Alice Wonderland facts
While investigating facts about Alice Wonderland Characters and Alice Wonderland Syndrome, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Kathryn Beaumont was 13-15 years old when she voiced Alice and Wendy in the original 1950s animated Disney films Alice in Wonderland (1951) and Peter Pan (1953). She returned 50 years later to voice the same characters in 2002 for KingdomHearts at the age of 64.
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Voice actress Kathryn Beaumont voiced Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" at age 13, and again at age 64 for "Kingdom Hearts"
What is alice in wonderland about?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is alice in wonderland syndrome. Here are 50 of the best facts about Alice Wonderland Costume and Alice Wonderland Cat I managed to collect.
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There's a neurological disorder called "Alice in Wonderland" syndrome. This affects patients' perception in a way that they may suddenly feel that they have become giants or the room around them has shrunk. It most commonly affects children.
Voice actress Kathryn Beaumont voiced Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" at age 13, and again at age 64 for "Kingdom Hearts".
Kathryn Beaumont, born 27 June 1938, voiced Alice from Alice in Wonderland (1951) and Wendy from Peter Pan (1953). In 2002, almost 50 years later, she again voiced Alice and Wendy in the Kingdom Hearts game.
There is no such character as the "Mad Hatter" in Alice In Wonderland, only "The Hatter". He had a mad tea party and the two concepts merged.
Hat making in the past involved prolonged exposure to mercury vapours, causing poisoning which symptoms are sensory impairment (vision, hearing, speech), and a lack of coordination. this inspired terms like "Mad as a hatter" and of course, the mad hatter of Alice in wonderland.
Alice in Wonderland is not full of drug references, it is a story about a world where irrational mathematics are the basis of reality. It was written by a math professor who thought these new forms of math were ludicrous.
The "Red Queen" is not another name for the Queen of Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland." They are actually two separate characters. The Queen of Hearts is from "Alice in Wonderland," and the Red Queen is from the sequel "Through the Looking Glass."
"Alice in Wonderland Syndrome" in which patients have visual hallucinations in which they see objects around them distorted in size and shape. Lewis Carroll is thought to have suffered from it while he wrote his novels.
In 1976 a musical comedy porno of Alice in Wonderland was made in an attempt to make a "high budget" porn film.
Alice Wonderland data charts
For your convenience take a look at Alice Wonderland figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was alice in wonderland written?
You can easily fact check why is alice in wonderland about drugs by examining the linked well-known sources.
The original actress who voiced Alice in Alice in Wonderland reprised her role for Kingdom Hearts, 51 years after the movie's original release.
Lewis Caroll was a conservative mathematician, and wrote many scenes in Alice in Wonderland with the intention of being satiracal representations of other mathematicians at the time - source
Walt Disney hired "Brave New World" novelist Aldous Huxley to write the screenplay for "Alice in Wonderland" but he quit because Disney kept talking over him - source
Alice in Wonderland was once banned in China. The reason? "Animals shouldn't use human language."
When was alice in wonderland written?
The "Mad Hatter" character in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is never actually called "Mad Hatter" in the book, but just "Hatter". Instead, "Mad Hatter" is a supervillain in DC Comics with a very similar appearance.
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Alice in Wonderland syndrome is a real thing, where people have a distorted idea of space and size.
The word Chortle was made by the author of Alice in Wonderland in his poem Jabberwocky, as a nonsense word and blend of the words chuckle and and snort
The River Thames has been featured in movies and books. Books that included the famous river include Alice in Wonderland, The Wind in the Willows, Three Men in a Boat, and in several of Charles Dickens" novels. It was featured in Indiana Jones and many other Hollywood feature films.
Dodo was symbol of stupidity in the past because it didn"t hesitate to approach people even when they were armed with clubs. Lack of natural enemies (rather than lack of brain) is more logical explanation for this behavior. Dodo is portrayed as very smart bird in the Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in the Wonderland".