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Band Vulfpeck facts

While investigating facts about Funk Band Vulfpeck and Vulfpeck Band Members, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The band Vulfpeck asked fans to stream a five minute silent album on repeat on Spotify so they could earn enough royalties to go on tour. The earnings from Spotify came in at $19,655.56.

how did the band toto get their name?

The band Vulfpeck released a completely silent album on Spotify and asked their fans to play it on repeat while they slept. They earned $20,000 in royaltees before Spotify closed the loophole.

What was the band toto named after?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what songs does the band toto sing. Here are 21 of the best facts about Vulfpeck Band Name Meaning and Vulfpeck Band Tour I managed to collect.

what happened to the band toto?

  1. In 2014, the band Vulfpeck released a silent album called "Sleepify" on Spotify. They encouraged listeners to play the album on loop while they slept, so that the band could collect royalties to fund their next tour. They earned $20,000 and didn't charge admission for shows on the tour.

  2. A band, Vulfpeck, raised 20,000$ for a tour by streaming an album called "Sleepify" on Spotify. The album consisted of 10 tracks of nothing, for a total of 5 minutes of silence. Fans were urged to play this when they went to bed, and after 5.5 million streams the album was taken down.

  3. Funk band Vulfpeck released an album on Spotify titled "Sleepify" consisting entirely of silence. They encouraged listeners to stream the album while sleeping, and used the royalties (nearly $20,000) to fund an admission-free concert tour.

  4. An American band called Vulfpeck released a silent album on Spotify to fund an free tour. The band asked their fans to play it on repeat as often as possible. The album made $20k before it was shut down. The band received the royalties and followed through on the tour.

  5. The band Vulfpeck produced a silent album with no audible noise. The album was produced solely to get royalties from Spotify which were used to fund an admission-free tour.

band vulfpeck facts
Whatever happened to the band toto?

Why is the band called toto?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A band named "Vulfpeck" made $20,000 on a totally silent album on spotify. - source

Some of the Vulfpeck crew (Jack, Antwaun, Joe Dart) used to be in a funk band called Groove Spoon - source

An Indie band 'Vulfpeck' put out an album of *silence*, asked fans to play it on overnight on repeat & earned $20,000 as a result. - source

When was the band toto formed?

The band Vulfpeck released an 'album' on Spotify which contained nothing but silence. They recommended their fans listen to it on loop while they sleep - the profits from this were used to fund a free tour

How did the band toto get its name?

A silent album by an indie band 'Vulfpeck' deliberately released an album that was silent just to make money with no music. They asked their fans to play the songs overnight while they slept. They eventually made $20000 before Spotify removed it.

A funk band called Vulfpeck released Sleepify, a ten-track silent album on Spotify, in order to raise funds for an admission-free tour. They encouraged their fans to listen to the album on repeat while they slept. The album generated $20,000 in royalties over a two-month period.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Band Vulfpeck. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Band Vulfpeck so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor