Australian Aboriginal facts
While investigating facts about Australian Aboriginal History and Australian Aboriginal Culture, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Nyarri Morgan, an Australian aboriginal man who had no contact with the Western world until he witnessed - with no context - an atomic test and its resulting effects
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Australian aborigines have stories that tell of events from the last glacial maximum (21,000 years ago) when Australia and Indonesia were connected by a vast land bridge. These stories are some of the oldest extant repositories of human knowledge.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is an aboriginal australian. Here are 50 of the best facts about Australian Aboriginal Flag and Australian Aboriginal Art I managed to collect.
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At 13, Molly Kelly an Aboriginal girl was forcibly removed from her family and sent to a government institution to become a domestic servant. She escaped and walked 1000 miles home across the outback. From 1905-1971 Australian authorities forcibly removed thousands of indigenous children
The ancient myths of Australian Aborigines portray the formation of geographical features in Australia, dating to 10,000 BC, with striking accuracy. The myths corroborate modern geological evidence, indicating they originated as firsthand accounts, preserved for millennia.
An Australian man searching for a toilet stumbled across the oldest-known evidence of Aboriginal settlement in existence from 49,000 years ago
The last Australian Aboriginal nomads first made contact with white people in 1984. That year they came out of the desert and continue to live in modern society. One of them is quoted as saying 'I wouldn't go back.'
Twenty years ago Australian aboriginal suicide rates were equivalent to the national rate but now they are three fold, and in some regions spates of suicide have reached 100 times the national average.
Aboriginal Australians, especially in the west-central parts of the continent, have a high frequency of natural blond-to-brown hair, with as many as 90–100% of children having blond hair in some areas.
There was only one Australian Aboriginal pilot in WWII nicknamed "The Black Magic" who after his service, lived the rest of his days in housing projects as a sheep shearer.
In the Aboriginal Australian language of Ritharrŋu the polite response to a sneeze is "Klas bin gurruwan" meaning "You have released nose-water." The sneezer then responds with "Bla mela nana!" meaning "I am dry now."
Because of Aboriginal avoidance laws, Many Australian television programs and films include a title card warning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to "use caution viewing this film, as it may contain images or voices of dead persons"
Aboriginal Australian tribes have no words for left, right, forward, or backward in their language. They only use cardinal directions to describe locations of everything around them, knowing where north and south are at all times, essentially being human compasses
Australian Aboriginal data charts
For your convenience take a look at Australian Aboriginal figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The "Stolen Generation", aboriginal Australian children who were forcibly removed from their families and placed in White Australian homes by parliamentary action.
Because Aboriginal cultures aren't allowed to see/hear footage of a dead member of their tribe, Australian TV often has the disclaimer "Aboriginals are advised that the following program contains images and voices of people who have died." - source
Early Australian settlers treated indigenous Tasmanian Aborigines as vermins and hunted them for sport which led to their extinction. - source
Certain frogs in Australia hold drinkable water in their bladders. Australian Aborigines dig up the frogs and squeeze it making the frog release some of the fresh water.
Exogamy has often meant that Australian Aboriginal mothers and fathers speak different languages, so that children traditionally grew up at least bilingual, and in many cases polylingual, meaning that communication was facilitated by mastery of multiple languages and dialects of Yolŋu Matha - source
When did australian aboriginal peoples come to australia?
Non-African humans have traces of Neanderthal DNA and Australian aborigines, New Guineans and some Pacific Islanders are about 6 percent Denisovan genes.
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It wasn't until 1967 that Australian aboriginals were counted in the population.
Some Aboriginal Australians have Dutch DNA. This is due to Dutch trading vessels being shipwrecked on the west coast of the continent in the 1700's.
It is common for Australians to fly the Australian National Flag, the Torres Strait Islander Flag or the Aboriginal Flag on Australia Day.