Armed Forces facts
While investigating facts about Armed Forces Vacation Club and Armed Forces Day, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Before Japan surrendered to end WW2, the US armed forces ordered over 1 million Purple Heart medals in anticipation of a difficult land invasion. That stock is still being used today.
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Adam Driver (Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens) is an Ex-Marine and founder of Arts in the Armed Forces. The AITAF provide high-quality theater programming for active duty service members, veterans and their families.
What's armed forces?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what armed forces are in afghanistan. Here are 50 of the best facts about Armed Forces Bank and Armed Forces Pension Calculator I managed to collect.
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Michel Vaujour a French convict jailed in 1986 for attempted murder and armed robbery "forced his way onto the prison's roof by wielding nectarines that were painted to look like grenades." His wife then picked him up in a helicopter and whisked him away.
David Goggins, the only member in the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training, Ranger School and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training. Goggins retired from active duty as a Chief Petty Officer in 2016. He's also an ultra-athlete and held the world record for most pull-ups in 24hrs.
In 1504 a German knight named Götz von Berlichingen lost his right arm when enemy cannon fire forced his own sword against him. He had two mechanical hands made for him, capable of holding a shield to a feathered pen. He was then known as Götz of the Iron Hand.
Many experts regard the United States as entirely uninvadable, because of the country's major industries, reliable and fast supply lines, large geographical size, population size, difficult regional features, armed citizenry, and strong military force.
Poland's Boy Scouting association was transformed into an armed resistance force during WWII and fought in the Warsaw Uprising, assassinated SS officials, and liberated a concentration camp
As a male Swiss citizen, Roger Federer was compulsorily required to serve in the armed forces. However, in 2003, despite already having become a tennis pro, he was deemed 'unfit' because of a back problem, and was relieved of his obligations.
A 22 year-old Skydiver named Robert Cook saved his student’s life by acting as a human shield. Knowing the plane was in free fall, he calmed the girl by talking to her, wrapped his arms around her and supported her head, before twisting his body mid-crash so that he took the force of impact.
Radio GTMO, the Armed Forces radio station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has a vinyl collection of over 20,000 records, including some albums that exist nowhere else.
Over 50 gangs have members within the US military. The gang members use their time in the armed forces to gain weapon/combat skills. They also seek to expand their territory and traffic drugs.
During WWII, other candy manufacturers donated their sugar rations to keep Life Savers in production so that the little candies could be shared with Armed Forces as a "tasty reminder of life at home".
Armed Forces data charts
For your convenience take a look at Armed Forces figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why join the canadian armed forces by examining the linked well-known sources.
The USA has provided nuclear weapons for Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey to deploy and store but they cannot arm the bombs without authorization codes from the US Air Force.
Unable to find jobs due to their impairments, a blind man and a man with no arms joined forces to help each other. Over the last decade they have planted 10,000 trees in China; thus helping the environment while also earning enough money to survive. - source
During the a battle in 1797, British Admiral Horatio Nelson was badly wounded in the right arm. When he came to the surgeon he said, "the sooner it is off the better," within a half hour of the amputation he returned to command of his forces. - source
JFK would not let Sammy Davis play in the White house in 1961 after his interracial marriage Illegal in 31 states at the time. His marriage not only made headlines, it inspired death threats and demonstrations and forced Davis to hire 24-hour armed guards.
Drowning people cannot wave for help. Nature instinctively forces them to extend their arms laterally and press down on the water’s surface. Pressing down on the surface of the water permits drowning people to leverage their bodies so they can lift their mouths out of the water to breathe. - source
When's armed forces day?
In the 1960s, the U.S. Air Force drew up plans for a 4000-ton nuclear space battleship. It would have been armed with 500 nuclear missiles, propelled by nuclear explosions, and been entirely feasible with contemporary technology. President Kennedy was horrified by the idea and cancelled it
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American volunteers fighting in other nations armed forces in WW2 lost their citizenship and changed their nationality to Canadian. Congress eventually passed a blanked pardon in 1944.
Queen guitarist Brian May developed hepatitis from a tainted needle in 1974, almost forcing him to have his arm amputated. He eventually regained his health in time to help his bandmates finish the album which contained their first megahit, "Killer Queen".
Before Sony stopped supporting OtherOS, the PS3 was such an effective Linux system, institutions like University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Carolina State University & the U.S Armed Forces used PS3 clusters making an affordable high-performance computing system to create a supercomputer.
The Israeli forces built the Bar Lev Line on the Suez Canal, costing $300 million and was expected to be a "graveyard for Egyptian troops", as it would take at least 24-48 hours to be breached. On 6 October 1973, armed with a few 100 water cannons, the Egyptians breached it in less than 2 hours.
In WWII the Soviets used captured Germans and fake radio messages to convince the Nazis of a large German armed group stranded behind Soviet lines. The Nazis kept sending airdrops and rescue missions, which the Soviets would promptly capture and force to participate in the illusion
Armed forces infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Armed Forces numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.