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Apache Helicopter facts

While investigating facts about Apache Helicopter India and Apache Helicopter In Action, I found out little known, but curios details like:

To train each Apache pilot from scratch cost £3 million. It took six months just to learn how to fly it, another six to know how to fight in it, and a final six to be passed combat ready. And that was if you were already a fully qualified, combat-trained army helicopter pilot.

how apache helicopters are made?

In 2007, Iraqi insurgents used the EXIF data from a picture taken of brand new Apache helicopters to find their exact coordinates and launched a mortar attack on them, destroying 4 Apache helicopters worth $30 million.

What is apache helicopter?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what weapons does an apache helicopter have. Here are 20 of the best facts about Apache Helicopter Cost and Apache Helicopter Price I managed to collect.

what are apache helicopters used for?

  1. In 2007, four AH-64 Apache helicopters were destroyed by mortar fire in Iraq because US soldiers took pictures of them landing at their base, and posted the pictures to the Internet. The pictures were geotagged, allowing insurgents to determine the exact location of the Apaches.

  2. In 2007, British marines conducted a rescue mission for a fallen comrade by strapping themselves onto the wings of an Apache helicopter (in front of the rocket pods) which then flew into a compound they just raided

  3. In 2007, after their Kiowa helicopter was shot down in Iraq, two pilots were rescued when they strapped their bodies to the exterior of an Apache AH-64 helicopter and were flown out of the combat zone.

  4. When an Apache crew needs to evacuate a wounded soldier the copilot will give up their seat, and strap themselves to the wing of the helicopter.

  5. Almost) ALL US military Helicopter designs have denominations relating to Native American Indians. (Chinook, Apache, Lakota, etc.,)

  6. Four Royal Marines strapped themselves to an Apache Helicopter to retrieve a fallen comrade in hostile territory.

  7. In 2007 4 Royal Marines strapped themselves to Apache attack helicopters to rescue a captured marine.

  8. Boeing has suggested that the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter could be fitted with a directed energy weapon in the near future.

  9. 4 Royal Marines once strapped themselves to the outside of 2 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters in order to conduct a rescue mission.

  10. During combat in Iraq In 2007, four Apache helicopters were destroyed on the ground by insurgent mortar fire, who had used web-published geotagged photographs taken by the soldiers

apache helicopter facts
What will replace the apache helicopter?

Why are apache helicopters flying over my house?

You can easily fact check why india is buying apache helicopter by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Apache rotary-wing helicopter can loop and barrel roll like many helicopters cant.

Four SAS Marines strapped themselves to the wing of two Apache helicopters to save a man stuck in a Taliban stronghold. - source

Apache helicopters carry postage in times of war, and take an long time to load. - source

How to reload the 30mm canon on an Apache helicopter

Prince Harry (the one that just got engaged) flew Apache attack helicopters in Afghanistan and reached the rank of Captain in the RAF. - source

When apache helicopter delivery to india?

In 2007, some American soldiers took photos of their Apache helicopters while at a base and posted the photos online. Insurgents were able to use the geotags embedded in the photos to direct a mortar attack and destroy four Apaches.

How many apache helicopter india have?

2007 A rescue mission was launched using four royal marines strapped to the stub-wings of two Apaches attack helicopters.

In 2012 SAS commandos attached themselves to the sides of apache helicopters to be inserted into a mission.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Apache Helicopter. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Apache Helicopter so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor