Letter facts
While investigating facts about Letter , I found out little known, but curios details like:
After Col. Shaw died in battle, Confederates buried him in a mass grave as an insult for leading black soldiers. Union troops tried to recover his body, but his father sent a letter saying "We would not have his body removed from where it lies surrounded by his brave and devoted soldiers."
Hundreds of love letters between two gay World War II soldiers were found and are being made into a book. In one, one of them wrote, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if all our letters could be published in the future in a more enlightened time. Then all the world could see how in love we are."
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Letter I managed to collect.
In 1836, a sewer worker accidentally discovered an old drain which ran directly into the Bank of England's gold vault. He wrote letters to the directors of the bank and requested a meeting inside the vault at an hour of their choosing - and popped out of the floor to greet them
When former slave Jordan Anderson was asked to come back and work for his old master, he replied with a deadpan letter asking for 52 years' back pay as proof of good faith. The letter has been described as a rare example of documented "slave humor" of the period.
After marathoning Breaking Bad, Anthony Hopkins wrote Bryan Cranston a fan letter, saying (among other things) "Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen – ever."
In 1990, First Lady Barbara Bush criticized The Simpsons as “the dumbest thing I've ever seen." Marge wrote a letter to her, in character, politely telling her not to be so judgmental and explaining that her family tried their best. Mrs Bush later apologized for her “loose tongue”
the 19th Amendment (Women's Suffrage) almost wasn't ratified until a Tennessee senator who was against it (Harry Burns) received a letter from his mother telling him to "be a good boy" and vote for ratification. He broke the deadlock the next day and the 19th was ratified.
After Esquire rejected a story about straight men being persecuted in a world where homosexuality was the norm, Hugh Hefner published it in Playboy. In response to angry letters, Hefner wrote: "If it was wrong to persecute heterosexuals in a homosexual society then the reverse was wrong, too."
Mr. Rogers responded to every fan letter he received. He would wake up 5 every morning, pray, and begin answering letters as part of his daily routine. Many children wrote to him about their personal issues, such as family members dying. He received between 50 and 100 letters every day.
Serial killer in New Orleans sent letter to the newspapers that on the night of March 19 he would kill again, but would spare any place where jazz band was playing. That night New Orleans' dance halls were fully filled, including many jazz house parties. There were no murders that night
Metallica's lawyer once sent a cease and desist letter to a Metallica cover band. Metallica later said they had no idea the letter had been sent and offered an apology and told Rolling Stone that they had started out as a cover band, adding "Heck, we even recorded a two-disc album of covers!"
In one of Thomas Jefferson's letters to James Madison in 1789 he stated that the Constitution and laws should expire after 19 years. This was to allow the new generations to learn from the past and change accordingly, it was also to prevent older generations from "binding" subsequent ones.
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What is true about letter ?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
After marathoning Breaking Bad, Anthony Hopkins wrote Bryan Cranston a fan letter, saying (among other things) "Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen – ever."
American soldiers in the Pacific theater of WW2 always used passwords containing the letter 'L' due to Japanese mispronunciation, a word such as lollapalooza would be used and upon hearing the first two syllables come back as 'rorra' would "open fire without waiting to hear the rest". - source
When the Grateful Dead played "Playboy After Dark" in 1969, the band's LSD supplier 'Bear' dosed the coffee urn that everyone on set was drinking from, including Hugh Hefner. Hefner later wrote a letter to Jerry Garcia thanking the band for the enjoyable experience. - source
Mill workers in Manchester, England refused to touch slave-picked cotton during the US Civil War. Lincoln wrote a letter of thanks, and relief shipments were sent to the workers. Today, a statue of Lincoln stands in Manchester's Lincoln Square
L Ron Hubbard’s first wife once discovered two love letters the Scientology founder had written, to two different women, in the couple’s outgoing mail. She switched the envelopes and sent them. - source
That, after becoming the first white man to run 100 meters in under 10 seconds, French sprinter Christophe Lemaitre received a formal letter of invitation from the Ku Klux Klan. He did not respond.
The girl who played Robin Williams' teenage daughter in Mrs. Doubtfire was kicked out of school for missing too many classes during filming. Robin Williams then wrote a letter to the principal 'respectfully requesting' he reconsider. She didn't get back in, but the school did frame the letter
The ampersand (&) was the 27th letter of the alphabet as a ligature of the letters 'e' and 't' to form the Latin word 'et' meaning 'and'. So the alphabet would go X,Y,Z and And. So to distinguish it from the rest, children started to say 'and per say and' which later evolved into 'ampersand'.
In the United States, people who turn 100 years old receive a letter from the President, congratulating them on their longevity.
After the publication of 1984, George Orwell sent a copy to his high school French teacher, Aldous Huxley, who responded with a letter commending the book and contrasting it with his own Brave New World.
After a two-year impasse with no new Pope, the Cardinals elected a hermit monk who sent them an angry letter, threatening them with divine judgement. He became Celestine V. He served for five months before implementing a law that allowed Popes to abdicate. He abdicated a week later.
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