Ancient Rome facts
While investigating facts about Ancient Rome Map and Ancient Rome Timeline, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In ancient Rome, commoners would evacuate entire cities in acts of revolt called "Secessions of the Plebeians", leaving the elite in the cities to fend for themselves
how ancient rome looked like?
Black people in ancient Rome were not discriminated against because of their skin colour or physical features. They were not excluded from any profession and there was no stigma against mixed race relationships. Classical writers did not attach social status or degree of humanity to skin colour.
What ancient rome was like?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did ancient rome look like. Here are 50 of the best facts about Ancient Rome Religion and Ancient Rome Government I managed to collect.
what ancient rome looked like?
The practice of pouring of a liquid in memory of those who have "passed on" was common in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. "Pouring one out for the homies" is a custom over 3,000 years old!
The ancient Romans built statues of Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian general who crossed the Alps and almost conquered the city, in Rome itself to advertise their defeat of such a worthy adversary
Ridley Scott tried to make Gladiator (2000) an authentic representation of Ancient Rome. An early script had Maximus doing a product endorsement for olive oil, which was historically accurate for famous gladiators to do, but the detail was left out in later scripts for being too unbelievable.
Gladiators in Ancient Rome used to carry product placements out in the arena; This was present in an early script for Gladiator (2000), but was removed out of fears that it would be viewed as anachronistic
~2500 years before Ancient Rome, the Indus Valley Civilization had public baths, personal toilets, and a widespread system of brick and terracotta drainage ducts and the first instances of plumbing and in the ancient world.
The term ''Nickelodeon'' was used for early movie theaters that cost 5¢ to enter. An ''odeon'' was any building used for live entertainment in ancient Greece and Rome.
A furious riot that killed upwards of thirty thousand people in ancient Rome was started when a Roman soldier bared his rear and farted toward an audience of Jews celebrating Passover. This is also considered by many to be the first recorded "mooning".
In Ancient Rome, the working class would evacuate entire cities in acts of revolt called "Secessions of the Plebeians." After leaving the elite to fend for themselves, commercial transactions would stop, and workshops would have to close.
Making a purple pigment used to dye clothes for royalty in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome involved harvesting the pigment from rotting snails. The stench was so bad that Jewish law specifically granted women the right to divorce any husband who became a dyer after marrying.
Ancient Rome had no concept of a limited-liability corporation, so entrepreneurs got around it by appointing a slave as the CEO. A master was not legally liable for a slave's debts, so this allowed the owner to control the company while avoiding personal liability in case of bankruptcy.
Ancient Rome data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ancient Rome figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did ancient rome fall?
You can easily fact check why was entertainment important in ancient rome by examining the linked well-known sources.
Claudius, a roman from a noble family, had severe disabilities and survived the assassination of his family because nobody thought he was a threat. Claudius became the Emperor after the death of Caligula, began the conquest of Britain, and is widely regarded as a great ruler of Ancient Rome
Ancient Romans would dye their hair black, because blonde hair was associated with prostitutes or French and German slaves. This trend began declining when Augustus Caesar, who was blonde, became Rome's first emperor. - source
Ancient Greeks invented the modern shower using piped water. Rich and poor used large locker-room showers with bars to hang up clothing. Ancient Romans did the same, bringing showers to as far as England. The systems and habits of bathing every day disappeared after the fall of Rome. - source
In Ancient Rome a slave would continuously whisper 'Remember you are mortal' in the ears of victorious generals as they were paraded through the streets after coming home, triumphant, from battle.
Take-out restaurants existed in ancient Rome, with service counters opening onto the street to pick up food. More than 200 existed in Pompeii, and most of its homes lacked dining or kitchen areas, suggesting that cooking at home was unusual. - source
When was ancient rome founded?
The Pyramids of Giza were more ancient to the ancient Romans, than Rome is ancient to us.
How ancient rome was founded?
A comment on Reddit about the US Army traveling back in time to ancient Rome with current military tech is being made into a movie by Warner Bros.
In Ancient Rome, flaming war pigs were used to counter war elephants. The siege of Megara in 266 BC was broken when Megarians doused pigs in pitch, set them alight and drove them towards the enemy's massed war elephants. The elephants bolted in terror, killing a large number of soldiers.
In Rome, the ancient temple where Julius Caesar was murdered is now a sanctuary for hundreds of cats
In ancient Rome 1 pound of Tyrian purple dye cost 3 pounds of gold because it took 10,000 shellfish to produce 1 gram of it.
In Ancient Rome, women used opium-soaked tampons to relieve pain