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Back Black facts

While investigating facts about Back Blackheads and Back Black Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Stephen Hawking once sent his PhD student away with a very hard problem – finding exact rotating black hole solutions of Einstein’s equations with a cosmological constant – and was stunned when he came back a few days later with the solution

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An African Wild Dog named Solo, after losing her entire pack to a lion ambush, exhibited unprecedented behaviour by forming a surrogate pack including a Hyena with whom she would typically want to kill, and a family of Black-backed Jackals, with pups that she treated as her own.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is back to black about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Blackhead On Back and Back Black Amy Winehouse I managed to collect.

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  1. Struggling black model Amylia Dorsey kept getting rejected because she didn't fit the prototypical body type for models. This enraged her rapper boyfriend Sir Mix-A-Lot to write "Baby Got Back" and asked Amylia to be the "OMG Becky" voice we hear in the song.

  2. The Scottish army tried to take advantage of the Black Plague in England through an invasion, but caught it themselves and brought it back to Scotland, killing half of the native population.

  3. Inspired by the Black Mirror episode "Be Right Back," a software developer gathered over 8,000 lines of text from friends and family of her recently deceased best friend, and used it to create an artificial intelligence simulation of him.

  4. Robert Peace, a 'black guy from the hood' who ended up graduating from Yale with honors in molecular biophysics and biochemistry, moving back to his 'hood' and teaching biology at his old highschool, engineering his own strain of Marijuana and getting killed over a drug deal

  5. When Lena Horne entertained troops during WWII for the USO, German POW's were given front row seats while black servicemen were relegated to the back of the theater. She walked off the stage to the row where the black troops were seated and performed with the Germans behind her.

  6. Not only is Thriller by Michael Jackson the highest selling album of all time at 110 million worldwide, it's total sales are greater than the number two (Dark Side of the Moon) and three (Back in Black) albums on the same list combined.

  7. The entire movie "Chinatown" is portrayed subjectively through the eyes of the main character, Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson), who appears in every scene. In fact, in the one scene when Gittes is knocked unconscious, the film fades to black and fades back in only when he awakens.

  8. During the 1946 election for sheriff in Athens, Tennessee a deputy refused to let an elderly black man vote. When the man dropped his ballot and ran, the deputy shot him in the back. This catalyst led to WWII veterans laying siege on the officers holed up in a prison.

  9. Hubble watched a failed supernova turn into a black hole before its very eyes. These so-called "massive fails" (seriously) are thought to occur when the core of a star is so huge its exploding shell of gas cannot escape, and instead collapses back in on itself.

  10. A region near a black hole called a photon sphere where the gravitational pull is so strong that light photons orbit it, meaning if you were at that point and turned to the side, you could see the back of your own head.

back black facts
What is the song back in black about?

Back Black data charts

For your convenience take a look at Back Black figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

back black fact data chart about Superradiant scattering, "more bounces back than you send in
Superradiant scattering, "more bounces back than you send in", from a rotating black hole!

back black fact data chart about A comparison of AC/DC's Back in Black lyrics, compared with
A comparison of AC/DC's Back in Black lyrics, compared with Bon and Brian's other output

Why do blackheads come back?

You can easily fact check why is the back of my neck black by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Black Cauldron (1985) did so poorly at the box office that it was released on VHS until 13 years later and to this day it has yet to make back even half of its $44 million budget.

When looking back at how big France has played apart in American history) Congress wore black and mourning badges for 30 days after Lafayette's death, the same treatment Washington got. - source

According to a 2007 study from researchers at the University of Copenhagen; All blue eyed people can be traced back to one person who lived near the Black Sea 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. - source

There's a large black stain at the back of the chair, which everybody assumes is Lincoln's blood , but that's not the case. Research on the stain has shown that it's hair oil. Some of the other stains are water damage.

AC/DC briefly considered breaking up after their original frontman, Bon Scott, died. However, encouraged by the insistence from Scott's parents that he would've wanted them to go on, the band decided to continue. They found Brian Johnson as their new frontman and "Back in Black" was made. - source

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Richard Pryor opened the Academy Awards way back in 1977 with a monologue about black performers never getting nominated.

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A woman in the UK was sent to three years in prison for wasting police time after reporting a sexual assault. This is despite the fact that "the police had documented the injuries to the back of her head and breasts, the black eye, the bleeding from her vagina."

Australian scientists have used music to attract Great White Sharks, and have found they are particularly drawn to AC/DC's "Back In Black".

Some unmanned spacecraft don’t have colour cameras because they get a higher resolution if it’s black and white and because less information had to be transmitted, thus saving the space crafts power supply and is significantly deceases the time it takes to transmit the data back to earth.

Black cows are sometimes branded with liquid nitrogen, which makes the hairs grow back white.

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Penguins’ distinct coloration is a form of camouflage. From above, their black backs blend in with murky depths of the ocean. From below, their white bellies are hidden against the bright surface.

The Black Death was originally spread to Europe in the 14th century by Mongols catapulting infected corpses into an Italian trading outpost in Crimea, who fled and unwittingly carried the disease back to Sicily where it proceeded to wipe out up to 60% of Europe's population in four years

The Black Swan Project. A US salvage company tried to secretly steal $500,000 worth of gold from Spanish shipwrecks. The US Supreme Court eventually told them to give Spain back their gold

Abraham Lincoln served in the 1832 Black Hawk War and was elected company captain. A story tells of a Potawotami man who Lincoln's men assumed was a spy. Lincoln threw himself in front of his men's muskets, knocking their weapons upward and protecting the Potawotami until his men backed down.

Paraguay is one of the most ethnically homogenous countries in Latin America because of a law dating back to 1814 which banned Spaniards from marrying other Spaniards or Europeans, being only allowed to marry natives, blacks, or mulattoes.

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In 1898, Jim White saw bats flying into a tiny hole in the ground, so he crawled down in. The hole led to a cave so big that as he explored it's depths his lantern would burn out and he had to find his way back in pitch blackness by memory. It is now the national park known as Carlsbad Caverns.

When Madonna broke up with artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, he took back all the paintings he gave her and painted them all black.

Alabama governor George Wallace, who was a staunch segregationist, finally back downed once the ruling was made. There was no anti-marcher violence during the third march.

Haddock has purple grey head and back and silvery-grey lateral sides of the body with prominent black lateral line. Belly is white colored. Haddock can be easily recognized by black blotch (also known as "Devil's thumbprint) above the pectoral fin. Dark blotch can be seen on both sides of the body.

Samoyed has pointed muzzle, almond-shaped, brown or black-colored eyes, triangular, erect, furry ears, compact, muscular body and long tail curled over the back.

Small-eyed snake has dark grey or black skin on the back and lateral sides of the body. Belly is creamy or bright pink colored and covered with dark spots or grey blotches.

Gentoo penguin has bluish-black plumage on the back and white plumage on the belly. It can be easily recognized by wide white strap on top of the black head that stretches to the eyes.

Mona monkey has red-brown or brown-agouti backs, white rump and ventral parts of the body and black tail and legs. Bluish-grey face is covered with dark eyebrows and white stripe on the forehead.

Males and females can be distinguished by the feather coloration: males have reddish backs and black bib, while females have brown backs with stripes.

Body of squirrel monkeys is covered with fur that is mostly olive or grey in color. Their face, ears and throat are white. Mouths are black. Backs and extremities are covered with yellow-orange fur.

Zorse has large head, long muzzle, large eyes, pricked ears, short mane on the back and thin legs that end with (usually) black hooves.

Macaroni penguin has golden-yellow crest on the head that stretches from the center of the forehead to the nape. It has black plumage on the head, back and upper side of the wings, while belly and bottom side of the wings are covered with white feathers.

After retiring from politics, Jordan moved back to her native Texas and taught law.

Leopard seal has silver grey or dark grey (nearly black) skin on the back and whitish silver skin on the front side of the body. Black spots on the body of leopard seal resemble the spots on a leopard's body, hence the name. Thick layer of blubber under the skin prevents freezing in the cold water.

Backs and lateral sides of the body are black. Belly is yellow and covered with black patches.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Back Black. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Back Black so important!

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