Basketball Player facts
While investigating facts about Basketball Players and Basketball Player #4, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Shooting free throws in basketball underhanded, or "granny style," is statistically more effective, but players don't do it because it doesn't look cool.
how basketball players are so tall?
Yao Ming, famous for being one of the tallest player in the NBA, was born after the Chinese government "encouraged" the marriage of his parents; the country's tallest man and tallest female basketball player.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what basketball player died. Here are 50 of the best facts about Basketball Player Dies and Basketball Player Death I managed to collect.
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When Chinese warlord Zhang Zongchang saw his first basketball game, he asked, “Why the hell are they fighting over a single ball? We’re the hosts. Are we seriously this poor?” He ordered every player be given a basketball.
The Chinese government "encouraged" the country's tallest female basketball player to marry the country's tallest man. Their child was Yao Ming.
In the 2000 Paralympics, 10 out of 12 players in Spain's ID Basketball team were non-disabled, who pretended to have intellectual disabilities. The scandal was exposed after the Paralympics, when one of the players was revealed to be an investigative journalist.
When professional basketball player Kris Humphries was 10 years old, he was ranked the No. 1 swimmer for his age nationally. The person ranked No. 2 was a young Michael Phelps.
Latrell Sprewell, a basketball player whose career ended when he refused a $21-million 3-year contract, implying that he felt it wasn’t enough money to feed his children. He was never offered another contract by an NBA team, and has since experienced financial troubles.
About the 'Hooper's Pass;' an unwritten gang member code that protected and avoided targeting excellent local HS basketball players
The Spanish Paralympic Basketball Team was forced to return their Gold medals won in the 2000 Australian Olympics after almost all players were found to be NOT disabled.
Standing at 7"6', 15-year-old teen basketball giant Robert Bobroczky is already taller than any current NBA player.
NBA player Rick Barry led the league seven times in free throw percentage by shooting the ball underhanded. His free throw percentage was 89.99 at the time of his retirement. Despite the effectiveness of his technique, almost no other basketball player has followed it.
The original rules for basketball did not include dribbling; the ball could only be advanced by passing. Players eventually learned to "pass to themselves." This was accepted as legal and eventually developed into dribbling.
Basketball Player data charts
For your convenience take a look at Basketball Player figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why basketball players are so tall?
You can easily fact check why basketball players are bald by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Chinese government encouraged two basketball players (a 7ft man and 6'3" woman) to marry and produce a child who would become a dominant athlete, that child was Yao Ming
The Chinese government "encouraged" the country's tallest female basketball player to marry the country's tallest man. Their child was Yao Ming. - source
Only 0.03% of high school basketball players make it to the NBA, and only 0.003% play at that level for longer than 4 years. - source
Basketball player Austin Hatch survived two plane crashes, one in 2003 that killed his mother, brother and sister, and one in 2011 that killed his father and stepmother.
NBA star Bill Laimbeer came from a very wealthy family. Before he got a raise, the basketball player clamed "I'm the only player in the NBA who makes less money than his father". - source
When basketball player makes a highlight dunk?
Professional basketball player Latrell Sprewell rejected a three year, 21 million dollar contract, for the reason that it wouldn't be enough to feed his children.
How basketball players are tall?
In 1993 Nike released a commercial featuring NBA star Charles Barkley, who's message was basically that parents should be role models to their children, not basketball players.
When identical twin, basketball players Brook and Robin Lopez were both playing for NY-based teams, they considered living together. They then decided against it because their cats didn't get along.
Basketball Player Tim Duncan was almost an Olympic level swimmer but had to quit due to Hurricane Hugo destroying his practice pool forcing him to practice in the Ocean, he quit soon after due to his fear of sharks
Legendary basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is an avid Holmesian and authored his own stories based on Mycroft Holmes in prose and comic mediums
The Harlem Globetrotters were originally a serious basketball team and shocked the nation in 1948 when the all-black Globetrotters beat the all-white Minneapolis Lakers on a dramatic buzzer beater. Ex-Globetrotters soon become the first black players to be signed in the newly formed NBA.