Baltic Sea facts
While investigating facts about Baltic Sea Map and Baltic Sea Cruise, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1981, a tenant was evicted in Germany after spreading Surströmming (fermented Baltic Sea herrring) brine in the stairway. The landlord was taken to court, where he brought a can of Surströmming as evidence. After being opened, the court unanimously ruled in his favor because of the smell.
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That, in 1994, the MS Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea, killing 852 people. The bodies are still at the bottom of the sea and it's illegal to dive to the wreck
What is the baltic sea?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is it in the baltic sea. Here are 50 of the best facts about Baltic Sea Countries and Baltic Sea Cruises 2020 I managed to collect.
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Leakage from phosphorous bombs dumped into the Baltic sea post-WWII can form pieces that look similar to natural amber deposits. These are sometimes picked up by beachcombers, resulting in serious injury when they eventually ignite.
200-year old champagne (Veuve Clicquot and Juglar) was recovered from the bottom of the Baltic sea and found to be completely drinkable. The champagne was so well preserved because it lay horizontally, under pressure, at a low temperature and in the dark.
The Finnish cities Turku and Tampere have a fierce rivalry, every year students from Tampere go to Turku's market square and jump, in a joking attempt to sink Turku back below the Baltic sea.
In 2014 a message in bottle arrived after 101 years after being recovered by a German fisherman in the Baltic Sea. Researchers then sourced the postcard inside the beer bottle to baker's son Richard Platz and tracked down his 62-year-old granddaughter.
Sweden has "gay sailor" defense system in the Baltic Sea. Underwater dancing gay sailor neon sign sends a Morse code saying "Come here if you're gay", targeted to Russian submarines detected regularly in the area.
Prora is a hotel at German island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea stretches over staggering three miles and has 10,000 bedrooms all facing sea and there is no single tourist who stayed at this place though it was built between 1936 and 1939. It is constructed on the orders of Hitler.
Approximately 45% of the Central Baltic Sea is ice covered at its annual maximum.
The Central Baltic Sea covers an area of 146,000 square miles. Its average depth is 180 feet and maximum depth is 1,506 feet.
The Central Baltic Sea is connected to Saint Petersburg via the Gulf of Finland.
The Central Baltic Sea is protected by the Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area.
Baltic Sea data charts
For your convenience take a look at Baltic Sea figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are invasive species a problem in the baltic sea by examining the linked well-known sources.
Endangered bird species in the Baltic Sea region include the Terek sandpiper, the Mediterranean gull, the southern dunlin, and the black-legged kittiwake.
The Central Baltic Sea's northernmost region is referred to as the Gulf of Bothnia.
The shoreline of the Central Baltic Sea covers 5,000 miles.
Mammal species in the Baltic Sea at risk for becoming extinct include the harbour porpoise, the Baltic ringed seal, the Eurasian otter, the grey seal, and the harbour seal.
Countries that drain into the Central Baltic Sea but do not border it include Ukraine, Slovakia, Norway, Czech Republic, and Belarus.
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The water volume of the Central Baltic Sea is 21,700km cubed.
How deep is the baltic sea?
Because of the narrow connection to the North Sea from the Baltic Sea, the water that remains in the Gulf of Riga is there for an average of 30 years.
Some of the more well-known dead zones in the world include the Gulf of Mexico dead zone, the Baltic Sea dead zone, the Black Sea dead zone, in Lake Erie (one of the freshwater lakes of the Great Lakes), off the coast or Oregon, and in Chesapeake Bay.
Since 1720 the Baltic Sea has frozen completely over 20 times in total. The most recent case of it freezing over occurred in 1987.
There have been historical floods in the Central Baltic Sea region including the 1304 All Saints" Flood, and floods in 1320, 1449, 1625, 1694, 1784, and 1825. The highest recorded flood occurred in 1872 when the sea level in Warnemunde was 8 feet over sea level.
During the 8th to the 14th centuries, the Central Baltic Sea was a common region for piracy from Prussia and Pomerania.