Animal Farm facts
While investigating facts about Animal Farm Movie and Animal Farm Characters, I found out little known, but curios details like:
While rendering Toy Story, Pixar named each and every rendering server after an animal. When a server completed rendering a frame, it would play the sound of the animal, so their server farm will sound like an actual farm.
how animal farm is an allegory?
Jon Stewart is a vegetarian, his wife is a vegan, and they have a 12-acre farm for abused animals
What animal farm represents?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what animal farm windmill. Here are 50 of the best facts about Animal Farm Summary and Animal Farms Near Me I managed to collect.
what's animal farm about?
Farmers in the Austrian Alps are resorting to blowing up the carcasses of dead cows with dynamite rather than paying £200 to have them removed by helicopter (it is a legal requirement that all dead animals are removed from farms).
There are 4 million square miles of fertile land in Africa that can't be cultivated because tsetse flies keep killing farm animals
Jon Stewart and his wife founded an animal sanctuary in New Jersey to rescue abused factory farm animals
Guard llamas are real thing and they can tear an animal apart with their teeth and sharp nails. They are used to protect farm animals from coyotes and foxes. Most llamas also have innate dislike for canines and will chase and attack such intruders with "extreme prejudice".
George Orwell, author of Animal Farm and 1984, was an outspoken Democratic Socialist
The C.I.A. Purchased the Film Rights to George Orwell's "Animal Farm" and Changed its Ending to be More Anti-Communist
80% of antibiotics in the U.S. are given to farm animals, and 80% of pig farms, sheep farms, and cattle feedlots use low levels of antibiotics in feed and water. Evidence shows staph bacteria can pass from humans to pigs, evolve resistance to antibiotics, and then pass back into humans.
One night in 1998, activists from the Animal Liberation Front crept onto a farm in the New Forest, England. Their goal was to save a group of 6,500 minks. No sooner were they freed than the minks went on a rampage. Guinea pigs, cats, chickens, and water voles all fell victim to the mink hordes.
The film version of George Orwell's book Animal Farm was secretly funded by the CIA.
In the 1930s the Soviet Union attempted to domesticate wild moose. They believed moose might fare better in deep snow than horse cavalry so they began a breeding program. Though they never became cavalry animals, one of the breeding facilities, Kostroma Moose Farm, is still up and running.
Animal Farm data charts
For your convenience take a look at Animal Farm figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why animal farm is an allegory?
You can easily fact check why animal farm is a satire by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Finland meat sold in supermarkets has been labeled with the info on which farm the animals grew on.
After George Orwell's death, the CIA secretly bought the rights to 1984 and Animal Farm and clandestinely produced the first film version of 1984 and the critically acclaimed animated film version of Animal Farm. - source
There exist "Ag-Gag" laws in multiple states, which criminalize releasing videos or media of the inside of factory farms. These laws target animal activists trying to expose factory farming conditions, and are justified as trying to protect the agriculture industry. - source
George Orwell, author of 1984 and Animal Farm among others, was a Spanish Civil War veteran. He served with the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification, an anti-Stalinist communist international brigade fighting for the Loyalist (Republican) faction.
Bill Niman, founder of Niman Ranch and pioneer of humane animal farming, stopped eating Niman Ranch products after his farm was bought out by a corporation that dropped his humane treatment and sustainability standards in order to make a profit. - source
When animal farm was written?
There are 4 million square miles of fertile land in Africa that can't be cultivated because tsetse flys keep killing farm animals.
How animal farm compared to the russian revolution?
Farm Animals Get 80 Percent of Antibiotics Sold in the U.S.
80% of all antibiotics produced in the U.S. are given to farm animals.
The French version of George Orwell's Animal Farm changes the name of the pig Napoleon to Caesar. It is illegal to name a pig Napoleon in France.
George Orwell had difficulty finding a publisher for 'Animal Farm.' It was rejected because it was critical of the Soviet Union. Written during WWII, it was feared that it might hurt relations between Britain and the USSR. When it was finally published the preface about censorship was omitted.
In 2009 Amazon, remotely and without prior notification, deleted the novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) from all the Kindle devices.