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Ben Hur facts

While investigating facts about Ben Hur 2016 and Ben Hur Cast, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During the filming of Ben-Hur, an extra turned blue when he fell into a pond that had dye poured into it. He was kept on the MGM payroll until the color wore off.

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A 645-foot deep Kansas salt mine is used to store valuable items including many film negatives, such as "Gone With the Wind," "Ben Hur," "Star Wars," "M*A*S*H" and "Journey to the Center of the Earth."

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what steps should ben follow to prepare for a hurricane. Here are 20 of the best facts about Ben Hur Book and Ben Hur Full Movie I managed to collect.

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  1. The original camera negatives of Gone With the Wind, Ben Hur, and other documents and memorabilia, are stored in an underground salt mine, as the constant temperature and relative humidity offers natural protection

  2. Some old movies like Ben-Hur (1959) were filmed on 65mm film which translates to about a 30-40 mega pixel resolution. Standard 4K resolution is roughly 9 mega pixels. We do not have the technology to watch some movies from 60 years ago in the resolution they were filmed.

  3. Over a hundred horses were killed during the production of the 1925 Ben-Hur film. Most deaths came from the use of a wire device to trip up galloping horses during a major chariot race sequence.

  4. In 1995 the Vatican released a list of "great movies" to commemorate 100 years of cinema. "Schindler's List", "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Citizen Kane", and "Ben-Hur" were included in the list.

  5. The arena for the chariot scene in Ben-Hur (1959) was actually built in real life. The area was a total of 18 acres.

  6. Former MGM executive Benjamin Melniker, who started his career in 1939 and green-lit Ben-Hur among other things, became an executive producer on all Batman movies starting with Tim Burton's 1989 film until his death at age 104 in 2018

  7. Original film negatives for the movies "The Wizard of Oz," "Gone With The Wind," "Ben Hur," and "Star Wars" are stored in underground salt caves in Kansas.

  8. Paul Newman turned down a role in Ben-Hur (1959) because he said he didn't have the legs to wear a tunic.

  9. The writer of Ben Hur was not "in the least influenced by religious sentiment"

  10. Lew Wallace, the author of 'Ben-Hur', also signed Billy the Kid's arrest warrant.

ben hur facts
What was ben hur chained to?

What is true about ben hur?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The 1894 stage production of 'Ben-Hur' featured a live chariot race with real horses and chariots on treadmills, racing against a rotating backdrop. Stages welcoming the production had to be reinforced to bear loads of up to 30 tonnes. - source

1,100,000 feet of film was shot in the making of the movie Ben Hur, but only 19,000 feet (or 1.72%) of it was actually used in the final cut of the film. - source

Ben-Hur's producer died during filming, and was posthumously awarded Best Picture.

The ratio of footage filmed to footage used on release during the filming of the chariot race in 263:1 - source

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Union Gen. Lew Wallace is mostly famous for two things: a titanic leadership blunder that lost the Battle of Shiloh, and authoring the epic Ben Hur.

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In order to film a single chariot scene in the original 1925 version of 'Ben Hur' 150 horses died

The same person who invented the snooze button also wrote Ben Hur!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ben Hur. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ben Hur so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor