Annual Rainfall facts
While investigating facts about Annual Rainfall Seattle and Annual Rainfall In India, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Despite an annual rainfall of just three inches, Yuma, AZ produces 90% of the United States' lettuce during the winter.
how annual rainfall is calculated?
The annual rainfall in Tortuguero National Park is between 165 and 200 inches, making it one of Costa Rica's wettest areas.
What is annual rainfall?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is average annual rainfall. Here are 9 of the best facts about Annual Rainfall Los Angeles and Annual Rainfall London I managed to collect.
what annual rainfall mean?
Mawsynram in Meghalya, India receives 1187.3 cm (467 in) of rainfall annually. For comparison, London receives around 60cm of rain per year and New York receives about 160cm.
Evaporation from the African Great Lakes more than doubles the local annual rainfall
Mawsynram, located in the Meghalaya State in India, is the wettest place in the world, with an annual rainfall of 36ft.
The average annual precipitation rate (rainfall) for Death Valley is 1.6 inches, while the annual evaporation rate is 128 inches. 77 times the precipitation rate.
The average annual rainfall in Bora-Bora is 1882.1 mm
An analysis of rainfall measured at weather stations across the globe between 1999 and 2014 found that the median time it took for half of a year's precipitation to fall was just 12 days. A quarter of annual precipitation fell in just six days, and three-quarters fell in 27 days.
The wettest place on Earth is Mawsynram, Meghalaya, in India. With an annual rainfall of 11,872 millimetres (467.4 in) or 38.95 ft of rain.
Annual Rainfall data charts
For your convenience take a look at Annual Rainfall figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Annual rainfall infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Annual Rainfall numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Plot of total annual rainfall in Los Angeles 1877-2016