Incredible and fun facts to explore

Belly Button facts

While investigating facts about Belly Button Piercing and Belly Button Pain, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Victoria's Secret model Karolína Kurková was born with a medical complication causing her to have no belly button. An artificial navel is photoshopped into each of her photographs.

how belly button changes during pregnancy?

Scientists have successfully created cheese using human bacteria collected from toes and belly buttons.

When is baby at belly button?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what belly button piercing should i get. Here are 48 of the best facts about Belly Button Rings and Belly Button Hernia I managed to collect.

what causes pain at belly button?

  1. To tell twins apart, look at their belly buttons. It's the one thing that's not caused by genetics

  2. The costumes for the 2019 version of "Aladdin" were redesigned to show no skin. The classic outfit of Jasmine having her belly button shown was deemed "inappropriate these days for families," and was removed.

  3. Your period can come out of your belly button.

  4. The United States Code of Practices for Television Broadcasters from 1951 forbade women from showing their belly button on American television. The ban was only lifted in 1983!

  5. Belly Buttons harbor thousands of bacteria species. Scientist team found 2,368 bacterial species, when they took samples from 60 different belly buttons, 1,458 of which may be new to science.

  6. Scientists created cheese using toe and belly button bacteria to showcase different smells and microbial communities.

  7. There are specific maternity belly button rings for pregnant women that keep the piercing from closing as the belly expands.

  8. The Tortellini was inspired by Venus' Belly Button

  9. Seahorses give birth by squirting babies out of their belly button

  10. There is a disorder where a person urinates from their belly button called a Patent Urachus. This occurs when an old structure from the umbilical cord reopens or never successfully closes.

belly button facts
What's belly button lint?

Why belly button smells bad?

You can easily fact check why belly button stinks by examining the linked well-known sources.

The body hair around a man's belly button forms a concentric pattern such that it channels lint into the naval. It is thought this may be intended to keep it dry, reducing risk of infection.

In 2012 researchers did a study specifically on the biodiversity of the belly button because it provides a unique habitat for bacteria compared to the rest of the body - source

Omphaloskepsis or Naval-gazing, the act of looking into and contemplating ones own belly button to aid in the practice of meditation. - source

Whales, like all mammals, have belly buttons!!

Some people think having an “innie” or an “outie” belly button is due to the doctor “tying” it at birth - source

When belly button hurts?

Study shows subway air samples include 15% human skin- 12% of the skin came from areas such as belly buttons, ear canals, armpits, and rear ends

How belly buttons are formed?

Tonsils are like belly buttons—they come as innies and outies.

2,368 different species of bacteria are currently living in your belly button.

Charles Barkley kept vaseline for his lips in his belly button while he was playing in the NBA.

Gastroschisis, a birth defect where the baby's intestines are hanging outside their body through a small or large hole located next to the belly button.

In Islam it is acceptable for a girl to have her boobs out when alone with her father, brother, or nephew, but she still has to cover her belly button

When belly button smells?

Belly button lint (or navel fluff if you're British) is formed from your scaley belly hairs removing fiber from your shirt and directing to your belly hole.

Last year we found 1,458 new species of bacteria living in the bellybutton, everyone’s bellybutton ecology is unique like a fingerprint, and one volunteer’s belly button harbored bacteria that had previously been found only in soil from Japan, where he had never been.

It is possible to be born without a belly button! Its caused by a birth defect called"Omphalocele" where organs develop ouside the abdomen.

The belly button (umbilicus) is not midline on most people. It is usually off-center by over 2%.

Cats with just white paws are "mitted." White spot on the chest is a "locket" and spots on the belly are "buttons"

How belly button piercing?

The story 'censors' banned displays of Barbara Eden's navel on I Dream of Jeannie are false. It was never an issue until TV reporters took an interest in it which was picked-up by 'Laugh In' who wanted to unveil the belly button, causing Jeannie producers to keep the navel covered

Graham Barker from Perth, Australia, is the Guinness Book of Records holder for collecting belly button lint. He has collected his naval lint almost every day since 1984. Barker 'harvests' the lint as part of his nightly routine, and has filled more than three jars of the mater.

Before getting its current name the Moon's Tycho crater (the big one, lower middle) was known as 'Umbilicus Lunaris' - literally 'The Moon's belly button'.

Dolphins, whales, and porpoises, like many land mammals, have a belly button.

Poop and menstruation can come out of your belly button due to a condition called umbilical fistula

People can be split into two groups, based on the organisms that live in their belly buttons.

An 18 year man was crushed by a forklift and was amputated from belly button down along with his arm. Here is his story :(

Due to the improper cutting of the umbilical cord a person can pee out of their belly button

There are different ways to clean one’s belly button, depending on if you are an innie or an outie, and the possible results of not cleaning your belly button regularly - omphaloliths, or naval stones!

To tell twins apart, look at their belly buttons. It's the one thing that's not caused by genetics.

Scientists found that 15% of matter in the air at subway stations is human skin, from areas such as heels, belly buttons, armpits, and rear ends.

Louis Réard, the inventor of the bikini, named it after the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests. He thought that everyone would be shocked by the risqué display of curves and belly buttons.

An “outtie” belly button is caused by the way a doctor removes the umbilical cord, and it can be converted to an “innie” through surgery.

A man holds the Guinness world record for collecting 'belly button fluff', and he has collected 3 jars of navel lint in 26 years.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Belly Button. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Belly Button so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor