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Arnold Sommerfeld facts

While investigating facts about Arnold Sommerfeld Lectures On Theoretical Physics and Arnold Sommerfeld Center, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Mathematical Physicist Arnold Sommerfeld holds the record for the mentoring the highest number of Nobel Laureates, but won none out of the 81 times he was nominated for the same honour

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Arnold Sommerfeld,a notable German physicist, was nominated for the Nobel Prize 81 times from 1901 to 1950, but never won it.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is arnold schwarzenegger. Here are 19 of the best facts about Arnold Sommerfeld Center For Theoretical Physics and Arnold Sommerfeld Contribution I managed to collect.

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  1. He became an assistant to the widely known and respected mathematician Theodor Liebisch after returning to the University of Gottingen.

  2. Sommerfeld finished the fifth volume on his own at the request of Klein.

  3. In 1906 his mentor, Arnold Sommerfeld, was appointed to Munich and he took Debye as his assistant.

  4. Arnold Sommerfeld, a German theoretical physicist was nominated for the Nobel Prize 84 times, more than any other physicist, but he never received the award.

  5. Sommerfeld was appointed the Chair of Applied Mathematics in 1900 at Aachen University.

  6. He studied mathematics and science at Albertina University, and gave his dissertation under Ferdinand von Lindemann.

  7. Apart from his teaching and contributions to leading young physics students to their later studies, Sommerfeld introduced both the second quantum number and the fourth quantum number, the azimuthal quantum number and the spin quantum number, respectively.

  8. Sommerfeld completed the requirements to become a teacher and eventually became a privatdozent at the University, lecturing on a wide variety of fields of mathematics.

  9. Sommerfeld and a professor for whom he took lecture notes, Felix Klein, together wrote a four-volume textbook over the course of thirteen years; these texts covered both the theory and the applications of geophysics, astronomy, and their technological conveyances.

  10. In 1926 Guggenheim Fellowship to study under Arnold Sommerfeld, Niels Bohr and Erwin Schrodinger and Pauling became interested in using quantum mechanics in the electronic structure of atoms.

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Some of the lectures he gave on partial differential equations eventually formed much of the material for Sommerfeld's textbook, Lectures on Theoretical Physics.

He continued to teach for thirty-two years, and oversaw the educations, dissertations, and research of a number of notable physicists.

Sommerfeld served his year of compulsory military service after finishing at university, but then continued to serve in the volunteer corps for the next eight years.

He went on to complete his studies and graduate with his doctorate in 1891 at only twenty-three years of age.

Sommerfeld actually took over as the chair of the DPG after Einstein.

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Sommerfeld's early appreciation for Albert Einstein's then-somewhat new theory of relativity helped propel it into more of an accepted status in the scientific community, as it had originally not received much recognition.

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Sommerfeld was a native of the region then known as East Prussia, which later became part of Germany.

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