Beauty Contest facts
While investigating facts about Beauty Contest Questions and Beauty Contest Rules, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Hessy Levinsons Taft who had her picture submitted into a contest to find the "most beautiful Aryan baby." She won. What the Judge, Joseph Goebbels, didnt know was that Hessy was a Jew and the photographer had entered the picture because he "wanted to make the Nazis (look) ridiculous."
how beauty contests degrade womanhood?
After the 1947 murder of Elizabeth Short (better known as the Black Dahlia), reporters called her mother, telling her that her daughter had won a beauty contest, once they pried enough personal information for their story, they informed her that her daughter had been murdered.
In what ways do beauty contest help the woman?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the criteria for judging beauty contest. Here are 34 of the best facts about Beauty Contest Crossword Clue and Beauty Contest 2019 I managed to collect.
what's beauty contest?
Missy the cow, worth $1.2 million, is considered to be the top milk producing cow and also won every beauty contest she entered. Missy’s owners previously pre-sold 25 embryos for $230,000.
In 1947, the Los Angeles Examiner called the mother of the Black Dahlia murder victim to tell her that her daughter had won a beauty contest. Once they extracted as much information as possible, they revealed that her daughter had actually been found murdered.
At the annual Vagina Beauty Pageant in Oregon, contestants are judged on three categoies: Stage Talent (20%), Attractiveness (20%), and Vagina Beauty (60%)
After Elizabeth Short, AKA "The Black Dahlia" was found murdered and mutilated in 1947 in Los Angeles, the Examiner newspaper contacted Short's mother and told her Elizabeth had won a beauty contest in order to pry as much personal information from her as possible.
The Miss Navajo Beauty Pageant requires contestants to butcher a sheep and speak navajo
Empress Irene of the Byzantine Empire, among other things, became empress by winning a beauty contest, after her husband died became the first empress to rule in her own right in Byzantine History, and blinded her own son in order to retain power.
The first beauty contest in the U.S. was held in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware in 1880.
Aphrodite won a beauty contest against Athena and Hera, by providing Paris, a mortal, with a promise of love from Helen, the most beautiful mortal woman in the world. However when Paris collected Helen from her Greek husband Menelaus (the king of Sparta), the Trojan War started. The prize of the contest was a golden apple marked "For the Fairest".
Right after the Black Dahlia's identification, reporters from the L.A. Examiner contacted her mother and told her that her daughter had won a beauty contest. Only after prying as much personal information as possible did the reporters reveal that her daughter had in fact been murdered.
Beauty Contest data charts
For your convenience take a look at Beauty Contest figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why beauty contests are harmful?
You can easily fact check why beauty contests should be banned by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1960 Mary Higgins Clark's short story Beauty Contest at Buckingham was named by The Saturday Evening Post as one of their 10 best that year. Unfortunately the short story market was collapsing.
The Miss Teenage America Pageant was a United States beauty pageant started in 1961 as a pageant for high school girls. Dr. Pepper sold the pageant rights to Teen Magazine in 1981, who completely transformed the event into a mail-in contest which evaluated grades and volunteer work - source
The First Lady of Brazil is a former beauty pageant contestant who's 43 years younger than her husband.
The only beauty pageant in Saudi Arabia 'Miss Beautiful Morals'. Female judges follow contestants for 10 weeks, observing their 'devotion to their parents, personalities and inner strengths' before crowning a winner. - source
What happened when hera was not picked in a beauty contest?
There are often orographic clouds at the top of the mountain. It looks similar to smoke but is actually the result of a south-easterly wind rising up to meet the mountain's cooler air. Legend has it that this is a smoking contest between the Devil and a pirate Van Hunks. These clouds are also responsible for the beautiful lush vegetation on Table Mountain.
How beauty contests are harmful?
Immediately following The Black Dahlia's identification, reporters contacted her mother and told her that her daughter had won a beauty contest. It was only after prying as much personal information as they could that the reporters revealed that her daughter had in fact been murdered.
A Ukrainian wrestler at the age of 56, won a beauty contest among men in the United States in 1920s
The Philippines has won 5 of the last 12 world-wide beauty contests.
Chickens are surgically enhanced to look 'better' for beauty pageant competitions hosted in Malaysia. Contest winners fetch up to $10,000.
The Lyttle Lytton contest, where people compete to write the worst first sentence (in 25 words or less) of the worst imaginary novel, like "Madison was a shy, awkward, inwardly beautiful teenaged girl just like you."