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Alcoholics Anonymous facts

While investigating facts about Alcoholics Anonymous Near Me and Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There are dozens of treatments more effective than the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which as a religious organization mentions God in 5 of its steps, has its own "bible", and believes that people who fail the program were born incapable of being honest with themselves.

how alcoholics anonymous works?

There is a secular alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous known as SMART recovery that is based more on Contemporary therapeutic techniques.

What's alcoholics anonymous?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous. Here are 44 of the best facts about Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings Near Me and Alcoholics Anonymous Uk I managed to collect.

what happens at alcoholics anonymous meetings?

  1. The co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous wanted to include the use of LSD in the 12-step program, saying that it helped the user find "a power greater than ourselves" that "could restore us to sanity"

  2. The founder of Alcoholics Anonymous demanded alcohol during the last few days of his life.

  3. 7 of the steps in the Alcoholics Anonymous "12 step program" are directly about God.

  4. The originator of AA (alcoholics anonymous) asked for whiskey on is deathbed, but the nurse wouldn't give it to him.

  5. Studies show that Alcoholics Anonymous is a less effective treatment for alcoholism than no treatment at all

  6. Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, made demands for whiskey in the last days of his life and became belligerent when he was refused.

  7. Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, refused to accept an honorary degree from Yale and refused to allow his picture on the cover of Time, out of respect for AA's principle of anonymity.

  8. Bill W., the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, was so notorious for cheating on his wife with attractive women who attended sobriety meetings that his colleagues later started calling this type of lechery the thirteenth step.

  9. Carl Jung once told an alcoholic patient that the only way to get better was through spiritual means. The patient then joined a group and told them what Jung said. One of the group members eventually created Alcoholics Anonymous.

  10. There is no scientific data that shows Alcoholics Anonymous is effective and many addiction researchers think the AA model of abstinence from alcohol can increase the likelihood of binge drinking

alcoholics anonymous facts
Alcoholics anonymous is an example of what type of group?

Why alcoholics anonymous works?

You can easily fact check why alcoholics anonymous is anonymous by examining the linked well-known sources.

More members of Alcoholics Anonymous die from cigarette related illnesses than alcohol. Including one of the co-founders who continued smoking even after needing an oxygen tank to breathe.

.. Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, dropped acid after he got sober. - source

Alcoholics Anonymous does not have any organizational hierarchy and has been referred to as a 'Benign Anarchy'. - source

Over half of the Alcoholics Anonymous "12 steps" refer to God

On June 10, 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by Dr. Bob Smith and Bill Wilson when Wilson gave Dr. Bob a beer to steady his hands before an operation he was to perform, and they promised to help each other remain sober and to work with others to do the same. - source

When was alcoholics anonymous founded?

The founder of Alcoholics Anonymous was a LSD proponent, and believed he had "found something that could make a big difference to the lives of many who still suffered".

How alcoholics anonymous started?

A 2006 review found that no experimental studies unequivocally demonstrated the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous for reducing alcohol dependence or problems

The founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill W., left the AA governing body in 1958 to focus on experiments with using LSD to overcome addiction

Bill W, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, once developed a plan to distribute LSD at all AA meetings nationwide as he believed in its treatment for alcoholism

The Co-Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous Bill Wilson believed that LSD could help "cynical alcoholics" achieve a "spiritual awakening" and start on the path to recovery. After the discovery of his LSD usage it caused scandals within AA and Wilson left the governing body to further experiment.

13th Steppers" are people in Alcoholics Anonymous who sexually prey on newcomers. It is a well documented and widespread problem.

Alcoholics anonymous where and when?

Despite a ban on alcohol since the revolution in 1979, Iran has Alcoholics Anonymous chapters throughout the country which are organized by the government.

The term "Higher Power" was coined by Alcoholics Anonymous

Bill Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, may have found the ambition to quit alcohol from tripping out on a psychedelic called "Belladonna".

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. helped fund Bill and Dr. Bob in the early years of Alcoholics Anonymous, and it was his idea to keep AA non-professional and supported by member contributions.

Psychologist Carl Jung indirectly helped form Alcoholics Anonymous when he suggested to one of his patients to seek a spiritual experience as a last resort.

How to join alcoholics anonymous?

A notice of a meeting of the Friends of Bill W. on your cruise ship daily schedule indicates an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. William Wilson founded AA as a society of members dedicated to helping each other achieve and maintain sobriety.

About Underearners Anonymous, similar in structure to Alcoholics Anonymous, UA is for those with the inability to express their capabilities and competencies, and an 'inability to provide for oneself monetarily'

Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are also referred to as ‘Friends of Bill W’ meetings, after the co-founder William Wilson.

Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill Wilson wrote the 12 Steps after channeling dead spirits

The Alcoholics Anonymous founder explored LSD as a potential treatment for alcoholism, and became convinced of its potential in bringing about the kind of transformative spiritual conversions that were reported by many alcoholics in helping them to achieve sustained sobriety

Alcoholics Anonymous does full meetings online in a website & chat rooms that seem to be from 1989

On June 10, 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by Drs. Robert Smith and Bill Wilson when Wilson gave Smith a beer to steady his hands before an operation he was to perform, and they promised to help one another and others to get sober.

Bill Wilson, author of the 12 Steps and co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, claimed that the steps were provided to him by ghosts and spirits. He also claimed that the creation of AA was directly inspired by divine revelation.

Alcoholics Anonymous treats over 5 million people per year but has a success rate of is only 5-10%

Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by a guy on a LSD trip

On This Day in 1935: Alcoholics Anonymous Founded in Akron, OH

Bill Waverly, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, came up with the 12 step program while tripping on the hallucinogenic Belladonna

The founder of Alcoholics Anonymous demanded alcohol during the last few days of his life

The first known appearance of "Workaholic" was in the Toronto Daily Star on April 5, 1947. The punning allusion was a play on Alcoholics Anonymous: "If you are cursed with an unconquerable craving for work, call Workaholics Synonymous, and a reformed worker will aid you back to happy idleness."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Alcoholics Anonymous. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Alcoholics Anonymous so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor