heirlooms, and other valuables to help pay down the nation's IMF debt in the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis

What is 1 billion euros in us dollars?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a billion euros in us dollars. Here are 23 of the best facts about Billion Euros To Inr and Billion Euros To Rupees I managed to collect.

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  1. A French insurer created an investment product allowing individuals to put money in stock funds at prices from up to a week prior, allowing them to invest with perfect foresight. One man obtained a policy in 1997 for 8,000 Euros that should be worth more than 1 billion Euros by 2020.

  2. It took the German State ten years to fix a law allowing a specific stock trade called cum-ex, which made investors several billion Euros of tax money

  3. France generates 75% of its energy from nuclear and is a net exporter of electricity, earning over 3 billion Euro a year in doing so.

  4. Germans still use deutsche mark, even after switching to euro in 2002. There are roughly 13 billion marks equaling 6 billion Euros

  5. Haiti was forced to pay 90 million gold francs to France in compensation after Haiti gained independence in a slave revolt. "The 'independence debt,' which is today valued at over 17 billion euros forced Haiti who had won their freedom in a successful slave revolt, to pay again for freedom.

  6. France still holds a lot of power over its former colonies by means of the french monetary zone where they hold billions of money from these countries in french banks in exchange for a fixed exchange rate with the euro.

  7. Red Bull Gmbh was formed after the founder Mateschitz discovered a Thai drink which eased jetlag. Started in 1984 with 500,000 euros, Mateschitz and his partner Chaleo have turned it into a 5.1 Billion euro behemoth.

  8. Ikea Has Been Accused of Avoiding 1 Billion Euros in Taxes

  9. The Eurosystem (ECB+euro country central banks) issued over 2.4tn/2400 billion euros to purchase assets over the past 4 years.

  10. About the Spanish Christmas Lottery. One ticket costs 200€, but the prize pool is pretty fat as well: 2,52 billion euros. What makes things unordinary is the fact that the winning numbers and corresponding prizes are SUNG on live TV by the pupils of a local school.

billion euros facts
What is one billion euros in us dollars?

Why did gillette lose 8 billion dollars?

You can easily fact check why is billion dollars by examining the linked well-known sources.

Austria built a Billion-Euro Nuclear Reactor That Was Never Switched On.

British telecommunications company Vodafone once bought Mannesmann, a German steel pipe maker company - which also had a successful telecom branch - for 190 billion euros. - source

In May 2014, a French rail company discovered that 2,000 new trains ordered for 15 billion euros were too wide for many regional stations around France. A year later it was also discovered that the new trains were too tall for tunnels along the French Riviera. - source

Berlin Brandenburg Airport. A huge new replacement airport for Berlin that is currently 7 years late and 4 billion Euros over budget. A review found it had over half a million issues to fix.

As of 2014, Germany has 6.6 Billion Euros tied up in old deutsch marks - source

When million dollars?

The 'Ndrangheta is the most profiable crime organization in the world with a anual revenue that stands at around 53 billion Euros (72 billion U.S. dollars)

How much is 2.4 billion euros?

Germany owes Greece 575 billion euros from World War II obligations.

The Dutch Government has lost 1 to 5 billion euro per year on failed IT-projects.

In 2014, a French rail company discovered that 2,000 of its newest trains bought for 15 billion euros ($20.5 billion) were too wide for at least 1,000 rail stations around France.

Google owes France 1.6 billion Euros ($1.8bn) in taxes

Cristiano Ronaldo's buyout clause at Real Madrid is a BILLION euros.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Billion Euros. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Billion Euros so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor