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Australian Outback facts

While investigating facts about Australian Outback Spectacular and Australian Outback Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2003, archaeologists found 20,000 year old human footprints in the Australian Outback of a male they called T8. Scientists determined he was running 23 mph in mud, barefoot, and was even accelerating before the tracks stopped. Usain Bolt’s record for running speed is 27.44 mph.

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At 13, Molly Kelly an Aboriginal girl was forcibly removed from her family and sent to a government institution to become a domestic servant. She escaped and walked 1000 miles home across the outback. From 1905-1971 Australian authorities forcibly removed thousands of indigenous children

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering the official name of the australian outback is what. Here are 22 of the best facts about Australian Outback Hats and Australian Outback Marathon I managed to collect.

what is the australian outback?

  1. There is an underground town in the Australian outback called Coober Pedy. Half of its population live below ground to escape the area's hellish temperatures.

  2. Outback Steakhouse was created by 4 Americans and the only genuine Australian food they serve is the alcohol

  3. In May of 1993, a Japanese Doomsday cult situated deep in the Australian Outback reportedly set off some form of an explosion that registered as seismic activity.

  4. NASA was fined $400 by Australia in 1979 for littering when pieces of Skylab crashed into the Australian outback. No one was injured. The fine was unpaid until Californian radio DJ raised funds from his listeners and paid NASA’s fine 20 years later in 1999.

  5. Britain used the Australian outback as a nuclear testing ground, exploding seven Atomic Bombs at Maralinga in the south-west Australian outback.

  6. In the 1971 film "Wake In Fright", a visitor is trapped in an Outback town awash with booze and depression. At a special screening a Australian audience member stood up and yelled "That's not us!" to which a cast member yelled back "Sit down, mate. It is us." The once-lost movie is on YouTube.

  7. In 1993 a strange seismic blast occurred in the Australian outback that felt like an earthquake, but many believed it was the work of a Japanese doomsday cult who recruited Soviet scientists and detonated their own nuclear weapon.

  8. There is a yacht club in the middle of the Australian Outback on Lake Eyre, a lake that only fills completely 4 times a century and is completely dry most of the time.

  9. The "Ghans", camel caravaners, usually from Afghanistan or Pakistan, who worked in the Australian Outback. They played a major role in exploration of central Australia.

  10. Keith Murdoch, New Zealand rookie rugby star who got kicked out of tournament in Europe, flew to the Australian outback, and essentially disappeared for the rest of his life.

australian outback facts
What is the australian outback like?

Why is the outback vital to the strength of the australian economy?

You can easily fact check why so many flies in australian outback by examining the linked well-known sources.

Sean Penn and Woody Harrelson had a prank war in the 90's. Harrelson's prank involved Penn being taken 'hostage' in a police station and dragged outside at gun-point. Penn's saw him drive Harrelson into the Australian Outback, pretend to be stuck, then speed away when Harrelson got out to push

The United States was fined $400 for littering after pieces of Skylab fell into the Australian outback. - source

Britain carried out atomic bomb tests in the Australian Outback - source

Britain conducted 7 Nuclear Tests in the Australian Outback between '55 and '63. It was done on an Aboriginal settlement, whom they transferred to another settlement. The fallout was not cleared completely till 2000.

There Is A Forest In The Australian Outback Made Of Lego Bricks 67 Times Larger Than Normal Lego Bricks - source

When did australian bushrangers start?

The term "three dog night", known as the name of a famous American rock band originates from the Australian outback meaning "so cold that you would need three dogs to keep warm"

How dangerous is the australian outback?

Naturalist David Noble discovered a species of tree in the Australian outback in 1994 that was only known through the fossil record and was otherwise completely new to science. It was subsequently named after him. Wollemi nobilis.

Eromanga can refer to erotic manga, a small outback Queensland town or an early cretaceous era Australian inland sea.

The Australian gridiron team is called 'The Outbacks'

About Neal McShane, a police officer in the Australian Outback whose jurisdiction covers more land area than the entire United Kingdom, which he patrols alone for 362 days per year.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Australian Outback. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Australian Outback so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor