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Army Deserter facts

While investigating facts about Army Deserter List and Army Deserter Afghanistan, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During the Mexican-American War, 600 Irish soldiers deserted the U.S. Army and fought alongside Mexico due to mistreatment for being Catholic.

how do army deserters impact the local community?

Lewis Lee Millett deserted the US Army when he thought they would not enter WW2 and joined the Canadian Army to fight. After the US Army joined WW2 he transferred back. In the Korean war he would be awarded the Medal Of Honor for leading the last major bayonet charge in American history.

What is a deserter in the army?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens to deserters in the us army. Here are 50 of the best facts about Army Deserter Meaning and Army Deserter Punishment I managed to collect.

what happens to army deserters?

  1. In 1787 a man was hanged for deserting and re-enlisting in the British Army 47 times, in order to get the large bounty obtained upon joining the army.

  2. Newton Knight, a Southern Unionist who formed the Knight Company, a band of Confederate Army deserters in Jones County, Mississippi which fought a guerrilla war against the CSA. After the Civil War, he married a former slave and fought the KKK leading an otherwise all black regiment.

  3. One year after graduating from West Point near the top of his class in 2008, Second Lt. Lawrence J Franks Jr got on a plane to Paris & spent the next 5 years in the French Foreign Legion under an assumed name. Afterward he turned himself in to the US Army & was sentenced to 4 years for desertion

  4. The ex-founder of Blackwater PMC has been quietly building a mercenary army in the Arabian desert since 2011

  5. Today in 1861, Sarah Seelye, at age 17, enlisted in the Civil War disguised as a man to escape an unwanted marriage. Ironically, part of her duties involved penetrating Confederate lines "disguised" as a woman. She deserted the army after contacting malaria and resumed life as a female in 1863.

  6. During World War 2, morale among the British Army (in desert campaigns) was directly proportional to the supply of tea that they had. This was due to them brewing it all the time in order to drink the foul-tasting water they were supplied with, as it came from fuel cans.

  7. Prior to WWII in Nazi Germany, a group of German teens known as the Edelweiss Pirates rebelled against the authoritarian Nazi regime.They intermingled with the opposite sex, grew their hair long, and wore outlawed clothes.During WWII,many spread Ally propaganda and assisted German army deserters

  8. During WWII, the Soviets executed 158,000 soldiers for desertion. Each Soviet army had "blocking detachments" (barrier troops) which would shoot "cowards" and fleeing panicked troops at the rear.

  9. In 1987, the US Army’s Night Stalkers stole an Russian attack helicopter from a desert in Chad

  10. Jānis Pīnups. Presumed killed in World War II, he deserted the Red Army. To avoid being caught, he hid in the forest until 1995, constructing bunkers to hide in. Only his siblings knew he was alive, and he helped them gather forest mushrooms and berries under the cover of night.

army deserter facts
What are the best facts about Army Deserter?

Why was the army civilian corps established?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Arnold Schwarzenegger temporarily deserted the Austrian Army so he could compete in the Junior Mr. Europe contest. He won.

An English soldier in the British Army during World War II deserted after being jailed for overstaying leave, stole the identity of an Irish laborer and joined the Irish Guards, winning the Victoria Cross and getting mentioned as an example of Irish heroism in a speech by Winston Churchill - source

The government of Albania collapsed in 1997 due to a massive Ponzi scheme which consumed the entire economy, leading to 6 months of anarchy with disgruntled citizens, army deserters, and even mafia syndicates seizing control of much of the country - source

About Xenophon (430-354BC) who was an ordinary soldier and student of Socrates that led a stranded army of 10,000 Greeks in Mesopotamia through foodless deserts and snow-filled mountain passes to return to Greece while trying to escape the Persian Empire that was trying to annihilate them.

An American Army Air Force officer deserted in Pakistan during WW II, hitched a ride to Italy, stole a P-38 plane, deserted with the plane to the Nazis and became an officer in the SS. - source

When did the british army stop shooting deserters?

During the Civil War, if you were drafted by the Union Army, you could either pay $300 to a substitute to serve in your place, or pay $500 to escape the draft entirely. Some men made a career of repeatedly volunteering to substitute, receiving their pay, and then deserting.

After the succesful slave revolt on Haiti in 1804, the Haitian army conducted a genocide of nearly all remaining white population, regardless of their alliagance during the war. The only whites that were spared where Polish deserters, German colonist, medical professionals.

Miguel Hidalgo's army of insurgents increased in size to more than 100,000, but by the time they reached Aculco deserters had decreased this number to 40,000.

Peter Batten, who played the voice of George in the movie "Yellow Submarine," was discovered to be a deserter from the British Army and was arrested during the recording. Paul Angelis finished the role for him.

From 1951-57 the U.S. Army detonated nuclear bombs in the Nevada desert in a series of exercises to test soldiers reactions (both physical & psychological) to a nuclear blast, in one instance the troops were ordered to move within 900 metres of the blast area. (detonation at 2m 57s)

Interesting facts about army deserter

There was only one person killed for desertion in the US Army since the Civil War

Henry Morton Stanley, the British explorer famed for his phrase 'Dr. Livingstone I presume?', uniquely fought for the Confederate Army, the Union Army and the Union Navy in that order during the Civil War. He deserted in 1865, before it finished.

During the height of the United States Civil War a deserter from the Confederate Army led a county is Mississippi to secede from the Confederacy.

The German loss at Amiens ended all hope for a Central Powers victory in World War I. The alliance began to unravel shortly thereafter, desertions in the German Army rose, and the officer corps began to approach the war differently. Realizing that they could no longer win, the German high command began to position for a favorable armistice.

The U.S. government is still paying a single Civil War combat veteran's pension to the daughter of a Union soldier who had deserted from the Confederate army and fought at Gettysburg.

Battle of Parwan, where a dispute over the spoils (a single white horse) caused the winners to lose half of their army due to desertion, and led to their defeat in the next battle.

Willi Herrod a German army deserter in WW2 who found a Luffewaffe captain's uniform & pretended to be the officer. He & his group embarked on murders in a German prison camp also containing deserters like himself. He was sentenced to death by guillotine as a war criminal in 1946.

In 1855, the US army imported 75 camels for use in the southwest desert. After being set loose during the civil war, wild camel sightings persisted until the early 20th century.

About Charles Robert Jenkins - An army deserter who went to North Korea, was beaten there, was given a wife and then went to Japan where he turned himself in after 39 years and received a punishment of 30 days confinement.

During The Mexican-American War, Many Irishmen Deserted The US ARMY To Fight On Mexico's Side As "Los San Patricios" Or "St. Patricks Brigade" (Though Other Catholic Immigrants Deserted And Joined As Well).

The Russians used “barrier troops” which are troops that were set up behind Russian army forces and would shoot and kill the soldiers that were trying to desert from the front line.

The Beatles didn't actually voice their own characters in the film Yellow Submarine (1968), and George's character had to be voiced by 2 separate people because Peter Batten was discovered to be a deserter of the British Army of the Rhine in Germany.

Werner Schmiedel a.k.a. Robert Lane, a 22-y.o. Pennsylvania farmer who led a marauding gang of American and Canadian army deserters during WWII and was executed for his crimes in Italy after the war

That, Jānis Pīnups, a Latvian man, evaded Soviets for 50 years after deserting from the Red Army during WW2

700 europeans deserted the US Army during the Mexican-American War and formed the Saint Patrick battalion that fought for Mexico.

Manfred Rommel (son of Erwin "The Desert Fox" Rommel) was friends with George S. Patton IV (son of George S. Patton Jr. of 3rd Army fame) and was also friends with David Montgomery (son of Field Marshal Bernard "Monty" Montgomery)

About "March of 10 thousands", about retreat of Greek army after loosing their general and marching across foodless deserts and snow-filled mountain passes

A Russian army deserter that lived for 10 years in a remote forest in a house he built from scrap

In the American Civil War, men were paid a bounty to enlist in the Union ($300) or Confederate ($100) armies. Some men took advantage of this by signing up for the army, collecting their bounty, deserting, and then signing up again, repeatedly.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Army Deserter. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Army Deserter so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor