Alphabetical Order facts
While investigating facts about Alphabetical Order Tool and Alphabetical Order Worksheets, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There have been suggestions to teach the NATO phonetic alphabet to all medical professionals, in order to avoid accidental deaths due to miscommunication.
how alphabetical order excel?
The QWERTY keyboard came about because the original alphabetical order keyboard made the keys jam, & this way the most popular key combinations would be spaced apart so the keys won't jam.
What alphabetical order means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what alphabetical order do. Here are 33 of the best facts about Alphabetical Order Generator and Alphabetical Order Sorter I managed to collect.
what's alphabetical order?
The NATO phonetic alphabet was chosen "after hundreds of thousands of comprehension tests involving 31 nationalities" in order to allow for the easiest recognition of letters across variations of pronunciation and differing linguistic habits.
The entire text of Douglas Adams' and Terry Jones' book "Starship Titanic" is free online (with text in alphabetical order)
A care taker of a cemetery with OCD had families sign a paper before their loved one was buried in the cemetery, allowing him to move graves around to keep all the grave markers in alphabetical order. Before his death he changed his last name to Zuckerman to keep the graves in proper A-Z order.
The punk band UK Subs released 26 albums over 37 years, all titled with the letters of the alphabet in consecutive order, when they got to Z they stopped making albums.
In the 1960s Adam West "Batman" series, Robin (Burt Ward) drops 367 different "Holy...!" catchphrase exclamations. Here's all of them, in alphabetical order.
Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all letters in alphabetical order.
Brussels is the capital of Europe because Belgium starts with letter B. European Union institutions were supposed to be chaired in turn by the ministers of each of the six member states. Belgium was the first by alphabetical order. They just never moved on to the other states.
Android versions are in alphabetical order starting with Alpha, Beta, Cupcake, Donut, etc and now Lollipop
The wizard of OZ was named when the author was looking around his room and saw a filling cabinet which had drawers in alphabetical order and the lowest one was labeled O-Z.
The streets in Lubbock TX are in alphabetical order and the planning dept. is trying hard to keep it that way.
Alphabetical Order data charts
For your convenience take a look at Alphabetical Order figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why aren't keyboards in alphabetical order?
You can easily fact check why isn't the keyboard in alphabetical order by examining the linked well-known sources.
I learned that Korea was once spelled as Corea and the Japanese changed the name to start with K so that it would be below Japan in the alphabetical order
Facetious and abstemious are the only two common words in the English language that have all five vowels appearing in their alphabetical order. - source
Towns along CN Rail's lines are named in alphabetical order. Starting in Arona, Manitoba and ending with Zeneta, Saskatchewan. It repeats the entire alphabet 3 times. - source
That "what if every game finishes 0-0" situation actually happened once. Czech Republic won by alphabetical order.
Contrary to popular belief 'Almost' is NOT the longest word in which each letter is in alphabetical order. 'AEGILOPS' is. - source
When a last name is hyphenated alphabetical order?
'Aegilops' is the only eight letter word whose letters are arranged in alphabetical order.
How alphabetical order word?
Thaana, the alphabet used in the Maldives, originated from assigning consonants to various Indian and Arabic numeral symbols. Its erratic order and original use in magic incantations suggest its original purpose as a secret and confusing alphabet--but its simplicity made its usage spread.
At one time there were vitamins F, G, H, I and J, but eventually scientists decided to name vitamins based on medical relevance rather than alphabetical order
Nobody knows why the alphabet is in the order that it's in
The names of Android versions are named in alphabetical order.
The Secretary of State of California conducts a randomized drawing of letters of the alphabet that constitutes the "randomized alphabet" to be used for determining the order of candidates' names on the ballot