Bedroom Apartment facts
While investigating facts about Bedroom Apartments For Rent and Bedroom Apartments Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There are castles for sale in France cheaper than old two bedroom apartments in Australia.
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A blind cat named Homer risked his own life to save his owner. As the owner put it, one terrifying Miami night, Homer flung himself at a man who’d broken into her apartment while she slept, chasing the intruder out of her bedroom and all the way out the front door.
What is the maximum occupancy for a 2 bedroom apartment?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the average rent for a 2 bedroom apartment. Here are 17 of the best facts about Bedroom Apartment Ideas and Bedroom Apartment Therapy I managed to collect.
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The Murphy bed is named after William L Murphy who needed a way to hide his bed in order to have a girl over to his one bedroom apartment b/c of the moral codes of the times.
Abdul Sattar Edhi, an 88 year old humanitarian living in Pakistan who provides free ambulance services, orphan care and free funerals to the poor, to name a few. His charity runs on donation and he lives in a two bedroom apartment owning two pairs of clothes.
Letterman effectively bankrolled the final years of comedian George Miller's life. He picked up the cost of a two-bedroom apartment, 24-hour on-call nurse, got him admitted to an experimental leukemia treatment program by donating nearly $1 million to UCLA... But couldn't make it to his memorial
As od 2010, Joseph Stalin's daughter, Svetlana, lived in a one bedroom apartment in Richland Center, Wisconsin.
In Monte Carlo, $5 million only buys you a tiny one bedroom apartment with a small kitchenette.
In Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment the police found the body parts belonging to 11 people, painted skulls, photographs of his crimes, and a knife in his bedroom, among other gruesome items.
Mama" Cass Elliott and Keith Moon both died at age 32 in the same London apartment bedroom. It belonged to singer-songwriter Harry Nilsson, who never returned to it after Keith's death.
The park ranger for San Francisco's Angel Island gets a 6 bd / 5 br house for $200 a month. It has a hot tub. The average 2 bedroom apartment in SF is $4268 ( It probably won't have a hot tub.
Eric Clapton wrote the song Tears in Heaven in memory of his 4 year old son, Conor, who died after he fell out of the bedroom window of their 53rd floor Manhattan apartment building.
One of America's Founding Fathers, Patrick Henry, chained his wife to the wall of a windowless brick room due to her illness. He ended up creating a private 2 bedroom apartment in the basement of their home because he thought the hospital wasn't fit to take her.
Bedroom Apartment data charts
For your convenience take a look at Bedroom Apartment figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
During the height of the fracking oil boom last year, the remote town of Williston, ND (pop 30k-40k) had about 12 men for every woman and the highest housing rental prices in the country with 700-square-foot, one-bedroom apartments costing over $2000/mo.
In 2010 Iqaluit had the most expensive rental market in Canada:a two-bedroom apartment cost $2,365 rental a month in Iqaluit compared to $1,195 in Vancouver - source
Minimum-wage employees must work on average 2.6 full-time jobs to afford a decent two-bedroom apartment in the USA - source
The park ranger for San Francisco's Angel Island gets a 6 bd / 5 br house for $200 a month. It has a hot tub. The average 2 bedroom apartment in SF is $4268 (
How a man was able to afford a Three bedroom apartment in Park Ave. by selling potato peelers on the streets of Manhattan for $5 a piece. - source
Bedroom apartment infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Bedroom Apartment numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.