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Audio Recording facts

While investigating facts about Audio Recording Software and Audio Recording App, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Giraffes were thought to be nearly completely silent because their long necks make vocal vibration difficult. However, researchers spent 8 years recording almost 1000 hours of audio at three zoos and discovered that giraffes produce a deep, spooky humming noise, almost like tantric chanting.

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In 1987, Fisher-Price manufactured and sold a camcorder capable of recording video footage to standard audio cassettes.

What is audio recording?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is internal audio recording. Here are 50 of the best facts about Audio Recording On Iphone and Audio Recording Devices I managed to collect.

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  1. MIT researchers were able to capture sound from a soundless video of a chip bag using a high FPS camera recording. All sound causes objects to vibrate and using advanced software, they were able to match the vibrations shown in the chip bag to the respective audio frequencies.

  2. A Kent State communications major took an audio recording of the war protest from his dorm room in 1970. He created the only real-time account of the shooting, and his original tape was destroyed by the Department of Justice in 1979.

  3. It took E. B. White 17 takes to read the death scene of Charlotte, as he recorded the audio version of his book Charlotte's Web. He is said to have walked outside, come back in, and start crying again when he got to that moment, "a grown man crying over the death of an imaginary insect."

  4. The ‘Wilhelm Scream’, a distinctive stock audio scream, which has appeared in over 300 movies was voiced by Sheb Wooley who went onto record The Purple People Eater.

  5. In 2013 a dog named Killian saved a baby boy from an abusive babysitter. He alerted his owners by growling and standing between the baby and the sitter whenever she was there. Suspicious, the parents left an IPhone under the sofa recording audio. The sitter was later convicted on what they heard

  6. Neil Armstrong claims he said "one small step for A man" when he set foot on the moon and that audio analysis of the recording backs that up and it's been misquoted this entire time.

  7. Stanley Kubrick recorded a typist hammering out “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” because he believed each typewriter key made a slightly different sound and he wanted the audio track of “The Shining” to be perfectly accurate.

  8. The computer program that created the THX "Deep Note" (before a movie screening) was coded to be random. The audio you hear was recorded one time and can never be recreated exactly by that computer again.

  9. Carl Haber created a machine that can read the surface of very old audio recordings and reproduce them without anything having to touch them; using the same type of technology that was used to see the Higgs boson particle.

  10. Ray Dolby (the "Dolby" on audio equipment) helped develop the first videotape recorder before the age of 21. After founding Dolby Laboratories, he became a billionaire by charging little for his technology so others paid him instead of developing their own.

audio recording facts
What is audio video recording?

Audio Recording data charts

For your convenience take a look at Audio Recording figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

audio recording fact data chart about I documented my son's sleep training progress using an audio
I documented my son's sleep training progress using an audio recorder and turned it into a chart to make sure it was working.

Why does screen recording not record audio?

You can easily fact check why is screen recording not recording audio by examining the linked well-known sources.

The audio levels in recorded music have increased since the early 1990s with many experts saying it leads to reduced sound quality and listener enjoyment. This is known as the "Loudness War".

Scientists can accurately recover sound in a video that has been recorded without audio, just by observing the micro-vibrations of inanimate objects in that video. - source

The BBC does not use a recording of Big Ben's chimes for radio, instead the audio is sent live from the tower to broadcast - source

Former judge Donald Thompson who was convicted of indecent exposure after he exposed himself several times during jury trials. His was witnessed using a penis pump "almost daily" during a murder trial and a "whooshing" sound could be heard on audio recordings of the proceedings.

the earliest audio recording of the word "fuck" was made in 1885. A technician at Volta labs was testing his equipment when it malfunctioned and recorded his iritated response. - source

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When recording the audio book for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Stephen Fry could not say the phrase "he pocketed it" correctly, and he asked JK Rowling to replace it. She refused, and the phrase appears in each of the following 4 books.

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The FBI audio recorded MLK having sex with women in various hotels, then tried to blackmail him into committing suicide due to their fear he was associated with the communist party.

Fanny Cochrane Smith was the last fluent Tasmanian speaker; she also recorded the only known audio recordings of Tasmanian music, which you can hear on Wikipedia.

About Guy Tyler, who made hundreds of audio recordings of Native American languages. They provide an archive of languages in danger of being lost to erasure of native culture, as well as helped protect the sacred site at Ward Valley from becoming a nuclear waste dump [link to audio in comments].

Marlon Brando's final acting job was voicing Don Corleone in The Godfather video game released in 2006. His recordings were eventually cut because his oxygen tank made too much noise during the audio recordings

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The sex noises in the Guns N’ Roses song “Rocket Queen” were audio recordings of Axl Rose having sex with the drummer’s girlfriend in the studio. Shortly after, the girl involved developed an alcohol/drug addiction to help cope with the guilt.

The director Christopher Nolan recorded two separate commentary tracks for the DVD version of "Mememto" in order to mislead the audience. The alternate track is triggered every other time you play the audio commentary.

The warning tones played before an Emergency Alert Broadcast contain information and automatically activate the system by audio alone. Playback of the recorded tones (like in an an ad) over TV or radio can kick the actual system online, resulting in heavy fines.

In 1987 Fisher Price produced a camcorder designed to record low-quality video on to an audio cassette.

Old school computers like the Apple //e could save and load games to/from cassette tapes in a tape recorder. This basically worked by interpreting the audio data as game data. This prompted some pirate FM radio stations in the 1980s to broadcast games right over FM radio every weekend.

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Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris' (known as the "Tool Box Killers") audio recording of their murder of Shirley Lynette Ledford is so horrible it is used to desensitize FBI agents.

Byron Smith, the Minnesota man who made an audio recording of himself killing two teenagers he deceived into believing he was not home and then lay in wait for - may get a new trial due to alleged illegal court proceedings in his first trial.

In 2008, a German metal band named Stalaggh abducted mental patients and used them to provide vocals for their album. One patient, who stabbed his mother 30 times, attempted to kill one of the musicians while recording. It was caught on audio and kept on the final album.

Giraffes hum at night. According to audio recordings of giraffes taken at three European zoos, the long-legged animals sometimes produce "a low-frequency vocalization with a rich harmonic structure and of varying duration" at night.

Many confuse MIDI with digital but they are not the same. Digital audio is a method of recording that represents the note's sound while MIDI represents the note itself.

Roy Dotrice, who is the narrator for all five of the Game Of Thrones audio books holds a Guinness World Record for "Most character voices for an audio book", with 224. He was also featured in a few episodes in Season 2 of the television series as the Pyromancer

The first audio recording was made on paper in 1860 but was not playable until 2008

The subtle changes in the frequency of the electrical grid can be heard in audio recordings, providing a unique, subtle timestamp which is actively used in crime investigation.

The CIA spend $20,000,000 on a cat that could secretly record audio and upon being tested for the first time was immediately run over.

Cornell's Lab of Orinithology started a library of audio and video recordings in the 1930s to document the behavior of animals. The library now has over 175,000 audio recordings and over 60,000 video recordings of animals including some animals now extinct.

Drums with the "80s sound" is using a technique called gated reverb, an audio processing technique that is applied to recordings of drums to make the drums sound powerful and "punchy," while keeping the overall mix clean and transparent-sounding.

President Jimmy Carter has received 9 Grammy nominations, and won it 3 times, for Best Spoken Word Album for audio recordings of his books: "Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis" (2007), "A Full Life: Reflections at 90" (2016) and "Faith: A Journey For All" (2019).

Operation "Wandering Soul" in the Vietnam War. Recordings of Americans pretending to be ghosts, urging the Vietcong to turn back or give up, were played through the forests at night. Audio in comments.

There are certain voice-over actors known as mimics, who are called in just to record audio of sighing, grunting and various other sounds for famous celebrities

One of the benefits of MIDI is that the composer can quickly change the key or other elements of sound to hear the effects, while pre-recorded audio cannot be manipulated in this way.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Audio Recording. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Audio Recording so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor