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Astronomer Carl facts

While investigating facts about Astronomer Carl Crossword Clue and Astronomer Carl Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Carl Sagan sued Apple Computer in 1994. Apple used 'Carl Sagan' as an internal code for the Power Macintosh 7100. Apple lost and renamed it 'BHA', for Butt Head Astronomer. Sagan sued again, and lost.

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Carl Sagan sued Apple Computer in 1995. Apple used 'Carl Sagan' as an internal code for the Power Macintosh 7100. After a cease-and-desist letter, Apple renamed it 'BHA', for Butt-Head Astronomer. Sagan sued. Apple then changed the name to "LAW", short for "Lawyers are Wimps".

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 19 of the best facts about Astronomer Carl Crossword Puzzle Clue and Astronomer Carl Sagan I managed to collect.

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  1. Carl Sagan sued Apple Computer in 1995. Apple used 'Carl Sagan' as an internal code for the Power Macintosh 7100. After a cease-and-desist letter, Apple renamed it 'BHA', for Butt Head Astronomer. Sagan sued. Apple then changed the name to "LAW", short for "Lawyers are Wimps".

  2. In 1984 celebrity astronomer Carl Sagan, the actor Martin Sheen, the Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and PGP-creator Phil Zimmermann were in police jail together. They had been arrested after breaking into the Nevada nuclear test site.

  3. Astronomer Carl Sagan was denied membership in the National Academy of Sciences, reportedly because his media activities made him unpopular with many other scientists.

  4. The astronomer Carl Sagan noticed Tyson's college application and invited him to spend the day with at Cornell University.

  5. The little boy who recorded "hello from the children of planet Earth" on the Voyager golden record is the son of astronomer Carl Sagan.

  6. Upon hearing the Power Mac 7100 project bore his name Carl Sagan sent Apple a cease-and-desist order; the product team then revised the name to BHA - Butt Head Astronomer

  7. In 1994, engineers at Apple Computer code-named the Power Macintosh 7100 "Carl Sagan" in the hope that Apple would make "billions and billions" with the sale of the PowerMac 7100. When Sagan complained in writing, Apple renamed the project "BHA" (for Butt-Head Astronomer).

astronomer carl facts
What are the best facts about Astronomer Carl?

Why do astronauts go to the iss?

You can easily fact check why do astronauts on the iss experience weightlessness by examining the linked well-known sources.

Famed Astronomer Carl Sagan was a longtime casual user of and advocate for marijuana. He wrote under the pseudonym Mr. X. Noting: "The understanding of the intent of the artist which I can achieve when high sometimes carries over to when I’m down."

Apple codenamed a Mac series 'Carl Sagan' but he sent a cease-and-desist. Apple then changed the codename to "BHA" for "Butt-Head Astronomer". - source

The Apple Powermac 7100 was internally codenamed 'Sagan' . Carl Sagan did not want this to be taken as an endorsement and wrote to Newsweek about it, Apple retaliated by changing the code name to BHA ('Butt Head Astronomer') - source

The character Ellie Arroway from Carl Sagan's "Contact" was based on real-life female SETI astronomer Jill Tarter.

Carl Sagan sent a cease and desist to Apple for using his name and Apple retaliated by codenaming the project BHA(Butt Head Astronomer) - source

When will astronauts get to iss?

It's Carl Sagan Day. He was a popular scientist and astronomer who was born November 9, 1934.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Astronomer Carl. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Astronomer Carl so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor