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Bed Sheet facts

While investigating facts about Bed Sheets and Bed Sheet Set, I found out little known, but curios details like:

NOT making your bed exposes bed mites to fresh air and light, which dehydrates them. Making your bed traps stale air and moisture under the sheets, providing the perfect environment for bed mites to flourish.

how bed sheets are printed?

After the murder of a director William Taylor, a reporter tried to get a confession out of Taylor's black valet. Believing that blacks were afraid of ghosts, she lured the valet to a cemetery where a man covered in a bed sheet appeared pretending to be a ghost. The valet then laughed at them.

What bed sheets are the coolest?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what bed sheets are the best. Here are 22 of the best facts about Bed Sheet Sizes and Bed Sheets Sale I managed to collect.

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  1. Every pregnant woman in Finland gets delivered a Maternity Box, which includes children's clothes and other necessary items, such as nappies, bedding, cloth, gauze towels, a blanket, crib sheets, and diapers.

  2. Two families escaped over the Berlin Wall by building a hot air balloon. A mechanic and a mason, used their mechanical know-how to build a hot air balloon engine out of old propane cylinders. Their wives pieced together a makeshift balloon from scraps of canvas and old bed sheets.

  3. Jerusalem Syndrome, in which some previously sane religious tourists go into a psychotic religious fervor after arriving in Jerusalem. Symptoms include shouting out psalms, delivering sermons, and wearing hotel bed sheets like a toga.

  4. Not making your bed in the morning can reduce the number of dust mites living in your sheets

  5. The traditional ghost costume of a bed sheet with eye holes originated in the practice of burying the dead in white shrouds.

  6. Cotton fibers are used in the manufacture of materials such as corduroy, velour, velvet, flannel and jersey. These materials are later used in textile industry for the production of T-shirts, underwear, jeans, towels and bed sheets.

  7. Willie Nelson's first wife sewed him into bed sheets while he was "buck naked" and passed out drunk. She then beat him with a wooden broomstick, packed his clothes and their children into the car and left, ending their relationship.

  8. The 1944 Olympics were canceled due to the war but polish captives in a concentration camp wanted to preserve the tradition. They got permission to organize their own games which included basketball, boxing chess and more. An olympic flag was made out of bed sheets and even the nazis saluted it

  9. Willie Nelson was assaulted numerous times by his first wife, including one incident when she sewed him up in a bed sheet and then beat him with a broomstick

  10. Fibers extracted from the stem are used in the manufacture of linen. They are smooth, straight and 3 times stronger (but less elastic) than cotton fibers. Flax fibers are used in textile industry for the manufacture of cloth and bed sheets.

bed sheet facts
What bed sheets keep you cool?

Why do my bed sheets turn yellow?

You can easily fact check why do dogs lick bed sheets by examining the linked well-known sources.

Oscar Wilde was found with a 'common boy, rough looking, about 14 years of age' in bed, the sheets of which 'were always in a most disgusting state... [with] traces of vaseline, ass-soil and semen'.

After just 2 weeks of use, the average bed pillowcases and sheets will have acquired over 300 times the amount of bacteria per square inch than what is found on the average faucet handle. - source

The Single Men 'Don't See The Need' To Wash Bed Sheets Frequently - source

Willie Nelson's first wife sewed him up in a bed sheet and beat him with a broom stick.

You can take a Bed Sheet, Shake it & Seriously Lose 20 pounds in 30 days - source

What to look for when buying bed sheets?

A minor Egyptian god that can shot eye lasers, breath fire, is invisible and looks like a guy with a bed sheet over his head. Also he became a Japanese internet meme

How to wash bed sheets?

Making your bed right after you get up is a bad idea, trapping the dampening sheets and human skin scales, sweat, and mites underneath, as opposed to exposing mites to fresh air and light, effectively killing them.

Incarcerated ex-Power Ranger Skylar Deleon used a prison bed sheet to attempt a penectomy (cutting off of one's penis) while awaiting execution for murder.

This company makes disposable bed sheets for period sex and messy sex

About another type of urban gardening – there's a a sheet of seeds you can place over a bed of soil, and not have to bother with hours of sowing seeds or weeding.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bed Sheet. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bed Sheet so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor